// #include "core/algorithm.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ALGORITHM_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_ALGORITHM_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "utility.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_UTILITY_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_UTILITY_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /*! @brief Identity function object (waiting for C++20). */ struct identity { /** * @brief Returns its argument unchanged. * @tparam Type Type of the argument. * @param value The actual argument. * @return The submitted value as-is. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr Type && operator()(Type &&value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::forward(value); } }; /** * @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded members of a class. * @tparam Type Type of the desired overload. * @tparam Class Type of class to which the member belongs. * @param member A valid pointer to a member. * @return Pointer to the member. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Type Class:: *member) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return member; } /** * @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam Func Function type of the desired overload. * @param func A valid pointer to a function. * @return Pointer to the function. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Func *func) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return func; } /** * @brief Helper type for visitors. * @tparam Func Types of function objects. */ template struct overloaded: Func... { using Func::operator()...; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Func Types of function objects. */ template overloaded(Func...) -> overloaded; /** * @brief Basic implementation of a y-combinator. * @tparam Func Type of a potentially recursive function. */ template struct y_combinator { /** * @brief Constructs a y-combinator from a given function. * @param recursive A potentially recursive function. */ y_combinator(Func recursive): func{std::move(recursive)} {} /** * @brief Invokes a y-combinator and therefore its underlying function. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to invoke the underlying function. * @param args Parameters to use to invoke the underlying function. * @return Return value of the underlying function, if any. */ template decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) const { return func(*this, std::forward(args)...); } /*! @copydoc operator()() */ template decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) { return func(*this, std::forward(args)...); } private: Func func; }; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Function object to wrap `std::sort` in a class type. * * Unfortunately, `std::sort` cannot be passed as template argument to a class * template or a function template.
* This class fills the gap by wrapping some flavors of `std::sort` in a * function object. */ struct std_sort { /** * @brief Sorts the elements in a range. * * Sorts the elements in a range using the given binary comparison function. * * @tparam It Type of random access iterator. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function, if any. */ template, typename... Args> void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}, Args &&... args) const { std::sort(std::forward(args)..., std::move(first), std::move(last), std::move(compare)); } }; /*! @brief Function object for performing insertion sort. */ struct insertion_sort { /** * @brief Sorts the elements in a range. * * Sorts the elements in a range using the given binary comparison function. * * @tparam It Type of random access iterator. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. */ template> void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}) const { if(first < last) { for(auto it = first+1; it < last; ++it) { auto value = std::move(*it); auto pre = it; for(; pre > first && compare(value, *(pre-1)); --pre) { *pre = std::move(*(pre-1)); } *pre = std::move(value); } } } }; /** * @brief Function object for performing LSD radix sort. * @tparam Bit Number of bits processed per pass. * @tparam N Maximum number of bits to sort. */ template struct radix_sort { static_assert((N % Bit) == 0, "The maximum number of bits to sort must be a multiple of the number of bits processed per pass"); /** * @brief Sorts the elements in a range. * * Sorts the elements in a range using the given _getter_ to access the * actual data to be sorted. * * This implementation is inspired by the online book * [Physically Based Rendering](http://www.pbr-book.org/3ed-2018/Primitives_and_Intersection_Acceleration/Bounding_Volume_Hierarchies.html#RadixSort). * * @tparam It Type of random access iterator. * @tparam Getter Type of _getter_ function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param getter A valid _getter_ function object. */ template void operator()(It first, It last, Getter getter = Getter{}) const { if(first < last) { static constexpr auto mask = (1 << Bit) - 1; static constexpr auto buckets = 1 << Bit; static constexpr auto passes = N / Bit; using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type; std::vector aux(std::distance(first, last)); auto part = [getter = std::move(getter)](auto from, auto to, auto out, auto start) { std::size_t index[buckets]{}; std::size_t count[buckets]{}; std::for_each(from, to, [&getter, &count, start](const value_type &item) { ++count[(getter(item) >> start) & mask]; }); std::for_each(std::next(std::begin(index)), std::end(index), [index = std::begin(index), count = std::begin(count)](auto &item) mutable { item = *(index++) + *(count++); }); std::for_each(from, to, [&getter, &out, &index, start](value_type &item) { out[index[(getter(item) >> start) & mask]++] = std::move(item); }); }; for(std::size_t pass = 0; pass < (passes & ~1); pass += 2) { part(first, last, aux.begin(), pass * Bit); part(aux.begin(), aux.end(), first, (pass + 1) * Bit); } if constexpr(passes & 1) { part(first, last, aux.begin(), (passes - 1) * Bit); std::move(aux.begin(), aux.end(), first); } } } }; } #endif // #include "core/attribute.h" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #define ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #ifndef ENTT_EXPORT # if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define ENTT_HIDDEN # elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) # else /* Unsupported compiler */ # define ENTT_EXPORT # define ENTT_IMPORT # define ENTT_HIDDEN # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_API # if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_EXPORT # elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_IMPORT # else /* No API */ # define ENTT_API # endif #endif #endif // #include "core/family.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FAMILY_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FAMILY_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */ using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Dynamic identifier generator. * * Utility class template that can be used to assign unique identifiers to types * at runtime. Use different specializations to create separate sets of * identifiers. */ template class family { inline static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) identifier{}; public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using family_type = id_type; /*! @brief Statically generated unique identifier for the given type. */ template // at the time I'm writing, clang crashes during compilation if auto is used instead of family_type inline static const family_type type = identifier++; }; } #endif // #include "core/hashed_string.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template struct fnv1a_traits; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint32_t; static constexpr std::uint32_t offset = 2166136261; static constexpr std::uint32_t prime = 16777619; }; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint64_t; static constexpr std::uint64_t offset = 14695981039346656037ull; static constexpr std::uint64_t prime = 1099511628211ull; }; } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Zero overhead unique identifier. * * A hashed string is a compile-time tool that allows users to use * human-readable identifers in the codebase while using their numeric * counterparts at runtime.
* Because of that, a hashed string can also be used in constant expressions if * required. * * @tparam Char Character type. */ template class basic_hashed_string { using traits_type = internal::fnv1a_traits; struct const_wrapper { // non-explicit constructor on purpose constexpr const_wrapper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: str{curr} {} const Char *str; }; // Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function v. 1a - the good [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type helper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { auto value = traits_type::offset; while(*curr != 0) { value = (value ^ static_cast(*(curr++))) * traits_type::prime; } return value; } public: /*! @brief Character type. */ using value_type = Char; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using hash_type = id_type; /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * const auto value = basic_hashed_string::to_value("my.png"); * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ template [[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const value_type (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(wrapper.str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string view. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @param size Length of the string to hash. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const value_type *str, std::size_t size) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { id_type partial{traits_type::offset}; while(size--) { partial = (partial^(str++)[0])*traits_type::prime; } return partial; } /*! @brief Constructs an empty hashed string. */ constexpr basic_hashed_string() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{nullptr}, hash{} {} /** * @brief Constructs a hashed string from an array of const characters. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * basic_hashed_string hs{"my.png"}; * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param curr Human-readable identifer. */ template constexpr basic_hashed_string(const value_type (&curr)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{curr}, hash{helper(curr)} {} /** * @brief Explicit constructor on purpose to avoid constructing a hashed * string directly from a `const value_type *`. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. */ explicit constexpr basic_hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{wrapper.str}, hash{helper(wrapper.str)} {} /** * @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string. * @return The string used to initialize the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr const value_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return str; } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr hash_type value() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash; } /*! @copydoc data */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator const value_type *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return data(); } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator hash_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value(); } /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @param other Hashed string with which to compare. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const basic_hashed_string &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash == other.hash; } private: const value_type *str; hash_type hash; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the character type of the hashed string directly from a * human-readable identifer provided to the constructor. * * @tparam Char Character type. * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. */ template basic_hashed_string(const Char (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> basic_hashed_string; /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @tparam Char Character type. * @param lhs A valid hashed string. * @param rhs A valid hashed string. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_hashed_string &lhs, const basic_hashed_string &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_string = basic_hashed_string; /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_wstring = basic_hashed_string; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed strings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed string. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_string operator"" ENTT_HS_SUFFIX(const char *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_string{str}; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed wstrings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed wstring. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_wstring operator"" ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX(const wchar_t *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_wstring{str}; } #endif // #include "core/ident.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_IDENT_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_IDENT_HPP #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Types identifiers. * * Variable template used to generate identifiers at compile-time for the given * types. Use the `get` member function to know what's the identifier associated * to the specific type. * * @note * Identifiers are constant expression and can be used in any context where such * an expression is required. As an example: * @code{.cpp} * using id = entt::identifier; * * switch(a_type_identifier) { * case id::type: * // ... * break; * case id::type: * // ... * break; * default: * // ... * } * @endcode * * @tparam Types List of types for which to generate identifiers. */ template class identifier { using tuple_type = std::tuple...>; template [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type get(std::index_sequence) { static_assert(std::disjunction_v...>, "Invalid type"); return (0 + ... + (std::is_same_v> ? id_type(Indexes) : id_type{})); } public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using identifier_type = id_type; /*! @brief Statically generated unique identifier for the given type. */ template static constexpr identifier_type type = get>(std::index_sequence_for{}); }; } #endif // #include "core/monostate.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_MONOSTATE_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_MONOSTATE_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Minimal implementation of the monostate pattern. * * A minimal, yet complete configuration system built on top of the monostate * pattern. Thread safe by design, it works only with basic types like `int`s or * `bool`s.
