import asyncio from redbot.core import commands from redbot.core import Config, checks from discord import TextChannel import discord import traceback import requests class WynncraftCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=48775419874) default_guild = { "guild_name": None, # OK "ping_levels": False, # OK "ping_channel": None, # OK "role_levels": [ 750098524976185525, # 0-9 750098542802239488, # 10-19 750098546883166292, # 20-29 750098551756947496, # 30-39 750098557444292740, # 40-49 750098560732889088, # 50-59 750098568194424872, # 60-69 750098573353418822, # 70-79 750098579535822918, # 80-89 750098584082448434, # 90-99 750098593976811550, # 100+ ], "role_class": { "mage": 750097053840965752, "assassin": 750097058362425417, "shaman": 750097056093438012, "archer": 750097050867204246, "warrior": 750097044433272833 }, "update_msg": 123456 } default_global = { "log": True } self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_global(**default_global) @commands.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def ping_channel(self, ctx, channel: TextChannel): i = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ping_channel.set(i) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ping_levels.set(True) await ctx.send("Les messages de montée de niveau seront désormais envoyés dans %s" % channel.mention) @commands.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def ping_levels(self, ctx, state): if state == "true" or state == "on": await self.config.ping_levels.set(True) await ctx.send(":white_check_mark: Activé!") elif state == "false" or state == "off": await self.config.ping_levels.set(False) await ctx.send(":white_check_mark: Désactivé!") else: await ctx.send(":x:") @commands.command() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def set_guild(self, ctx, guild_name): await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).guild_name.set(guild_name) await ctx.send(":white_check_mark: Votre guilde est désormais **%s**" % guild_name) @commands.command() @checks.is_owner() async def log(self, ctx, state): state = state.lower() if state == "true" or state == "on": await self.config.log.set(True) await ctx.send(":white_check_mark:") print("Logs on") elif state == "false" or state == "off": await self.config.log.set(False) await ctx.send(":white_check_mark:") print("Logs off") else: await ctx.send(":x:") async def _log(self, s): if await self.config.log(): print(s) async def loop(self): await last_status = {} while self is"WynncraftCog"): await self._log("Looping guilds") async for guild in roles_combat_level = await self.config.guild(guild).role_levels() guild_id = await self._log("Loop id %s" % guild_id) try: guild_name = await self.config.guild(guild).guild_name() if not guild_name: continue r = requests.get("" % guild_name).json() for member in r["members"]: member_name = member["name"] await self._log("calling API for player %s" % member_name) r = requests.get("" % member_name).json() max_combat_lvl_class = None for cl in r["data"][0]["classes"]: if guild_id not in last_status: last_status[guild_id] = {} if member_name not in last_status[guild_id]: last_status[guild_id][member_name] = {} if cl["name"] not in last_status[guild_id][member_name]: last_status[guild_id][member_name][cl["name"]] = cl # ping level up ping_channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).ping_channel() if await self.config.guild(guild).ping_levels() and ping_channel_id: await self._log("Checking for level up") if cl["professions"]["combat"]["level"] > last_status[guild_id][member_name][cl["name"]]["professions"]["combat"]["level"]: ping_channel = await ping_channel.send(":high_brightness: %s a level up au niveau %s! GG!" % (member_name, cl["professions"]["combat"]["level"])) else: await self._log("Player %s had last level %s and current %s" % (member_name, last_status[guild_id][member_name][cl["name"]]["professions"]["combat"]["level"], cl["professions"]["combat"]["level"])) else: await self._log("Not checking for level up") last_status[guild_id][member_name][cl["name"]] = cl # get max_combat_lvl_class if not max_combat_lvl_class or cl["professions"]["combat"]["level"] > max_combat_lvl_class["professions"]["combat"]["level"]: await self._log("cl: %s, max_combat_lvl_class: %s" % (cl, max_combat_lvl_class)) max_combat_lvl_class = cl await self._log("Setting max_combat_lvl_class role") # set max_combat_lvl_class role discord_member = discord.utils.find(lambda m: m.display_name == member_name, guild.members) if max_combat_lvl_class and discord_member: await self._log("max_combat_lvl_class and discord_member True") max_combat_lvl = max_combat_lvl_class["professions"]["combat"]["level"] combat_role_index = max_combat_lvl // 10 if combat_role_index > 10: combat_role_index = 10 combat_role_id = roles_combat_level[combat_role_index] combat_role = if combat_role not in discord_member.roles: await self._log("Add role: %s" % combat_role) # await discord_member.add_roles(combat_role) roles_to_remove = filter(lambda role: in roles_combat_level and != combat_role_id, discord_member.roles) if roles_to_remove: # await discord_member.remove_roles(roles_to_remove) await self._log("remove roles: %s" % roles_to_remove) else: await self._log("max_combat_lvl_class and discord_member False") except: if await self.config.log(): traceback.print_exc() await asyncio.sleep(30)