import mechanicalsoup import json import requests import soundcloud import re import discord from discord.ext import commands import asyncio from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') BASE = "" COOKIE_NAME = config["CONFIG"]["cookie_name"] COOKIE_VALUE = config["CONFIG"]["cookie_value"] def get_cookie_jar(): ''' Creates a cookie jar for the mechanicalsoup browser ''' from http.cookiejar import Cookie, CookieJar cj = CookieJar() c = Cookie(version=0, name=COOKIE_NAME, value=COOKIE_VALUE, port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=True, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/', path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True, comment=None, comment_url=None, rest=None, rfc2109=True) cj.set_cookie(c) return cj def resolve(url): ''' Transforms a 'url' into a soundcloud object. False if not found. ''' client_id = "nF5U0gNsNB8529U1rHetpIywdIlnEKk7" client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=client_id) try: track = client.get("/resolve?url="+url) return track except: new_client_id = get_client_id() if not new_client_id: return False try: client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=new_client_id) track = client.get("/resolve?url="+url) return track except: return False def get_client_id(): ''' Tricky part to get the current public client_id of SoundCloud's website ''' body = requests.get("").text reg_app = r'https:\/\/a-v2\.sndcdn\.com\/assets\/app(.*).js' matches =,body) if matches: app_url = app_content = requests.get(app_url).text reg_cid = r'client_id:"(\w+)"' matches =, app_content) if matches: client_id = return client_id else: return False else: return False def auto(track_url): """Autoschedule a track link.""" br = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser() cj = get_cookie_jar() br.set_cookiejar(cj) rep ="network") soup = BeautifulSoup(rep.text, "html.parser") try: user_url = soup.find("input", {"class": "form-control"})["value"] soundcloud_id = resolve(user_url).id except: raise Exception("Could not determine logged in user...") rep ="schedule") try: br.select_form("#autoschForm") br["urls"] = track_url use_all_accounts = False try: if config["AUTO"]["use_all_accounts"] == "yes": soup = BeautifulSoup(rep.text, "html.parser") accounts_select = soup.find("select", {"name": "account[]"}) accounts = [] for account_option in accounts_select.findAll("option"): accounts.append(account_option["value"]) br["account[]"] = tuple(accounts) #br["account[]"] = (107375074, 195766419) except: pass rep = br.submit_selected() except: raise Exception("There was a problem when posting URL on SCPlanner. Is your account still valid?") rep = rep.text rep_json = json.loads(rep) if not isinstance(rep_json, list): if rep_json["title"] == "Error S-788": raise Exception("You have probably set use_all_accounts to 'no' and have not set your account preferences. Please set them here:") else: print(rep_json) raise Exception("Unknown error. Please fill an issue on") type = rep_json[0]["type"] if type == "success" and len(rep_json[0]["success_schedules"]) > 0: group = rep_json[0]["success_schedules"][0]["group"] text = rep_json[0]["text"] track = resolve(track_url) if track: return text+"\nSee{0}/{1}/{2}".format(soundcloud_id,, group) else: raise Exception("Schedule was done but I could not find track :(") else: raise Exception("Track not found, or something worse happened :(") def has_role(user, role): ''' Returns True if 'user' has the 'role' role, False otherwise. ''' for u_role in user.roles: if == role: return True return False def start_bot(): ''' Main bot loop ''' bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('Logged in as') print( print( print('------') @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def repost(ctx, url : str): """Reposts an URL on SCPlanner.""" user = if not isinstance(user, discord.Member): await bot.say("Please use this command in a server that the bot is located in.") return if not has_role(user, config["CONFIG"]["reposters_role"]): await bot.say("You do not have the required role to repost or use this bot.") return try: calendar_link = auto(url) await bot.say(calendar_link) except Exception as e: await bot.say("ERROR: "+str(e))["CONFIG"]["bot_token"]) if __name__ == '__main__': start_bot() #auto("")