mirror of https://github.com/ncblakely/GiantsTools synced 2024-12-05 02:53:08 +01:00
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// Importer.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "Importer.h"
#include "ImporterFactory.h"
class ImpGbsClassDesc :
public ClassDesc2
int IsPublic() { return TRUE; }
VOID* Create(BOOL Loading) { return new GiantsImporter; }
const MCHAR* ClassName() { return _M("ClassName"); }
SClass_ID SuperClassID() { return SCENE_IMPORT_CLASS_ID; }
Class_ID ClassID() { return GIANTSIMP_CLASSID; }
const MCHAR* Category() { return _M(""); }
const MCHAR* InternalName() { return _M("GiantsImp"); }
HINSTANCE HInstance() { return hInstance; }
static ImpGbsClassDesc g_ImportCD;
ClassDesc* GetSceneImportDesc()
return &g_ImportCD;
void DisplayMessage(const char* msg)
MessageBoxA(GetActiveWindow(), msg, "GBS Import Error", MB_OK);
int GiantsImporter::ExtCount()
return 2;
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::Ext(int n)
switch (n)
case 0:
return _M("gbs");
case 1:
return _M("gb2");
return (_M(""));
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::LongDesc()
return _M("Long Description");
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::ShortDesc()
return _M("Giants Model");
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::AuthorName()
return _M("Author");
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::CopyrightMessage()
return _M("Copyright");
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::OtherMessage1()
return _M("OtherMessage1");
const MCHAR* GiantsImporter::OtherMessage2()
return _M("OtherMessage2");
UINT GiantsImporter::Version()
return 100;
static BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return FALSE;
VOID GiantsImporter::ShowAbout(HWND hWnd)
int GiantsImporter::DoImport(const MCHAR* Name, ImpInterface* EI, Interface* I, BOOL suppressPrompts)
ImporterFactory::ImportFile(Name, EI, I, suppressPrompts);
catch (const std::exception& e)
return TRUE;
BOOL GiantsImporter::SupportsOptions(int Ext, DWORD Options)
return FALSE;