* Multiple types and therefore more than one value can be associated with a * single key. Because of this, users must pay attention to use the same type * both during an assignment and when they try to read back their data. * Otherwise, they can incur in unexpected results. */ template struct monostate { /** * @brief Assigns a value of a specific type to a given key. * @tparam Type Type of the value to assign. * @param val User data to assign to the given key. */ template void operator=(Type val) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { value = val; } /** * @brief Gets a value of a specific type for a given key. * @tparam Type Type of the value to get. * @return Stored value, if any. */ template operator Type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value; } private: template inline static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) value{}; }; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Value Value used to differentiate between different variables. */ template inline monostate monostate_v = {}; } #endif // #include "core/type_info.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/attribute.h" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #define ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #ifndef ENTT_EXPORT # if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define ENTT_HIDDEN # elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) # else /* Unsupported compiler */ # define ENTT_EXPORT # define ENTT_IMPORT # define ENTT_HIDDEN # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_API # if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_EXPORT # elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_IMPORT # else /* No API */ # define ENTT_API # endif #endif #endif // #include "hashed_string.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { struct ENTT_API type_index { [[nodiscard]] static id_type next() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) value{}; return value++; } }; template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION std::string_view pretty_function{ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION}; auto first = pretty_function.find_first_not_of(' ', pretty_function.find_first_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX)+1); auto value = pretty_function.substr(first, pretty_function.find_last_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX) - first); return value; #else return std::string_view{}; #endif } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Type index. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate a sequential identifier. */ template struct ENTT_API type_index { /** * @brief Returns the sequential identifier of a given type. * @return The sequential identifier of a given type. */ [[nodiscard]] static id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const id_type value = internal::type_index::next(); return value; } }; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * indexable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template struct has_type_index: std::false_type {}; /*! @brief has_type_index */ template struct has_type_index::value())>>: std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template inline constexpr bool has_type_index_v = has_type_index::value; /** * @brief Type info. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate information. */ template struct type_info { /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a given type. * @return The numeric representation of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return type_index::value(); } #endif /** * @brief Returns the name of a given type. * @return The name of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::type_name(); } #endif }; } #endif // #include "core/type_traits.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Using declaration to be used to _repeat_ the same type a number of * times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Type A type to repeat. */ template using unpack_as_t = Type; /** * @brief Helper variable template to be used to _repeat_ the same value a * number of times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Value A value to repeat. */ template inline constexpr auto unpack_as_v = Value; /** * @brief Wraps a static constant. * @tparam Value A static constant. */ template using integral_constant = std::integral_constant; /** * @brief Alias template to ease the creation of named values. * @tparam Value A constant value at least convertible to `id_type`. */ template using tag = integral_constant; /** * @brief Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template struct choice_t // Unfortunately, doxygen cannot parse such a construct. /*! @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN */ : choice_t /*! @endcond */ {}; /*! @copybrief choice_t */ template<> struct choice_t<0> {}; /** * @brief Variable template for the choice trick. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template inline constexpr choice_t choice{}; /*! @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more. */ template struct type_list {}; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_size; /** * @brief Compile-time number of elements in a type list. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_size> : std::integral_constant {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam List Type list. */ template inline constexpr auto type_list_size_v = type_list_size::value; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_cat; /*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */ template<> struct type_list_cat<> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list. * @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list. * @tparam List Other type lists, if any. */ template struct type_list_cat, type_list, List...> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = typename type_list_cat, List...>::type; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_cat> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam List Type lists to concatenate. */ template using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat::type; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_unique; /** * @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. * @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list. * @tparam Other The other types provided by the given type list. */ template struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = std::conditional_t< std::disjunction_v...>, typename type_list_unique>::type, type_list_cat_t, typename type_list_unique>::type> >; }; /*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */ template<> struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Type A type list. */ template using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique::type; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * equality comparable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template> struct is_equality_comparable: std::false_type {}; /*! @copydoc is_equality_comparable */ template struct is_equality_comparable() == std::declval())>> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is empty * and the empty type optimization is enabled, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template struct is_eto_eligible : ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_eto_eligible_v = is_eto_eligible::value; /** * @brief Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template class member_class { static_assert(std::is_member_pointer_v, "Invalid pointer type to non-static member object or function"); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...)); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const); template static Class * clazz(Type Class:: *); public: /*! @brief The class of the given non-static member object or function. */ using type = std::remove_pointer_t()))>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template using member_class_t = typename member_class::type; } #endif // #include "core/utility.hpp" // #include "entity/actor.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_ACTOR_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_ACTOR_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif // #include "registry.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_REGISTRY_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_REGISTRY_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/algorithm.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ALGORITHM_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_ALGORITHM_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "utility.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_UTILITY_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_UTILITY_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /*! @brief Identity function object (waiting for C++20). */ struct identity { /** * @brief Returns its argument unchanged. * @tparam Type Type of the argument. * @param value The actual argument. * @return The submitted value as-is. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr Type && operator()(Type &&value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::forward(value); } }; /** * @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded members of a class. * @tparam Type Type of the desired overload. * @tparam Class Type of class to which the member belongs. * @param member A valid pointer to a member. * @return Pointer to the member. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Type Class:: *member) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return member; } /** * @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam Func Function type of the desired overload. * @param func A valid pointer to a function. * @return Pointer to the function. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Func *func) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return func; } /** * @brief Helper type for visitors. * @tparam Func Types of function objects. */ template struct overloaded: Func... { using Func::operator()...; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Func Types of function objects. */ template overloaded(Func...) -> overloaded; /** * @brief Basic implementation of a y-combinator. * @tparam Func Type of a potentially recursive function. */ template struct y_combinator { /** * @brief Constructs a y-combinator from a given function. * @param recursive A potentially recursive function. */ y_combinator(Func recursive): func{std::move(recursive)} {} /** * @brief Invokes a y-combinator and therefore its underlying function. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to invoke the underlying function. * @param args Parameters to use to invoke the underlying function. * @return Return value of the underlying function, if any. */ template decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) const { return func(*this, std::forward(args)...); } /*! @copydoc operator()() */ template decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) { return func(*this, std::forward(args)...); } private: Func func; }; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Function object to wrap `std::sort` in a class type. * * Unfortunately, `std::sort` cannot be passed as template argument to a class * template or a function template.
