import argparse import os.path from lib.fileutils import * from lib.packet import Packet def ftell(fp): return hex(fp.tell()) def read_bin(_input: str, _output: str): with open(_input, "rb") as fp: # read 0x30 bytes fileversion = read_int(fp) render_data = read_int(fp) texturesmemory_size = read_int(fp) unk2_size = read_int(fp) objects_size = read_int(fp) some_bytes = read_int(fp) fx_size = read_int(fp) world_size = read_int(fp) huds_size = read_int(fp) worldflags_size = read_int(fp) unk = read_int(fp) unk = read_int(fp) print("[%s] Game is %s bytes" % (ftell(fp), render_data)) read_bytes(fp, render_data) print("[%s] World is %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), world_size)) read_bytes(fp, world_size) print("[%s] Texturesmemory is %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), texturesmemory_size)) texturesmemory = read_bytes(fp, texturesmemory_size) print("[%s] FX %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), fx_size)) read_bytes(fp, fx_size) print("[%s] unk2 %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), unk2_size)) read_bytes(fp, unk2_size) print("[%s] worldflags %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), worldflags_size)) read_bytes(fp, worldflags_size) print("[%s] huds %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), huds_size)) read_bytes(fp, huds_size) print("[%s] objects %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), objects_size)) objects = read_bytes(fp, objects_size) print("[%s] textures_attributes? %s bytes..." % (ftell(fp), some_bytes)) # textures_attributes = read_bytes(fp, some_bytes) first_int = read_int(fp) print("[%s] First int: %s" % (ftell(fp), first_int)) second_int = read_int(fp) print("Second int: %s" % second_int) with open(_output, "wb") as fp: fp.write(texturesmemory) print("Done") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("input_bin", help="PS2 bin file to read") parser.add_argument("output_file", help="output bin for objects") args = parser.parse_args() read_bin(args.input_bin, args.output_file) def read_textures(file_input): print("Reading %s" % file_input) curr = 0 with open(file_input, "rb") as fp: content = while curr < len(content): byte_index = content.find(b"END-OF-FIL", curr) if byte_index != -1: byte_index += 0xc print("content: %s (%s)" % (content[byte_index], hex(content[byte_index]))) while content[byte_index] == 0x2a or content[byte_index] == 0x00: byte_index += 1 print("found texture at %s: %s %s" % (hex(byte_index), hex(content[byte_index]), hex(content[byte_index+1]))) # after CLUTS byte_index += 0x20 p = Packet(content) # psm = p.get_short() psm = content[byte_index] psm = psm << 8 & 0x3f d_comp = p.get_long() d_comp = p.get_long() is_compressed = d_comp >> 0x12 & 0xf compare = d_comp >> 0xe & 0xf if is_compressed != compare: print(hex(d_comp)) new_compare = compare - is_compressed if new_compare <= 0: print("ERROOOOOOOOOR") if new_compare == 1: decomp_bytes = 2 elif new_compare == 2: decomp_bytes = 3 elif new_compare == 3: decomp_bytes = 4 else: print("ERROOOOOOOOOOR: %s" % new_compare) print("decomp_bytes: %s" % decomp_bytes) print("psm: %s -> %s (compressed: %s, compare: %s)" % (psm, get_pixel_format(psm), is_compressed, compare)) curr = byte_index+1 else: curr = len(content) def get_pixel_format(psm) -> str: _data = { 0: "PSMCT32", 1: "PSMCT24", 2: "PSMCT16", 10: "PSMCT16S", 19: "PSMT8", 20: "PSMT4", 27: "PSMT8H", 26: "PSMT4HL", 44: "PSMT4HH", 48: "PSMZ32", 49: "PSMZ24", 50: "PSMZ16", 58: "PSMZ16S", } return _data.get(psm, "UNKNOWN") def read_sizes(): print("=====================================================================================") print("=====================================================================================") print("=====================================================================================") print("=====================================================================================") print("=====================================================================================") print("=====================================================================================") print("=====================================================================================") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("input_bin", help="PS2 bin file to read") args = parser.parse_args() all_num = 0 if os.path.isdir(args.input_bin): for currdir, dirs, files in os.walk(args.input_bin): for file in files: if file.lower().endswith(".bin"): read_textures(currdir+"/"+file) else: read_textures(args.input_bin) print("textures:%s" % all_num) if __name__ == '__main__': # main() read_sizes()