import struct from typing import List import math import os import tempfile import bpy GBS_VERSION = 0xaa0100be GBSFlagNormals = 0x0001 GBSFlagUVs = 0x0002 GBSFlagRGBs = 0x0004 GBSFlagCalcNormals = 0x0008 GBSFlagMaxLit = (1 << 31) def read_int(fp): return struct.unpack(" str: s = "" c = read_byte(fp) while c != 0x00: s += chr(c) c = read_byte(fp) return s def decompress(compressed_bytes, original_size: int): i = 0 j = 0 dec_byte = 0 dec_bits = 8 buff_start = 0xFEE res = bytearray(original_size) if original_size == 0: return res while j < original_size: if dec_bits == 8: dec_byte = compressed_bytes[i] i += 1 dec_bits = 0 if (dec_byte >> dec_bits & 1) == 0: dec_pos = ((compressed_bytes[i] + ( (compressed_bytes[i + 1] & 0xF0) << 4) - buff_start - j) & 0xFFF) - 0x1000 + j dec_len = (compressed_bytes[i + 1] & 0xF) + 3 i += 2 while dec_len > 0: if dec_pos >= 0: res[j] = res[dec_pos] else: res[j] = 32 j += 1 dec_pos += 1 dec_len -= 1 else: res[j] = compressed_bytes[i] i += 1 j += 1 dec_bits += 1 return res class Vec2: def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0): self.x = x self.y = y def __str__(self): return "[%s,%s]" % (self.x, self.y) class Vec3: def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def __add__(self, other): return Vec3(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z) def __sub__(self, other): return self + -other def __radd__(self, other): return Vec3(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z) def __mul__(self, scalar): return Vec3(self.x * scalar, self.y * scalar, self.z * scalar) def __rmul__(self, scalar): return Vec3(self.x * scalar, self.y * scalar, self.z * scalar) def __neg__(self): return Vec3(-self.x, -self.y, -self.z) def __pos__(self): return Vec3(self.x, self.y, self.z) def __xor__(self, other): cx = self.y * other.z - self.z * other.y cy = self.z * other.x - self.x * other.z cz = self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x return Vec3(cx, cy, cz) def cross(self, other): return self ^ other def normalize(self): w = math.sqrt(self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2 + self.z ** 2) if w == 0: return Vec3() else: return Vec3(self.x / w, self.y / w, self.z / w) def __str__(self): return "[%s,%s,%s]" % (self.x, self.y, self.z) class VecRGB: def __init__(self, r=0, g=0, b=0): self.r = r self.g = g self.b = b def __str__(self): return "[%s,%s,%s]" % (self.r, self.g, self.b) def cross(v1: Vec3, v2: Vec3): return v1.cross(v2) def resize(li: List, t, num): li.clear() for i in range(num): li.append(t()) class FileMaxObj: def __init__(self): self.vstart: int = 0 self.vcount: int = 0 self.nstart: int = 0 self.ncount: int = 0 self.noffset: int = 0 class MaxObj(FileMaxObj): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.fstart: int = 0 self.fcount: int = 0 self.sostart: int = 0 self.socount: int = 0 class SubObject: def __init__(self): self.objname: str = "" self.maxobjindex: int = 0 self.ntris: int = 0 # count of tridata (including preceding 'count' short) self.totaltris: int = 0 self.tridata: List[int] = [] # unsigned short self.verticeref_start: int = 0 self.verticeref_count: int = 0 self.texname: str = "" self.bumptexture: str = "" self.falloff: float = 0 self.blend: float = 0 self.flags: int = 0 self.emissive: int = 0 self.ambient: int = 0 self.diffuse: int = 0 self.specular: int = 0 self.power: int = 0 class UV: def __init__(self, u: float = 0, v: float = 0): self.u: float = u self.v: float = v class GbsData: def __init__(self): = "" self.optionsflags: int = 0 self.nndefs: int = 0 self.num_normals: int = 0 self.normals: List[int] = [] # word self.indexed_normals: List[int] = [] # unsigned short self.num_vertices: int = 0 self.vertices: List[Vec3] = [] self.nsobjs: int = 0 self.nmobjs: int = 0 self.indexed_vertices: List[int] = [] # unsigned short self.vertrgb: List[VecRGB] = [] self.nverts: int = 0 self.vertuv: List[UV] = [] self.MaxObjs: List[MaxObj] = [] self.SubObjs: List[SubObject] = [] def read(self, file): debug = True = os.path.basename(file) with open(file, "rb") as fp: version_header = read_int(fp) if version_header != GBS_VERSION: raise Exception("File does not appear to be a GBS file.") self.optionsflags = read_int(fp) self.num_vertices = read_int(fp) resize(self.vertices, Vec3, self.num_vertices) for i in range(self.num_vertices): self.vertices[i].x = read_float(fp) self.vertices[i].y = read_float(fp) self.vertices[i].z = read_float(fp) if self.optionsflags & GBSFlagNormals: self.nndefs = read_int(fp) self.num_normals = read_int(fp) resize(self.normals, int, self.num_normals) for i in range(self.num_normals): self.normals[i] = read_short(fp) self.nverts = read_int(fp) if debug: print( "NVERTS=%s, NUMVERTICES=%s, options=%s" % (self.nverts, self.num_vertices, self.optionsflags)) resize(self.indexed_vertices, int, self.nverts) for i in range(self.nverts): self.indexed_vertices[i] = read_short(fp) if debug: print(self.indexed_vertices) if self.optionsflags & GBSFlagNormals: resize(self.indexed_normals, int, self.nverts) for i in range(self.nverts): self.indexed_normals[i] = read_short(fp) if self.optionsflags & GBSFlagUVs: resize(self.vertuv, UV, self.nverts) if debug: print("Read %s UV" % self.nverts) for i in range(self.nverts): self.vertuv[i].u = read_float(fp) self.vertuv[i].v = read_float(fp) * -1 if self.optionsflags & GBSFlagRGBs: resize(self.vertrgb, VecRGB, self.nverts) if debug: print("Read %s RGB" % self.nverts) for i in range(self.nverts): self.vertrgb[i].r = read_byte(fp) self.vertrgb[i].g = read_byte(fp) self.vertrgb[i].b = read_byte(fp) # Get number of objects self.nmobjs = read_int(fp) if debug: print("NMOBJS = %s" % self.nmobjs) resize(self.MaxObjs, MaxObj, self.nmobjs) for maxobj in self.MaxObjs: print("Processing new maxobj") fileMaxObj = FileMaxObj() fileMaxObj.vstart = read_int(fp) fileMaxObj.vcount = read_int(fp) fileMaxObj.nstart = read_int(fp) fileMaxObj.ncount = read_int(fp) fileMaxObj.noffset = read_int(fp) print("vstart=%s vcount=%s nstart=%s ncount=%s noffset=%s" % ( fileMaxObj.vstart, fileMaxObj.vcount, fileMaxObj.nstart, fileMaxObj.ncount, fileMaxObj.noffset)) maxobj.vstart = fileMaxObj.vstart maxobj.vcount = fileMaxObj.vcount maxobj.nstart = fileMaxObj.nstart maxobj.ncount = fileMaxObj.ncount maxobj.noffset = fileMaxObj.noffset maxobj.fstart = 0 maxobj.fcount = 0 maxobj.sostart = 0 maxobj.socount = 0 # verify max obj nmcount = 0 for maxobj in self.MaxObjs: nmcount += maxobj.vcount assert nmcount == self.num_vertices self.nsobjs = read_int(fp) print("Subobject count: %s" % self.nsobjs) resize(self.SubObjs, SubObject, self.nsobjs) num_faces = 0 len_tridata = 0 for ns in range(self.nsobjs): if debug: print("Processing subobj %s" % ns) object = self.SubObjs[ns] object.objname = read_string(fp, 32) object.maxobjindex = read_int(fp) object.totaltris = read_int(fp) if debug: print("read %s totaltris" % object.totaltris) num_faces += object.totaltris object.ntris = read_int(fp) assert ((object.ntris - 1) / 3 == object.totaltris) resize(object.tridata, int, object.ntris + 1) if debug: print("read gbs: totaltris: %s, tridata is %s long, ntris: %s" % ( object.totaltris, len(object.tridata), object.ntris)) len_tridata += object.ntris + 1 for i in range(object.ntris): object.tridata[i] = read_short(fp) # if debug: print("tridata: %s" % object.tridata) object.verticeref_start = read_int(fp) object.verticeref_count = read_int(fp) if