* This class fills the gap by wrapping some flavors of `std::sort` in a * function object. */ struct std_sort { /** * @brief Sorts the elements in a range. * * Sorts the elements in a range using the given binary comparison function. * * @tparam It Type of random access iterator. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function, if any. */ template, typename... Args> void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}, Args &&... args) const { std::sort(std::forward(args)..., std::move(first), std::move(last), std::move(compare)); } }; /*! @brief Function object for performing insertion sort. */ struct insertion_sort { /** * @brief Sorts the elements in a range. * * Sorts the elements in a range using the given binary comparison function. * * @tparam It Type of random access iterator. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. */ template> void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}) const { if(first < last) { for(auto it = first+1; it < last; ++it) { auto value = std::move(*it); auto pre = it; for(; pre > first && compare(value, *(pre-1)); --pre) { *pre = std::move(*(pre-1)); } *pre = std::move(value); } } } }; /** * @brief Function object for performing LSD radix sort. * @tparam Bit Number of bits processed per pass. * @tparam N Maximum number of bits to sort. */ template struct radix_sort { static_assert((N % Bit) == 0, "The maximum number of bits to sort must be a multiple of the number of bits processed per pass"); /** * @brief Sorts the elements in a range. * * Sorts the elements in a range using the given _getter_ to access the * actual data to be sorted. * * This implementation is inspired by the online book * [Physically Based Rendering](http://www.pbr-book.org/3ed-2018/Primitives_and_Intersection_Acceleration/Bounding_Volume_Hierarchies.html#RadixSort). * * @tparam It Type of random access iterator. * @tparam Getter Type of _getter_ function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param getter A valid _getter_ function object. */ template void operator()(It first, It last, Getter getter = Getter{}) const { if(first < last) { static constexpr auto mask = (1 << Bit) - 1; static constexpr auto buckets = 1 << Bit; static constexpr auto passes = N / Bit; using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type; std::vector aux(std::distance(first, last)); auto part = [getter = std::move(getter)](auto from, auto to, auto out, auto start) { std::size_t index[buckets]{}; std::size_t count[buckets]{}; std::for_each(from, to, [&getter, &count, start](const value_type &item) { ++count[(getter(item) >> start) & mask]; }); std::for_each(std::next(std::begin(index)), std::end(index), [index = std::begin(index), count = std::begin(count)](auto &item) mutable { item = *(index++) + *(count++); }); std::for_each(from, to, [&getter, &out, &index, start](value_type &item) { out[index[(getter(item) >> start) & mask]++] = std::move(item); }); }; for(std::size_t pass = 0; pass < (passes & ~1); pass += 2) { part(first, last, aux.begin(), pass * Bit); part(aux.begin(), aux.end(), first, (pass + 1) * Bit); } if constexpr(passes & 1) { part(first, last, aux.begin(), (passes - 1) * Bit); std::move(aux.begin(), aux.end(), first); } } } }; } #endif // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */ using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE; } #endif // #include "../core/type_info.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/attribute.h" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #define ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #ifndef ENTT_EXPORT # if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define ENTT_HIDDEN # elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) # else /* Unsupported compiler */ # define ENTT_EXPORT # define ENTT_IMPORT # define ENTT_HIDDEN # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_API # if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_EXPORT # elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_IMPORT # else /* No API */ # define ENTT_API # endif #endif #endif // #include "hashed_string.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template struct fnv1a_traits; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint32_t; static constexpr std::uint32_t offset = 2166136261; static constexpr std::uint32_t prime = 16777619; }; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint64_t; static constexpr std::uint64_t offset = 14695981039346656037ull; static constexpr std::uint64_t prime = 1099511628211ull; }; } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Zero overhead unique identifier. * * A hashed string is a compile-time tool that allows users to use * human-readable identifers in the codebase while using their numeric * counterparts at runtime.
* Because of that, a hashed string can also be used in constant expressions if * required. * * @tparam Char Character type. */ template class basic_hashed_string { using traits_type = internal::fnv1a_traits; struct const_wrapper { // non-explicit constructor on purpose constexpr const_wrapper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: str{curr} {} const Char *str; }; // Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function v. 1a - the good [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type helper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { auto value = traits_type::offset; while(*curr != 0) { value = (value ^ static_cast(*(curr++))) * traits_type::prime; } return value; } public: /*! @brief Character type. */ using value_type = Char; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using hash_type = id_type; /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * const auto value = basic_hashed_string::to_value("my.png"); * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ template [[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const value_type (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(wrapper.str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string view. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @param size Length of the string to hash. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const value_type *str, std::size_t size) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { id_type partial{traits_type::offset}; while(size--) { partial = (partial^(str++)[0])*traits_type::prime; } return partial; } /*! @brief Constructs an empty hashed string. */ constexpr basic_hashed_string() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{nullptr}, hash{} {} /** * @brief Constructs a hashed string from an array of const characters. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * basic_hashed_string hs{"my.png"}; * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param curr Human-readable identifer. */ template constexpr basic_hashed_string(const value_type (&curr)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{curr}, hash{helper(curr)} {} /** * @brief Explicit constructor on purpose to avoid constructing a hashed * string directly from a `const value_type *`. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. */ explicit constexpr basic_hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{wrapper.str}, hash{helper(wrapper.str)} {} /** * @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string. * @return The string used to initialize the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr const value_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return str; } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr hash_type value() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash; } /*! @copydoc data */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator const value_type *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return data(); } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator hash_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value(); } /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @param other Hashed string with which to compare. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const basic_hashed_string &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash == other.hash; } private: const value_type *str; hash_type hash; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the character type of the hashed string directly from a * human-readable identifer provided to the constructor. * * @tparam Char Character type. * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. */ template basic_hashed_string(const Char (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> basic_hashed_string; /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @tparam Char Character type. * @param lhs A valid hashed string. * @param rhs A valid hashed string. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_hashed_string &lhs, const basic_hashed_string &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_string = basic_hashed_string; /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_wstring = basic_hashed_string; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed strings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed string. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_string operator"" ENTT_HS_SUFFIX(const char *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_string{str}; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed wstrings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed wstring. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_wstring operator"" ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX(const wchar_t *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_wstring{str}; } #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { struct ENTT_API type_index { [[nodiscard]] static id_type next() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) value{}; return value++; } }; template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION std::string_view pretty_function{ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION}; auto first = pretty_function.find_first_not_of(' ', pretty_function.find_first_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX)+1); auto value = pretty_function.substr(first, pretty_function.find_last_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX) - first); return value; #else return std::string_view{}; #endif } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Type index. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate a sequential identifier. */ template struct ENTT_API type_index { /** * @brief Returns the sequential identifier of a given type. * @return The sequential identifier of a given type. */ [[nodiscard]] static id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const id_type value = internal::type_index::next(); return value; } }; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * indexable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template struct has_type_index: std::false_type {}; /*! @brief has_type_index */ template struct has_type_index::value())>>: std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template inline constexpr bool has_type_index_v = has_type_index::value; /** * @brief Type info. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate information. */ template struct type_info { /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a given type. * @return The numeric representation of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return type_index::value(); } #endif /** * @brief Returns the name of a given type. * @return The name of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::type_name(); } #endif }; } #endif // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Using declaration to be used to _repeat_ the same type a number of * times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Type A type to repeat. */ template using unpack_as_t = Type; /** * @brief Helper variable template to be used to _repeat_ the same value a * number of times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Value A value to repeat. */ template inline constexpr auto unpack_as_v = Value; /** * @brief Wraps a static constant. * @tparam Value A static constant. */ template using integral_constant = std::integral_constant; /** * @brief Alias template to ease the creation of named values. * @tparam Value A constant value at least convertible to `id_type`. */ template using tag = integral_constant; /** * @brief Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template struct choice_t // Unfortunately, doxygen cannot parse such a construct. /*! @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN */ : choice_t /*! @endcond */ {}; /*! @copybrief choice_t */ template<> struct choice_t<0> {}; /** * @brief Variable template for the choice trick. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template inline constexpr choice_t choice{}; /*! @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more. */ template struct type_list {}; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_size; /** * @brief Compile-time number of elements in a type list. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_size> : std::integral_constant {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam List Type list. */ template inline constexpr auto type_list_size_v = type_list_size::value; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_cat; /*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */ template<> struct type_list_cat<> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list. * @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list. * @tparam List Other type lists, if any. */ template struct type_list_cat, type_list, List...> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = typename type_list_cat, List...>::type; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_cat> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam List Type lists to concatenate. */ template using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat::type; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_unique; /** * @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. * @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list. * @tparam Other The other types provided by the given type list. */ template struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = std::conditional_t< std::disjunction_v...