//======================================================================================// // filename: FixedFuncShader.fx // // // // author: Pedro V. Sander // // ATI Research, Inc. // // 3D Application Research Group // // email: psander@ati.com // // // // Description: A programmable shader that emulates the fixed function pipeline // // // //======================================================================================// // (C) 2003 ATI Research, Inc. All rights reserved. // //======================================================================================// #define PI 3.14f //this file contains light, fog, and texture types // (originally a include, inserted here) #define FOG_TYPE_NONE 0 #define FOG_TYPE_EXP 1 #define FOG_TYPE_EXP2 2 #define FOG_TYPE_LINEAR 3 #define FOG_NUM_TYPES 4 #define TEX_TYPE_NONE 0 #define TEX_TYPE_CUBEMAP 1 #define TEX_NUM_TYPES 2 #define TEXGEN_TYPE_NONE 0 #define TEXGEN_TYPE_CAMERASPACENORMAL 1 #define TEXGEN_TYPE_CAMERASPACEPOSITION 2 #define TEXGEN_TYPE_CAMERASPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR 3 #define TEXGEN_NUM_TYPES 4 #define MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS 3 // Structs and variables with default values //fog settings int iFogType = FOG_TYPE_LINEAR; float4 vFogColor = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float fFogStart = 0; float fFogEnd = 8845.00000; float fFogDensity = .02f; bool bFogRange : register(b4) = true; int iTexType = TEX_TYPE_NONE; int iTexGenType = TEXGEN_TYPE_NONE; int g_NumLights; float4 DirectionalLightAmbient[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS] : DirectionalLightAmbient; float4 DirectionalLightDiffuse[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS] : DirectionalLightDiffuse; float3 DirectionalLightDirection[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS] : DirectionalLightDirection; bool DirectionalLightEnabled[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS] : DirectionalLightEnabled; float4 DirectionalLightSpecular[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS] : DirectionalLightSpecular; struct Material { float4 Diffuse; float4 Ambient; float4 Specular; float4 Emissive; float Power; }; Material g_Material : Material; //transformation matrices float4x4 matWorldViewProjection : WorldViewProjection; float4x4 matWorldView : WorldView; float4x4 matWorld : World; //function output structures struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 Pos : POSITION; float4 Color : COLOR0; float4 ColorSpec : COLOR1; float4 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0; float Fog : FOG; }; struct COLOR_PAIR { float4 Color : COLOR0; float4 ColorSpec : COLOR1; }; float4 CalculateAmbientLight() { float4 ambient = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS; i++) { if (DirectionalLightEnabled[i]) { ambient += DirectionalLightAmbient[i]; } } return g_Material.Ambient * ambient; } COLOR_PAIR DoDirectionalLight(float3 N, int i) { COLOR_PAIR Out; float NdotL = dot(N, -DirectionalLightDirection[i]); Out.Color = 0; // g_Material.Ambient* DirectionalLights[i].Ambient; Out.ColorSpec = 0; if (NdotL > 0.f) { //compute diffuse color Out.Color += max(0, NdotL * DirectionalLightDiffuse[i]); //+ (g_Material.Ambient * DirectionalLightAmbient[i]); //add specular component //if(g_Material.Power > 0) //{ // float3 H = normalize(L + V); //half vector // Out.ColorSpec = pow(max(0, dot(H, N)), g_Material.Power) * DirectionalLights[i].Specular; //} } return Out; } COLOR_PAIR ComputeLighting(float3 N) { COLOR_PAIR finalResult = (COLOR_PAIR)0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS; i++) { COLOR_PAIR lightResult = (COLOR_PAIR)0; if (DirectionalLightEnabled[i]) { lightResult = DoDirectionalLight(N, i); } finalResult.Color += lightResult.Color; finalResult.ColorSpec += lightResult.ColorSpec; } float4 ambient = g_Material.Ambient * CalculateAmbientLight(); float4 diffuse = g_Material.Diffuse * finalResult.Color; float4 specular = g_Material.Specular * finalResult.ColorSpec; finalResult.Color = saturate(ambient + diffuse); finalResult.ColorSpec = saturate(specular); return finalResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: DoPointLight() // Desc: Point light computation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //COLOR_PAIR DoPointLight(float4 vPosition, float3 N, float3 V, int i) //{ // float3 L = mul((float3x3)matViewIT, normalize((lights[i].vPos-(float3)mul(matWorld,vPosition)))); // COLOR_PAIR Out; // float NdotL = dot(N, L); // Out.Color = lights[i].vAmbient; // Out.ColorSpec = 0; // float fAtten = 1.f; // if(NdotL >= 0.f) // { // //compute diffuse color // Out.Color += NdotL * lights[i].vDiffuse; // // //add specular component // if(bSpecular) // { // float3 H = normalize(L + V); //half vector // Out.ColorSpec = pow(max(0, dot(H, N)), fMaterialPower) * lights[i].vSpecular; // } // // float LD = length(lights[i].vPos-(float3)mul(matWorld,vPosition)); // if(LD > lights[i].fRange) // { // fAtten = 0.f; // } // else // { // fAtten *= 1.f/(lights[i].vAttenuation.x + lights[i].vAttenuation.y*LD + lights[i].vAttenuation.z*LD*LD); // } // Out.Color *= fAtten; // Out.ColorSpec *= fAtten; // } // return Out; //} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: vs_main() // Desc: The vertex shader //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VS_OUTPUT vs_main (float4 vPosition : POSITION0, float3 vNormal : NORMAL0, float2 tc : TEXCOORD0) { VS_OUTPUT Out = (VS_OUTPUT) 0; vNormal = normalize(vNormal); Out.Pos = mul(vPosition, matWorldViewProjection); //float3 V = -normalize(P); //viewer //automatic texture coordinate generation Out.Tex0.xy = tc; /*Out.Tex0 = float4((2.f * dot(V,N) * N - V) * (iTexGenType == TEXGEN_TYPE_CAMERASPACEREFLECTIONVECTOR) + N * (iTexGenType == TEXGEN_TYPE_CAMERASPACENORMAL) + P * (iTexGenType == TEXGEN_TYPE_CAMERASPACEPOSITION), 0); Out.Tex0.xy += tc * (iTexGenType == TEXGEN_TYPE_NONE);*/ //light computation //directional lights float3 N = mul(vNormal, (float3x3)matWorld); COLOR_PAIR lighting = ComputeLighting(N); ////point lights //for(int i = 0; i < iLightPointNum; i++) //{ // COLOR_PAIR ColOut = DoPointLight(vPosition, N, V, i+iLightPointIni); // Out.Color += ColOut.Color; // Out.ColorSpec += ColOut.ColorSpec; //} //apply material color Out.Color = lighting.Color; Out.ColorSpec = lighting.ColorSpec; //apply fog float3 P = mul(matWorldView, vPosition); //position in view space float d; if(bFogRange) d = length(P); else d = P.z; Out.Fog = 1.f * (iFogType == FOG_TYPE_NONE) + 1.f/exp(d * fFogDensity) * (iFogType == FOG_TYPE_EXP) + 1.f/exp(pow(d * fFogDensity, 2)) * (iFogType == FOG_TYPE_EXP2) + saturate((fFogEnd - d)/(fFogEnd - fFogStart)) * (iFogType == FOG_TYPE_LINEAR); return Out; } // Techniques //the technique for the programmable shader (simply sets the vertex shader) technique basic_with_shader { pass P0 { SPECULARENABLE = (g_Material.Power > 0); FOGENABLE = (iFogType != FOG_TYPE_NONE); FOGCOLOR = (vFogColor); VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 vs_main(); } } TEXTURE tex1; TEXTURE tex2; //Sampler for the diff mode sampler DiffSampler1 = sampler_state { Texture = (tex1); MinFilter = Point; MagFilter = Point; MipFilter = Point; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; AddressW = Wrap; MaxAnisotropy = 8; }; sampler DiffSampler2 = sampler_state { Texture = (tex2); MinFilter = Point; MagFilter = Point; MipFilter = Point; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; AddressW = Wrap; MaxAnisotropy = 8; }; bool bDiffSensitivity = false; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: ps_diff() // Desc: Pixel shader for the diff mode // Tiny errors: green. Larger errors: yellow to red. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 ps_diff (float2 tcBase : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float E = length(tex2D(DiffSampler1, tcBase) - tex2D(DiffSampler2, tcBase))/sqrt(3); float4 C = float4(0.f,0.f,0.f,E); if(E > 0.f) { if(E <= 1.f/255.f) { if(bDiffSensitivity) { C = float4(0.f,1.f,0.f,E); } } else { C = lerp(float4(1.f,1.f,0.f,E), float4(1.f,0.f,0.f,E),E); } } return C; } //technique for the diff mode technique technique_diff { pass P0 { PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ps_diff(); } }