self.optionsflags & GBSFlagUVs: object.texname = read_string(fp, 32) object.bumptexture = read_string(fp, 32) object.falloff = read_float(fp) if self.optionsflags & GBSFlagRGBs: object.blend = read_float(fp) object.flags = read_int(fp) object.emissive = read_int(fp) object.ambient = read_int(fp) object.diffuse = read_int(fp) object.specular = read_int(fp) object.power = read_float(fp) if debug: print( "%s (%s) falloff: %s, blend: %s, flags:%s, emissive: %s, ambiant: %s, diffuse: %s, specular: %s, power: %s" % ( object.objname, object.texname, object.falloff, object.blend, object.flags, object.emissive, object.ambient, object.diffuse, object.specular, object.power)) maxobj = self.MaxObjs[object.maxobjindex] maxobj.fcount += object.totaltris if not maxobj.socount: maxobj.socount = ns maxobj.socount += 1 if debug: print("read num_faces: %s, len_tridata: %s" % (num_faces, len_tridata)) @staticmethod def evaluate_tridata(tridata, tri_idx, count): if count == 0: count = tridata[0] if count == 0: return False tri_idx = 0 v1 = tridata[tri_idx + 1] v2 = tridata[tri_idx + 2] v3 = tridata[tri_idx + 3] tri_idx += 3 count -= 1 if count < 0: count = 0xffff # max unsigned short if count == 0: tridata = tridata[tridata[0] * 3 + 1:] return tridata, tri_idx, count, v1, v2, v3 def generate_normals(self): normals: List[Vec3] = [] resize(normals, Vec3, self.num_vertices) for subobj_i in range(len(self.SubObjs)): subobj = self.SubObjs[subobj_i] tridata = subobj.tridata values = self.evaluate_tridata(tridata, -1, 0) while values: tridata, tri_idx, count, v1, v2, v3 = values try: p = cross(self.vertices[self.indexed_vertices[v2]] - self.vertices[self.indexed_vertices[v1]], self.vertices[self.indexed_vertices[v3]] - self.vertices[self.indexed_vertices[v1]]) except Exception as e: raise e normals[self.indexed_vertices[v1]] += p normals[self.indexed_vertices[v2]] += p normals[self.indexed_vertices[v3]] += p values = self.evaluate_tridata(tridata, tri_idx, count) for i in range(len(normals)): normals[i] = normals[i].normalize() return normals def find_and_extract_texture(texture_filename, objname, giantspath): game_folder = giantspath game_folder = game_folder + "/Bin" for gzp_filename in os.listdir(game_folder): if not gzp_filename.endswith(".gzp"): continue gzp_fp = open(game_folder + "/" + gzp_filename, "rb") checksum = read_int(gzp_fp) if checksum != 0x6608F101: raise Exception("Invalid GZP checksum") meta_info_offset = read_int(gzp_fp) unk = read_int(gzp_fp) entries_count = read_int(gzp_fp) if entries_count == 0: continue for index in range(entries_count): compressed_size = read_int(gzp_fp) original_size = read_int(gzp_fp) file_time = read_int(gzp_fp) content_offset = read_int(gzp_fp) + 16 compression = read_byte(gzp_fp) # compression: 1 if compressed else 0 name_length = read_byte(gzp_fp) name = read_bytes(gzp_fp, name_length).decode("utf8").strip('\x00') texture_name = name.lower() if not texture_name.endswith(".tga"): continue texture_name = texture_name[0:-4] if texture_name != texture_filename.lower(): continue curr_pos = gzp_fp.tell() buffer = if compression == 1: buffer = decompress(buffer, original_size) fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".tga", prefix=objname, dir=None, text=False) with open(filename, "wb") as entry_fp: entry_fp.write(buffer) return filename return None def material_from_file(filename, matname): image =, check_existing=True) texture =, type='IMAGE') texture.image = image mat = mat.preview_render_type = 'FLAT' mat.use_nodes = True bsdf = mat.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"] texImage ='ShaderNodeTexImage') texImage.image = image['Base Color'], texImage.outputs['Color']) return mat