>, typename type_list_unique>::type, type_list_cat_t, typename type_list_unique>::type> >; }; /*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */ template<> struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Type A type list. */ template using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique::type; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * equality comparable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template> struct is_equality_comparable: std::false_type {}; /*! @copydoc is_equality_comparable */ template struct is_equality_comparable() == std::declval())>> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is empty * and the empty type optimization is enabled, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template struct is_eto_eligible : ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_eto_eligible_v = is_eto_eligible::value; /** * @brief Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template class member_class { static_assert(std::is_member_pointer_v, "Invalid pointer type to non-static member object or function"); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...)); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const); template static Class * clazz(Type Class:: *); public: /*! @brief The class of the given non-static member object or function. */ using type = std::remove_pointer_t()))>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template using member_class_t = typename member_class::type; } #endif // #include "../signal/sigh.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_SIGH_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_SIGH_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif // #include "delegate.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_DELEGATE_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_DELEGATE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template auto function_pointer(Ret(*)(Args...)) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Ret(*)(Type, Args...), Other &&) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...), Other &&...) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const, Other &&...) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Type Class:: *, Other &&...) -> Type(*)(); template using function_pointer_t = decltype(internal::function_pointer(std::declval()...)); template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto index_sequence_for(Ret(*)(Args...)) { return std::index_sequence_for{}; } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /*! @brief Used to wrap a function or a member of a specified type. */ template struct connect_arg_t {}; /*! @brief Constant of type connect_arg_t used to disambiguate calls. */ template inline constexpr connect_arg_t connect_arg{}; /** * @brief Basic delegate implementation. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type. */ template class delegate; /** * @brief Utility class to use to send around functions and members. * * Unmanaged delegate for function pointers and members. Users of this class are * in charge of disconnecting instances before deleting them. * * A delegate can be used as a general purpose invoker without memory overhead * for free functions possibly with payloads and bound or unbound members. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template class delegate { template [[nodiscard]] auto wrap(std::index_sequence) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return [](const void *, Args... args) -> Ret { [[maybe_unused]] const auto arguments = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(args)...); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, std::forward>>(std::get(arguments))...)); }; } template [[nodiscard]] auto wrap(Type &, std::index_sequence) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { [[maybe_unused]] const auto arguments = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(args)...); Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, *curr, std::forward>>(std::get(arguments))...)); }; } template [[nodiscard]] auto wrap(Type *, std::index_sequence) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { [[maybe_unused]] const auto arguments = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(args)...); Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, curr, std::forward>>(std::get(arguments))...)); }; } public: /*! @brief Function type of the contained target. */ using function_type = Ret(const void *, Args...); /*! @brief Function type of the delegate. */ using type = Ret(Args...); /*! @brief Return type of the delegate. */ using result_type = Ret; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ delegate() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : fn{nullptr}, data{nullptr} {} /** * @brief Constructs a delegate and connects a free function or an unbound * member. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { connect(); } /** * @brief Constructs a delegate and connects a free function with payload or * a bound member. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t, Type &&value_or_instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { connect(std::forward(value_or_instance)); } /** * @brief Constructs a delegate and connects an user defined function with * optional payload. * @param function Function to connect to the delegate. * @param payload User defined arbitrary data. */ delegate(function_type *function, const void *payload = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { connect(function, payload); } /** * @brief Connects a free function or an unbound member to a delegate. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. */ template void connect() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { data = nullptr; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { fn = [](const void *, Args... args) -> Ret { return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, std::forward(args)...)); }; } else if constexpr(std::is_member_pointer_v) { fn = wrap(internal::index_sequence_for>>(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } else { fn = wrap(internal::index_sequence_for(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } } /** * @brief Connects a free function with payload or a bound member to a * delegate. * * The delegate isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload. * Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of the instance overcomes * the one of the delegate.
* When used to connect a free function with payload, its signature must be * such that the instance is the first argument before the ones used to * define the delegate itself. * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid reference that fits the purpose. */ template void connect(Type &value_or_instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { data = &value_or_instance; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { fn = [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, *curr, std::forward(args)...)); }; } else { fn = wrap(value_or_instance, internal::index_sequence_for(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } } /** * @brief Connects a free function with payload or a bound member to a * delegate. * * @sa connect(Type &) * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid pointer that fits the purpose. */ template void connect(Type *value_or_instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { data = value_or_instance; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { fn = [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, curr, std::forward(args)...)); }; } else { fn = wrap(value_or_instance, internal::index_sequence_for(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } } /** * @brief Connects an user defined function with optional payload to a * delegate. * * The delegate isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload. * Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of an instance overcomes * the one of the delegate.
* The payload is returned as the first argument to the target function in * all cases. * * @param function Function to connect to the delegate. * @param payload User defined arbitrary data. */ void connect(function_type *function, const void *payload = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { fn = function; data = payload; } /** * @brief Resets a delegate. * * After a reset, a delegate cannot be invoked anymore. */ void reset() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { fn = nullptr; data = nullptr; } /** * @brief Returns the instance or the payload linked to a delegate, if any. * @return An opaque pointer to the underlying data. */ [[nodiscard]] const void * instance() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return data; } /** * @brief Triggers a delegate. * * The delegate invokes the underlying function and returns the result. * * @warning * Attempting to trigger an invalid delegate results in undefined * behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * delegate has not yet been set. * * @param args Arguments to use to invoke the underlying function. * @return The value returned by the underlying function. */ Ret operator()(Args... args) const { ENTT_ASSERT(fn); return fn(data, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Checks whether a delegate actually stores a listener. * @return False if the delegate is empty, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { // no need to test also data return !(fn == nullptr); } /** * @brief Compares the contents of two delegates. * @param other Delegate with which to compare. * @return False if the two contents differ, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const delegate &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return fn == other.fn && data == other.data; } private: function_type *fn; const void *data; }; /** * @brief Compares the contents of two delegates. * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. * @param lhs A valid delegate object. * @param rhs A valid delegate object. * @return True if the two contents differ, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const delegate &lhs, const delegate &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate>>; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t, Type &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate>>; /*! @brief Deduction guide. */ template delegate(Ret(*)(const void *, Args...), const void * = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate; } #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_FWD_HPP namespace entt { template class delegate; class dispatcher; template class emitter; class connection; struct scoped_connection; template class sink; template class sigh; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Sink class. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type. * * @tparam Function A valid function type. */ template class sink; /** * @brief Unmanaged signal handler. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type. * * @tparam Function A valid function type. */ template class sigh; /** * @brief Unmanaged signal handler. * * It works directly with references to classes and pointers to member functions * as well as pointers to free functions. Users of this class are in charge of * disconnecting instances before deleting them. * * This class serves mainly two purposes: * * * Creating signals to use later to notify a bunch of listeners. * * Collecting results from a set of functions like in a voting system. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template class sigh { /*! @brief A sink is allowed to modify a signal. */ friend class sink; public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Sink type. */ using sink_type = sink; /** * @brief Instance type when it comes to connecting member functions. * @tparam Class Type of class to which the member function belongs. */ template using instance_type = Class *; /** * @brief Number of listeners connected to the signal. * @return Number of listeners currently connected. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return calls.size(); } /** * @brief Returns false if at least a listener is connected to the signal. * @return True if the signal has no listeners connected, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return calls.empty(); } /** * @brief Triggers a signal. * * All the listeners are notified. Order isn't guaranteed. * * @param args Arguments to use to invoke listeners. */ void publish(Args... args) const { for(auto &&call: std::as_const(calls)) { call(args...); } } /** * @brief Collects return values from the listeners. * * The collector must expose a call operator with the following properties: * * * The return type is either `void` or such that it's convertible to * `bool`. In the second case, a true value will stop the iteration. * * The list of parameters is empty if `Ret` is `void`, otherwise it * contains a single element such that `Ret` is convertible to it. * * @tparam Func Type of collector to use, if any. * @param func A valid function object. * @param args Arguments to use to invoke listeners. */ template void collect(Func func, Args... args) const { for(auto &&call: calls) { if constexpr(std::is_void_v) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { call(args...); if(func()) { break; } } else { call(args...); func(); } } else { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { if(func(call(args...))) { break; } } else { func(call(args...)); } } } } private: std::vector> calls; }; /** * @brief Connection class. * * Opaque object the aim of which is to allow users to release an already * estabilished connection without having to keep a reference to the signal or * the sink that generated it. */ class connection { /*! @brief A sink is allowed to create connection objects. */ template friend class sink; connection(delegate fn, void *ref) : disconnect{fn}, signal{ref} {} public: /*! @brief Default constructor. */ connection() = default; /** * @brief Checks whether a connection is properly initialized. * @return True if the connection is properly initialized, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(disconnect); } /*! @brief Breaks the connection. */ void release() { if(disconnect) { disconnect(signal); disconnect.reset(); } } private: delegate disconnect; void *signal{}; }; /** * @brief Scoped connection class. * * Opaque object the aim of which is to allow users to release an already * estabilished connection without having to keep a reference to the signal or * the sink that generated it.
