shader_type spatial; render_mode blend_mix, depth_draw_never, cull_back, depth_test_disable; uniform sampler2D border_mask : hint_white; uniform sampler2D albedo : hint_albedo; uniform vec4 albedo_tint : hint_color = vec4(1.0); uniform sampler2D emission : hint_black; uniform vec4 emission_tint : hint_color = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); uniform float emission_strength = 1.0; uniform sampler2D occlusion : hint_white; uniform float occlusion_strength = 1.0; uniform sampler2D specular : hint_white; uniform float specular_strength = 1.0; uniform sampler2D metallic : hint_black; uniform float metallic_strength = 1.0; uniform sampler2D normal_map : hint_normal; uniform float animation_speed = 1.0; uniform int flipbook_columns_count = 1; uniform bool one_shot = false; uniform float start_time; // set by script uniform float current_frame_blend = 0.0; uniform bool use_normal_map = false; varying vec3 decal_half_scale; varying vec3 decal_right; varying vec3 decal_up; varying vec3 decal_forward; int get_current_frame(float cur_time) { int cur_frame = int(round((cur_time - start_time) * animation_speed)); if (one_shot) { cur_frame = clamp(cur_frame,0,flipbook_columns_count*flipbook_columns_count-1); } return cur_frame; } //Checks if the given point is in the decal's boundaries using an oriented bounding box defined by the decal's tranform bool is_point_in_decal_bounds(vec3 point, vec3 decal_position) { vec3 scale = decal_half_scale * 2.0; vec3 p = point - decal_position; return abs(dot(p, decal_right)) <= scale.x && abs(dot(p, decal_forward)) <= scale.y && abs(dot(p, decal_up)) <= scale.z; } void vertex() { vec3 world_position = (WORLD_MATRIX*vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).xyz; UV = world_position.xy; UV2 = vec2(world_position.z,0.0); decal_right = (WORLD_MATRIX*vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).xyz - world_position; decal_forward = (WORLD_MATRIX*vec4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)).xyz - world_position; decal_up = (WORLD_MATRIX*vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)).xyz - world_position; decal_half_scale = vec3(length(decal_right), length(decal_forward), length(decal_up)) / 2.0; decal_right = normalize(decal_right); decal_forward = normalize(decal_forward); decal_up = normalize(decal_up); //Override the projector mesh's normals in order to render the decal with mostly correct lighting NORMAL = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); TANGENT = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); BINORMAL = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); } void fragment () { //Compute world position using the depth buffer float depth = texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV).x; vec3 ndc = vec3(SCREEN_UV, depth) * 2.0 - 1.0; vec4 view = INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(ndc, 1.0); /= view.w; vec4 world = CAMERA_MATRIX * INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(ndc, 1.0); vec3 world_position = / world.w; vec3 decal_position = vec3(UV.xy, UV2.x); if(is_point_in_decal_bounds(world_position, decal_position)) { //If the world position is within the decal's boundaries, we can compute it's uv coordinates vec4 local_position = (vec4(world_position - decal_position, 0.0)) * WORLD_MATRIX; int current_frame = get_current_frame(TIME); vec2 flipbook_frame_index = vec2(float(current_frame % flipbook_columns_count), float(current_frame / flipbook_columns_count)); vec2 frame_size = vec2(1.0/float(flipbook_columns_count)); vec2 uv_coords = (vec2(local_position.x, -local_position.y) / (4.0*(decal_half_scale.xz * 2.0 * decal_half_scale.xz))) - vec2(0.5); //This is used to fix some blending issues on the decal's edges, border mask is a white texture with a 1px transparent border on all sides float border_alpha = texture(border_mask, uv_coords).a; //Offset UVs to handle flipbook animation uv_coords = uv_coords / float(flipbook_columns_count); uv_coords -= float(flipbook_columns_count - 1) * frame_size - flipbook_frame_index * frame_size; //Hacky stuff, to get UVs, correct lighting and normal mapping working, i need to get the fragment's local position in the light shader //Unfortunately, we can't use varying to pass values between the fragment and light shaders //To work around this limitation, i put the data i need in the TRANSMISSION built-in. //Also, due to some limitation caused by how this shader works, PBR lighting isn't supported. TRANSMISSION = vec3(1.0) - / 100.0; ALBEDO = texture(albedo, uv_coords).rgb * albedo_tint.rgb; EMISSION = texture(emission, uv_coords).rgb * emission_tint.rgb * emission_strength; ALPHA = texture(albedo, uv_coords).a * albedo_tint.a * border_alpha; }else{ ALPHA = 0.0; } } //taken from mat3 cotangent_frame(vec3 N, vec3 p, vec2 uv) { vec3 dp1 = dFdx(p); vec3 dp2 = dFdy(p); vec2 duv1 = dFdx(uv); vec2 duv2 = dFdy(uv); vec3 dp2perp = cross( dp2, N ); vec3 dp1perp = cross( N, dp1 ); vec3 T = dp2perp * duv1.x + dp1perp * duv2.x; vec3 B = dp2perp * duv1.y + dp1perp * duv2.y; float invmax = inversesqrt( max( dot(T,T), dot(B,B) ) ); return mat3( T * invmax, B * invmax, N ); } vec3 perturb_normal(vec3 N, vec3 V, vec2 texcoord ) { vec3 map = texture(normal_map, texcoord ).rgb; map = map * 255./127. - 128./127.; map.x *= -1.0; map.y *= 1.0; map.z *= -1.0; mat3 TBN = cotangent_frame(N, V, texcoord); return normalize(TBN * map); } void light () { //Get back the data from the fragment shader vec3 data = (vec3(1.0) - TRANSMISSION) * 100.0; //Recompute UV coordinates vec2 uv_coords = vec2(data.x, -data.y); int current_frame = get_current_frame(TIME); vec2 flipbook_frame_index = vec2(float(current_frame % flipbook_columns_count), float(current_frame / flipbook_columns_count)); vec2 frame_size = vec2(1.0/float(flipbook_columns_count)); uv_coords = (uv_coords.xy / (4.0*(decal_half_scale.xz * 2.0 * decal_half_scale.xz))) - vec2(0.5); uv_coords = uv_coords / float(flipbook_columns_count); uv_coords -= float(flipbook_columns_count - 1) * frame_size - flipbook_frame_index * frame_size; //Normal mapping vec3 normal = NORMAL; if(use_normal_map == true) { normal = perturb_normal(NORMAL, VIEW, uv_coords); } float n_dot_l = clamp(dot(normal, LIGHT), 0.0, 1.0); //Specular lighting vec3 view_dir = normalize(CAMERA_MATRIX[3].xyz - data); vec3 reflection_dir = reflect(-LIGHT, normal); float spec = pow(max(dot(view_dir, reflection_dir), 0.0), 32); vec3 specular_light = specular_strength * spec * LIGHT_COLOR; //Diffuse lighting vec3 albedo_color = ALBEDO * n_dot_l; albedo_color = albedo_color * mix(1.0, texture(occlusion, uv_coords).r, occlusion_strength); DIFFUSE_LIGHT += albedo_color * ATTENUATION * LIGHT_COLOR; SPECULAR_LIGHT = specular_light * texture(specular, uv_coords).r; }