mirror of https://github.com/ncblakely/GiantsTools synced 2024-10-05 12:22:12 +02:00
2021-01-23 15:40:09 -08:00

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// This file was generated by exporting HLSL from Visual Studio's default "Lambert" material, and then modified to handle both texture scenarios, multiple lights, and work with FL 9.x
// <Visual Studio install folder>\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\VsGraphics\Assets\Effects\Lambert.dgsl
Texture2D Texture1 : register( t0 );
SamplerState TexSampler : register( s0 );
cbuffer MaterialVars : register (b0)
float4 MaterialAmbient;
float4 MaterialDiffuse;
float4 MaterialSpecular;
float4 MaterialEmissive;
float MaterialSpecularPower;
cbuffer LightVars : register (b1)
float4 AmbientLight;
float4 LightColor[4];
float4 LightAttenuation[4];
float3 LightDirection[4];
float LightSpecularIntensity[4];
uint IsPointLight[4];
uint ActiveLights;
cbuffer ObjectVars : register(b2)
float4x4 LocalToWorld4x4;
float4x4 LocalToProjected4x4;
float4x4 WorldToLocal4x4;
float4x4 WorldToView4x4;
float4x4 UVTransform4x4;
float3 EyePosition;
cbuffer MiscVars : register(b3)
float ViewportWidth;
float ViewportHeight;
float Time;
struct V2P
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float4 diffuse : COLOR;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float3 worldNorm : TEXCOORD1;
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD2;
float3 toEye : TEXCOORD3;
float4 tangent : TEXCOORD4;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD5;
struct P2F
float4 fragment : SV_Target;
// lambert lighting function
float3 LambertLighting(
float3 lightNormal,
float3 surfaceNormal,
float3 lightColor,
float3 pixelColor
// compute amount of contribution per light
float diffuseAmount = saturate(dot(lightNormal, surfaceNormal));
float3 diffuse = diffuseAmount * lightColor * pixelColor;
return diffuse;
// combines a float3 RGB value with an alpha value into a float4
float4 CombineRGBWithAlpha(float3 rgb, float a)
return float4(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, a);
P2F main(V2P pixel)
P2F result;
float3 worldNormal = normalize(pixel.worldNorm);
float3 local3 = MaterialAmbient.rgb * AmbientLight.rgb;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
local3 += LambertLighting(LightDirection[i], worldNormal, LightColor[i].rgb, pixel.diffuse.rgb);
local3 = saturate(local3);
result.fragment = CombineRGBWithAlpha(local3, pixel.diffuse.a);
return result;
P2F mainTk(V2P pixel)
P2F result;
float3 worldNormal = normalize(pixel.worldNorm);
float3 local3 = MaterialAmbient.rgb * AmbientLight.rgb;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
local3 += LambertLighting(LightDirection[i], worldNormal, LightColor[i].rgb, pixel.diffuse.rgb);
local3 = saturate(local3);
result.fragment = CombineRGBWithAlpha(local3, pixel.diffuse.a);
if (result.fragment.a == 0.0f) discard;
return result;
P2F mainTx(V2P pixel)
P2F result;
float3 worldNormal = normalize(pixel.worldNorm);
float3 local3 = MaterialAmbient.rgb * AmbientLight.rgb;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
local3 += LambertLighting(LightDirection[i], worldNormal, LightColor[i].rgb, pixel.diffuse.rgb);
local3 = saturate(local3);
float3 local4 = Texture1.Sample(TexSampler, pixel.uv).rgb * local3;
float local5 = Texture1.Sample(TexSampler, pixel.uv).a * pixel.diffuse.a;
result.fragment = CombineRGBWithAlpha(local4, local5);
return result;
P2F mainTxTk(V2P pixel)
P2F result;
float3 worldNormal = normalize(pixel.worldNorm);
float3 local3 = MaterialAmbient.rgb * AmbientLight.rgb;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
local3 += LambertLighting(LightDirection[i], worldNormal, LightColor[i].rgb, pixel.diffuse.rgb);
local3 = saturate(local3);
float3 local4 = Texture1.Sample(TexSampler, pixel.uv).rgb * local3;
float local5 = Texture1.Sample(TexSampler, pixel.uv).a * pixel.diffuse.a;
result.fragment = CombineRGBWithAlpha(local4, local5);
if (result.fragment.a == 0.0f) discard;
return result;