* A scoped connection automatically breaks the link between the two objects * when it goes out of scope. */ struct scoped_connection { /*! @brief Default constructor. */ scoped_connection() = default; /** * @brief Constructs a scoped connection from a basic connection. * @param other A valid connection object. */ scoped_connection(const connection &other) : conn{other} {} /*! @brief Default copy constructor, deleted on purpose. */ scoped_connection(const scoped_connection &) = delete; /*! @brief Automatically breaks the link on destruction. */ ~scoped_connection() { conn.release(); } /** * @brief Default copy assignment operator, deleted on purpose. * @return This scoped connection. */ scoped_connection & operator=(const scoped_connection &) = delete; /** * @brief Acquires a connection. * @param other The connection object to acquire. * @return This scoped connection. */ scoped_connection & operator=(connection other) { conn = std::move(other); return *this; } /** * @brief Checks whether a scoped connection is properly initialized. * @return True if the connection is properly initialized, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(conn); } /*! @brief Breaks the connection. */ void release() { conn.release(); } private: connection conn; }; /** * @brief Sink class. * * A sink is used to connect listeners to signals and to disconnect them.
* The function type for a listener is the one of the signal to which it * belongs. * * The clear separation between a signal and a sink permits to store the former * as private data member without exposing the publish functionality to the * users of the class. * * @warning * Lifetime of a sink must not overcome that of the signal to which it refers. * In any other case, attempting to use a sink results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template class sink { using signal_type = sigh; using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type; template static void release(Type value_or_instance, void *signal) { sink{*static_cast(signal)}.disconnect(value_or_instance); } template static void release(void *signal) { sink{*static_cast(signal)}.disconnect(); } public: /** * @brief Constructs a sink that is allowed to modify a given signal. * @param ref A valid reference to a signal object. */ sink(sigh &ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : offset{}, signal{&ref} {} /** * @brief Returns false if at least a listener is connected to the sink. * @return True if the sink has no listeners connected, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return signal->calls.empty(); } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a given free function or an * unbound member. * @tparam Function A valid free function pointer. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before() { delegate call{}; call.template connect(); const auto &calls = signal->calls; const auto it = std::find(calls.cbegin(), calls.cend(), std::move(call)); sink other{*this}; other.offset = std::distance(it, calls.cend()); return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a free function with payload * or a bound member. * @tparam Candidate Member or free function to look for. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before(Type &&value_or_instance) { delegate call{}; call.template connect(value_or_instance); const auto &calls = signal->calls; const auto it = std::find(calls.cbegin(), calls.cend(), std::move(call)); sink other{*this}; other.offset = std::distance(it, calls.cend()); return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a given instance or specific * payload. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before(Type &value_or_instance) { return before(&value_or_instance); } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a given instance or specific * payload. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid pointer that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before(Type *value_or_instance) { sink other{*this}; if(value_or_instance) { const auto &calls = signal->calls; const auto it = std::find_if(calls.cbegin(), calls.cend(), [value_or_instance](const auto &delegate) { return delegate.instance() == value_or_instance; }); other.offset = std::distance(it, calls.cend()); } return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before anything else. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ [[nodiscard]] sink before() { sink other{*this}; other.offset = signal->calls.size(); return other; } /** * @brief Connects a free function or an unbound member to a signal. * * The signal handler performs checks to avoid multiple connections for the * same function. * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the signal. * @return A properly initialized connection object. */ template connection connect() { disconnect(); delegate call{}; call.template connect(); signal->calls.insert(signal->calls.end() - offset, std::move(call)); delegate conn{}; conn.template connect<&release>(); return { std::move(conn), signal }; } /** * @brief Connects a free function with payload or a bound member to a * signal. * * The signal isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload. * Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of the instance overcomes * the one of the signal. On the other side, the signal handler performs * checks to avoid multiple connections for the same function.
* When used to connect a free function with payload, its signature must be * such that the instance is the first argument before the ones used to * define the signal itself. * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized connection object. */ template connection connect(Type &&value_or_instance) { disconnect(value_or_instance); delegate call{}; call.template connect(value_or_instance); signal->calls.insert(signal->calls.end() - offset, std::move(call)); delegate conn{}; conn.template connect<&release>(value_or_instance); return { std::move(conn), signal }; } /** * @brief Disconnects a free function or an unbound member from a signal. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to disconnect from the signal. */ template void disconnect() { auto &calls = signal->calls; delegate call{}; call.template connect(); calls.erase(std::remove(calls.begin(), calls.end(), std::move(call)), calls.end()); } /** * @brief Disconnects a free function with payload or a bound member from a * signal. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to disconnect from the signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type &&value_or_instance) { auto &calls = signal->calls; delegate call{}; call.template connect(value_or_instance); calls.erase(std::remove(calls.begin(), calls.end(), std::move(call)), calls.end()); } /** * @brief Disconnects free functions with payload or bound members from a * signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type &value_or_instance) { disconnect(&value_or_instance); } /** * @brief Disconnects free functions with payload or bound members from a * signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type *value_or_instance) { if(value_or_instance) { auto &calls = signal->calls; calls.erase(std::remove_if(calls.begin(), calls.end(), [value_or_instance](const auto &delegate) { return delegate.instance() == value_or_instance; }), calls.end()); } } /*! @brief Disconnects all the listeners from a signal. */ void disconnect() { signal->calls.clear(); } private: difference_type offset; signal_type *signal; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the function type of a sink directly from the signal it * refers to. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template sink(sigh &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> sink; } #endif // #include "entity.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_ENTITY_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_ENTITY_HPP #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /** * @brief Entity traits. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is an accepted entity type. */ template struct entt_traits; /** * @brief Entity traits for enumeration types. * @tparam Type The type to check. */ template struct entt_traits>> : entt_traits> {}; /** * @brief Entity traits for a 16 bits entity identifier. * * A 16 bits entity identifier guarantees: * * * 12 bits for the entity number (up to 4k entities). * * 4 bit for the version (resets in [0-15]). */ template<> struct entt_traits { /*! @brief Underlying entity type. */ using entity_type = std::uint16_t; /*! @brief Underlying version type. */ using version_type = std::uint8_t; /*! @brief Difference type. */ using difference_type = std::int16_t; /*! @brief Mask to use to get the entity number out of an identifier. */ static constexpr entity_type entity_mask = 0xFFF; /*! @brief Mask to use to get the version out of an identifier. */ static constexpr entity_type version_mask = 0xF; /*! @brief Extent of the entity number within an identifier. */ static constexpr std::size_t entity_shift = 12u; }; /** * @brief Entity traits for a 32 bits entity identifier. * * A 32 bits entity identifier guarantees: * * * 20 bits for the entity number (suitable for almost all the games). * * 12 bit for the version (resets in [0-4095]). */ template<> struct entt_traits { /*! @brief Underlying entity type. */ using entity_type = std::uint32_t; /*! @brief Underlying version type. */ using version_type = std::uint16_t; /*! @brief Difference type. */ using difference_type = std::int32_t; /*! @brief Mask to use to get the entity number out of an identifier. */ static constexpr entity_type entity_mask = 0xFFFFF; /*! @brief Mask to use to get the version out of an identifier. */ static constexpr entity_type version_mask = 0xFFF; /*! @brief Extent of the entity number within an identifier. */ static constexpr std::size_t entity_shift = 20u; }; /** * @brief Entity traits for a 64 bits entity identifier. * * A 64 bits entity identifier guarantees: * * * 32 bits for the entity number (an indecently large number). * * 32 bit for the version (an indecently large number). */ template<> struct entt_traits { /*! @brief Underlying entity type. */ using entity_type = std::uint64_t; /*! @brief Underlying version type. */ using version_type = std::uint32_t; /*! @brief Difference type. */ using difference_type = std::int64_t; /*! @brief Mask to use to get the entity number out of an identifier. */ static constexpr entity_type entity_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; /*! @brief Mask to use to get the version out of an identifier. */ static constexpr entity_type version_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; /*! @brief Extent of the entity number within an identifier. */ static constexpr std::size_t entity_shift = 32u; }; /** * @brief Converts an entity type to its underlying type. * @tparam Entity The value type. * @param entity The value to convert. * @return The integral representation of the given value. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto to_integral(const Entity entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast::entity_type>(entity); } /*! @brief Null object for all entity identifiers. */ struct null_t { /** * @brief Converts the null object to identifiers of any type. * @tparam Entity Type of entity identifier. * @return The null representation for the given identifier. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator Entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return Entity{entt_traits::entity_mask}; } /** * @brief Compares two null objects. * @return True in all cases. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(null_t) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return true; } /** * @brief Compares two null objects. * @return False in all cases. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(null_t) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return false; } /** * @brief Compares a null object and an entity identifier of any type. * @tparam Entity Type of entity identifier. * @param entity Entity identifier with which to compare. * @return False if the two elements differ, true otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (to_integral(entity) & entt_traits::entity_mask) == to_integral(static_cast(*this)); } /** * @brief Compares a null object and an entity identifier of any type. * @tparam Entity Type of entity identifier. * @param entity Entity identifier with which to compare. * @return True if the two elements differ, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(entity == *this); } }; /** * @brief Compares a null object and an entity identifier of any type. * @tparam Entity Type of entity identifier. * @param entity Entity identifier with which to compare. * @param other A null object yet to be converted. * @return False if the two elements differ, true otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity, null_t other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.operator==(entity); } /** * @brief Compares a null object and an entity identifier of any type. * @tparam Entity Type of entity identifier. * @param entity Entity identifier with which to compare. * @param other A null object yet to be converted. * @return True if the two elements differ, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity, null_t other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(other == entity); } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Compile-time constant for null entities. * * There exist implicit conversions from this variable to entity identifiers of * any allowed type. Similarly, there exist comparision operators between the * null entity and any other entity identifier. */ inline constexpr null_t null{}; } #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_FWD_HPP // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" namespace entt { template class basic_registry; template class basic_view; template class basic_runtime_view; template class basic_group; template class basic_observer; template struct basic_actor; template struct basic_handle; template class basic_snapshot; template class basic_snapshot_loader; template class basic_continuous_loader; /*! @brief Default entity identifier. */ enum class entity: id_type {}; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using registry = basic_registry; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using observer = basic_observer; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using actor [[deprecated("Consider using the handle class instead")]] = basic_actor; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using handle = basic_handle; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using const_handle = basic_handle; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using snapshot = basic_snapshot; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using snapshot_loader = basic_snapshot_loader; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using continuous_loader = basic_continuous_loader; /** * @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. * @tparam Types Types of components iterated by the view. */ template using view = basic_view; /*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */ using runtime_view = basic_runtime_view; /** * @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. * @tparam Types Types of components iterated by the group. */ template using group = basic_group; } #endif // #include "group.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_GROUP_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_GROUP_HPP #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" // #include "pool.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_POOL_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_POOL_HPP #include // #include "storage.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_STORAGE_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_STORAGE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/algorithm.hpp" // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "sparse_set.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_SPARSE_SET_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_SPARSE_SET_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/algorithm.hpp" // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Basic sparse set implementation. * * Sparse set or packed array or whatever is the name users give it.
* Two arrays: an _external_ one and an _internal_ one; a _sparse_ one and a * _packed_ one; one used for direct access through contiguous memory, the other * one used to get the data through an extra level of indirection.
* This is largely used by the registry to offer users the fastest access ever * to the components. Views and groups in general are almost entirely designed * around sparse sets. * * This type of data structure is widely documented in the literature and on the * web. This is nothing more than a customized implementation suitable for the * purpose of the framework. * * @note * Internal data structures arrange elements to maximize performance. There are * no guarantees that entities are returned in the insertion order when iterate * a sparse set. Do not make assumption on the order in any case. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class sparse_set { static_assert(ENTT_PAGE_SIZE && ((ENTT_PAGE_SIZE & (ENTT_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0), "ENTT_PAGE_SIZE must be a power of two"); static constexpr auto entt_per_page = ENTT_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(Entity); using traits_type = entt_traits; using page_type = std::unique_ptr; class sparse_set_iterator final { friend class sparse_set; using packed_type = std::vector; using index_type = typename traits_type::difference_type; sparse_set_iterator(const packed_type &ref, const index_type idx) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : packed{&ref}, index{idx} {} public: using difference_type = index_type; using value_type = Entity; using pointer = const value_type *; using reference = const value_type &; using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag; sparse_set_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; sparse_set_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return --index, *this; } sparse_set_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } sparse_set_iterator & operator--() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ++index, *this; } sparse_set_iterator operator--(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { sparse_set_iterator orig = *this; return operator--(), orig; } sparse_set_iterator & operator+=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { index -= value; return *this; } sparse_set_iterator operator+(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { sparse_set_iterator copy = *this; return (copy += value); } sparse_set_iterator & operator-=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (*this += -value); } sparse_set_iterator operator-(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (*this + -value); } difference_type operator-(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.index - index; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator[](const difference_type value) const { const auto pos = size_type(index-value-1u); return (*packed)[pos]; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.index == index; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator<(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return index > other.index; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator>(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return index < other.index; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator<=(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this > other); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator>=(const sparse_set_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this < other); } [[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const { const auto pos = size_type(index-1u); return &(*packed)[pos]; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const { return *operator->(); } private: const packed_type *packed; index_type index; }; [[nodiscard]] auto page(const Entity entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return size_type{(to_integral(entt) & traits_type::entity_mask) / entt_per_page}; } [[nodiscard]] auto offset(const Entity entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return size_type{to_integral(entt) & (entt_per_page - 1)}; } [[nodiscard]] page_type & assure(const std::size_t pos) { if(!(pos < sparse.size())) { sparse.resize(pos+1); } if(!sparse[pos]) { sparse[pos].reset(new entity_type[entt_per_page]); // null is safe in all cases for our purposes for(auto *first = sparse[pos].get(), *last = first + entt_per_page; first != last; ++first) { *first = null; } } return sparse[pos]; } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Random access iterator type. */ using iterator = sparse_set_iterator; /*! @brief Reverse iterator type. */ using reverse_iterator = const entity_type *; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ sparse_set() = default; /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ sparse_set(sparse_set &&) = default; /*! @brief Default destructor. */ virtual ~sparse_set() = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This sparse set. */ sparse_set & operator=(sparse_set &&) = default; /** * @brief Increases the capacity of a sparse set. * * If the new capacity is greater than the current capacity, new storage is * allocated, otherwise the method does nothing. * * @param cap Desired capacity. */ void reserve(const size_type cap) { packed.reserve(cap); } /** * @brief Returns the number of elements that a sparse set has currently * allocated space for. * @return Capacity of the sparse set. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type capacity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return packed.capacity(); } /*! @brief Requests the removal of unused capacity. */ void shrink_to_fit() { // conservative approach if(packed.empty()) { sparse.clear(); } sparse.shrink_to_fit(); packed.shrink_to_fit(); } /** * @brief Returns the extent of a sparse set. * * The extent of a sparse set is also the size of the internal sparse array. * There is no guarantee that the internal packed array has the same size. * Usually the size of the internal sparse array is equal or greater than * the one of the internal packed array. * * @return Extent of the sparse set. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type extent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return sparse.size() * entt_per_page; } /** * @brief Returns the number of elements in a sparse set. * * The number of elements is also the size of the internal packed array. * There is no guarantee that the internal sparse array has the same size. * Usually the size of the internal sparse array is equal or greater than * the one of the internal packed array. * * @return Number of elements. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return packed.size(); } /** * @brief Checks whether a sparse set is empty. * @return True if the sparse set is empty, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return packed.empty(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the internal packed array. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the internal packed array. */ [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return packed.data(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the internal packed * array. If the sparse set is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to * `end()`. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the internal packed array. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const typename traits_type::difference_type pos = packed.size(); return iterator{packed, pos}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the end. * * The returned iterator points to the element following the last entity in * the internal packed array. Attempting to dereference the returned * iterator results in undefined behavior. * * @return An iterator to the element following the last entity of the * internal packed array. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return iterator{packed, {}}; } /** * @brief Returns a reverse iterator to the beginning. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the reversed internal * packed array. If the sparse set is empty, the returned iterator will be * equal to `rend()`. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the reversed internal packed * array. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return packed.data(); } /** * @brief Returns a reverse iterator to the end. * * The returned iterator points to the element following the last entity in * the reversed internal packed array. Attempting to dereference the * returned iterator results in undefined behavior. * * @return An iterator to the element following the last entity of the * reversed internal packed array. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return rbegin() + packed.size(); } /** * @brief Finds an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return An iterator to the given entity if it's found, past the end * iterator otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator find(const entity_type entt) const { return contains(entt) ? --(end() - index(entt)) : end(); } /** * @brief Checks if a sparse set contains an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the sparse set contains the entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { const auto curr = page(entt); // testing against null permits to avoid accessing the packed array return (curr < sparse.size() && sparse[curr] && sparse[curr][offset(entt)] != null); } /** * @brief Returns the position of an entity in a sparse set. * * @warning * Attempting to get the position of an entity that doesn't belong to the * sparse set results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * sparse set doesn't contain the given entity. * * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The position of the entity in the sparse set. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type index(const entity_type entt) const { ENTT_ASSERT(contains(entt)); return size_type{to_integral(sparse[page(entt)][offset(entt)])}; } /** * @brief Assigns an entity to a sparse set. * * @warning * Attempting to assign an entity that already belongs to the sparse set * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * sparse set already contains the given entity. * * @param entt A valid entity identifier. */ void emplace(const entity_type entt) { ENTT_ASSERT(!contains(entt)); assure(page(entt))[offset(entt)] = entity_type(static_cast(packed.size())); packed.push_back(entt); } /** * @brief Assigns one or more entities to a sparse set. * * @warning * Attempting to assign an entity that already belongs to the sparse set * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * sparse set already contains the given entity. * * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. */ template void insert(It first, It last) { auto next = static_cast(packed.size()); packed.insert(packed.end(), first, last); while(first != last) { const auto entt = *(first++); ENTT_ASSERT(!contains(entt)); assure(page(entt))[offset(entt)] = entity_type(next++); } } /** * @brief Removes an entity from a sparse set. * * @warning * Attempting to remove an entity that doesn't belong to the sparse set * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * sparse set doesn't contain the given entity. * * @param entt A valid entity identifier. */ void erase(const entity_type entt) { ENTT_ASSERT(contains(entt)); const auto curr = page(entt); const auto pos = offset(entt); packed[size_type{to_integral(sparse[curr][pos])}] = packed.back(); sparse[page(packed.back())][offset(packed.back())] = sparse[curr][pos]; sparse[curr][pos] = null; packed.pop_back(); } /** * @brief Swaps two entities in the internal packed array. * * For what it's worth, this function affects both the internal sparse array * and the internal packed array. Users should not care of that anyway. * * @warning * Attempting to swap entities that don't belong to the sparse set results * in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * sparse set doesn't contain the given entities. * * @param lhs A valid entity identifier. * @param rhs A valid entity identifier. */ virtual void swap(const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) { auto &from = sparse[page(lhs)][offset(lhs)]; auto &to = sparse[page(rhs)][offset(rhs)]; std::swap(packed[size_type{to_integral(from)}], packed[size_type{to_integral(to)}]); std::swap(from, to); } /** * @brief Sort elements according to the given comparison function. * * Sort the elements so that iterating the range with a couple of iterators * returns them in the expected order. See `begin` and `end` for more * details. * * The comparison function object must return `true` if the first element * is _less_ than the second one, `false` otherwise. The signature of the * comparison function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * bool(const Entity, const Entity); * @endcode * * Moreover, the comparison function object shall induce a * _strict weak ordering_ on the values. * * The sort function oject must offer a member function template * `operator()` that accepts three arguments: * * * An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * * An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * * A comparison function to use to compare the elements. * * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Sort Type of sort function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param algo A valid sort function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any. */ template void sort(iterator first, iterator last, Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(!(last < first)); ENTT_ASSERT(!(last > end())); const auto length = std::distance(first, last); const auto skip = std::distance(last, end()); const auto to = packed.rend() - skip; const auto from = to - length; algo(from, to, std::move(compare), std::forward(args)...); for(size_type pos = skip, end = skip+length; pos < end; ++pos) { sparse[page(packed[pos])][offset(packed[pos])] = entity_type(static_cast(pos)); } } /** * @brief Sort elements according to the given comparison function. * * @sa sort * * This function is a slightly slower version of `sort` that invokes the * caller to indicate which entities are swapped.
* It's recommended when the caller wants to sort its own data structures to * align them with the order induced in the sparse set. * * The signature of the callback should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * bool(const Entity, const Entity); * @endcode * * @tparam Apply Type of function object to invoke to notify the caller. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Sort Type of sort function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param apply A valid function object to use as a callback. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param algo A valid sort function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any. */ template void arrange(iterator first, iterator last, Apply apply, Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(!(last < first)); ENTT_ASSERT(!(last > end())); const auto length = std::distance(first, last); const auto skip = std::distance(last, end()); const auto to = packed.rend() - skip; const auto from = to - length; algo(from, to, std::move(compare), std::forward(args)...); for(size_type pos = skip, end = skip+length; pos < end; ++pos) { auto curr = pos; auto next = index(packed[curr]); while(curr != next) { apply(packed[curr], packed[next]); sparse[page(packed[curr])][offset(packed[curr])] = entity_type(static_cast(curr)); curr = next; next = index(packed[curr]); } } } /** * @brief Sort entities according to their order in another sparse set. * * Entities that are part of both the sparse sets are ordered internally * according to the order they have in `other`. All the other entities goes * to the end of the list and there are no guarantees on their order.
* In other terms, this function can be used to impose the same order on two * sets by using one of them as a master and the other one as a slave. * * Iterating the sparse set with a couple of iterators returns elements in * the expected order after a call to `respect`. See `begin` and `end` for * more details. * * @param other The sparse sets that imposes the order of the entities. */ void respect(const sparse_set &other) { const auto to = other.end(); auto from = other.begin(); size_type pos = packed.size() - 1; while(pos && from != to) { if(contains(*from)) { if(*from != packed[pos]) { swap(packed[pos], *from); } --pos; } ++from; } } /** * @brief Clears a sparse set. */ void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { sparse.clear(); packed.clear(); } private: std::vector sparse; std::vector packed; }; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Basic storage implementation. * * This class is a refinement of a sparse set that associates an object to an * entity. The main purpose of this class is to extend sparse sets to store * components in a registry. It guarantees fast access both to the elements and * to the entities. * * @note * Entities and objects have the same order. It's guaranteed both in case of raw * access (either to entities or objects) and when using random or input access * iterators. * * @note * Internal data structures arrange elements to maximize performance. There are * no guarantees that objects are returned in the insertion order when iterate * a storage. Do not make assumption on the order in any case. * * @warning * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated. Therefore, many of the functions * normally available for non-empty types will not be available for empty ones. * * @sa sparse_set * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Type Type of objects assigned to the entities. */ template> class storage: public sparse_set { static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v && std::is_move_assignable_v, "The managed type must be at least move constructible and assignable"); using underlying_type = sparse_set; using traits_type = entt_traits; template class storage_iterator final { friend class storage; using instance_type = std::conditional_t, std::vector>; using index_type = typename traits_type::difference_type; storage_iterator(instance_type &ref, const index_type idx) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : instances{&ref}, index{idx} {} public: using difference_type = index_type; using value_type = Type; using pointer = std::conditional_t; using reference = std::conditional_t; using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag; storage_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; storage_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return --index, *this; } storage_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { storage_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } storage_iterator & operator--() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ++index, *this; } storage_iterator operator--(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { storage_iterator orig = *this; return operator--(), orig; } storage_iterator & operator+=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { index -= value; return *this; } storage_iterator operator+(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { storage_iterator copy = *this; return (copy += value); } storage_iterator & operator-=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (*this += -value); } storage_iterator operator-(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (*this + -value); } difference_type operator-(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.index - index; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator[](const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const auto pos = size_type(index-value-1); return (*instances)[pos]; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.index == index; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator<(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return index > other.index; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator>(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return index < other.index; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator<=(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this > other); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator>=(const storage_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this < other); } [[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const auto pos = size_type(index-1u); return &(*instances)[pos]; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *operator->(); } private: instance_type *instances; index_type index; }; public: /*! @brief Type of the objects associated with the entities. */ using object_type = Type; /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Random access iterator type. */ using iterator = storage_iterator; /*! @brief Constant random access iterator type. */ using const_iterator = storage_iterator; /*! @brief Reverse iterator type. */ using reverse_iterator = Type *; /*! @brief Constant reverse iterator type. */ using const_reverse_iterator = const Type *; /** * @brief Increases the capacity of a storage. * * If the new capacity is greater than the current capacity, new storage is * allocated, otherwise the method does nothing. * * @param cap Desired capacity. */ void reserve(const size_type cap) { underlying_type::reserve(cap); instances.reserve(cap); } /*! @brief Requests the removal of unused capacity. */ void shrink_to_fit() { underlying_type::shrink_to_fit(); instances.shrink_to_fit(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the array of objects. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Objects are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the array of objects. */ [[nodiscard]] const object_type * raw() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return instances.data(); } /*! @copydoc raw */ [[nodiscard]] object_type * raw() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).raw()); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning. * * The returned iterator points to the first instance of the internal array. * If the storage is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`. * * @return An iterator to the first instance of the internal array. */ [[nodiscard]] const_iterator cbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const typename traits_type::difference_type pos = underlying_type::size(); return const_iterator{instances, pos}; } /*! @copydoc cbegin */ [[nodiscard]] const_iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return cbegin(); } /*! @copydoc begin */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const typename traits_type::difference_type pos = underlying_type::size(); return iterator{instances, pos}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the end. * * The returned iterator points to the element following the last instance * of the internal array. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @return An iterator to the element following the last instance of the * internal array. */ [[nodiscard]] const_iterator cend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return const_iterator{instances, {}}; } /*! @copydoc cend */ [[nodiscard]] const_iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return cend(); } /*! @copydoc end */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return iterator{instances, {}}; } /** * @brief Returns a reverse iterator to the beginning. * * The returned iterator points to the first instance of the reversed * internal array. If the storage is empty, the returned iterator will be * equal to `rend()`. * * @return An iterator to the first instance of the reversed internal array. */ [[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return instances.data(); } /*! @copydoc crbegin */ [[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return crbegin(); } /*! @copydoc rbegin */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rbegin() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return instances.data(); } /** * @brief Returns a reverse iterator to the end. * * The returned iterator points to the element following the last instance * of the reversed internal array. Attempting to dereference the returned * iterator results in undefined behavior. * * @return An iterator to the element following the last instance of the * reversed internal array. */ [[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator crend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return crbegin() + instances.size(); } /*! @copydoc crend */ [[nodiscard]] const_reverse_iterator rend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return crend(); } /*! @copydoc rend */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rend() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return rbegin() + instances.size(); } /** * @brief Returns the object associated with an entity. * * @warning * Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the storage results in * undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * storage doesn't contain the given entity. * * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The object associated with the entity. */ [[nodiscard]] const object_type & get(const entity_type entt) const { return instances[underlying_type::index(entt)]; } /*! @copydoc get */ [[nodiscard]] object_type & get(const entity_type entt) { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).get(entt)); } /** * @brief Returns a pointer to the object associated with an entity, if any. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The object associated with the entity, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] const object_type * try_get(const entity_type entt) const { return underlying_type::contains(entt) ? (instances.data() + underlying_type::index(entt)) : nullptr; } /*! @copydoc try_get */ [[nodiscard]] object_type * try_get(const entity_type entt) { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).try_get(entt)); } /** * @brief Assigns an entity to a storage and constructs its object. * * This version accept both types that can be constructed in place directly * and types like aggregates that do not work well with a placement new as * performed usually under the hood during an _emplace back_. * * @warning * Attempting to use an entity that already belongs to the storage results * in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * storage already contains the given entity. * * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @param args Parameters to use to construct an object for the entity. */ template void emplace(const entity_type entt, Args &&... args) { if constexpr(std::is_aggregate_v) { instances.push_back(Type{std::forward(args)...}); } else { instances.emplace_back(std::forward(args)...); } // entity goes after component in case constructor throws underlying_type::emplace(entt); } /** * @brief Assigns one or more entities to a storage and constructs their * objects from a given instance. * * @warning * Attempting to assign an entity that already belongs to the storage * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * storage already contains the given entity. * * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. * @param value An instance of the object to construct. */ template void insert(It first, It last, const object_type &value = {}) { instances.insert(instances.end(), std::distance(first, last), value); // entities go after components in case constructors throw underlying_type::insert(first, last); } /** * @brief Assigns one or more entities to a storage and constructs their * objects from a given range. * * @sa construct * * @tparam EIt Type of input iterator. * @tparam CIt Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. * @param from An iterator to the first element of the range of objects. * @param to An iterator past the last element of the range of objects. */ template void insert(EIt first, EIt last, CIt from, CIt to) { instances.insert(instances.end(), from, to); // entities go after components in case constructors throw underlying_type::insert(first, last); } /** * @brief Removes an entity from a storage and destroys its object. * * @warning * Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the storage results in * undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * storage doesn't contain the given entity. * * @param entt A valid entity identifier. */ void erase(const entity_type entt) { auto other = std::move(instances.back()); instances[underlying_type::index(entt)] = std::move(other); instances.pop_back(); underlying_type::erase(entt); } /** * @brief Swaps entities and objects in the internal packed arrays. * * @warning * Attempting to swap entities that don't belong to the sparse set results * in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * sparse set doesn't contain the given entities. * * @param lhs A valid entity identifier. * @param rhs A valid entity identifier. */ void swap(const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) override { std::swap(instances[underlying_type::index(lhs)], instances[underlying_type::index(rhs)]); underlying_type::swap(lhs, rhs); } /** * @brief Sort elements according to the given comparison function. * * Sort the elements so that iterating the range with a couple of iterators * returns them in the expected order. See `begin` and `end` for more * details. * * The comparison function object must return `true` if the first element * is _less_ than the second one, `false` otherwise. The signature of the * comparison function should be equivalent to one of the following: * * @code{.cpp} * bool(const Entity, const Entity); * bool(const Type &, const Type &); * @endcode * * Moreover, the comparison function object shall induce a * _strict weak ordering_ on the values. * * The sort function oject must offer a member function template * `operator()` that accepts three arguments: * * * An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * * An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * * A comparison function to use to compare the elements. * * @warning * Empty types are never instantiated. Therefore, only comparison function * objects that require to return entities rather than components are * accepted. * * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Sort Type of sort function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param algo A valid sort function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any. */ template void sort(iterator first, iterator last, Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(!(last < first)); ENTT_ASSERT(!(last > end())); const auto from = underlying_type::begin() + std::distance(begin(), first); const auto to = from + std::distance(first, last); const auto apply = [this](const auto lhs, const auto rhs) { std::swap(instances[underlying_type::index(lhs)], instances[underlying_type::index(rhs)]); }; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v) { underlying_type::arrange(from, to, std::move(apply), [this, compare = std::move(compare)](const auto lhs, const auto rhs) { return compare(std::as_const(instances[underlying_type::index(lhs)]), std::as_const(instances[underlying_type::index(rhs)])); }, std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } else { underlying_type::arrange(from, to, std::move(apply), std::move(compare), std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } } /*! @brief Clears a storage. */ void clear() { underlying_type::clear(); instances.clear(); } private: std::vector instances; }; /*! @copydoc storage */ template class storage>>: public sparse_set { using underlying_type = sparse_set; public: /*! @brief Type of the objects associated with the entities. */ using object_type = Type; /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /** * @brief Assigns an entity to a storage and constructs its object. * * @warning * Attempting to use an entity that already belongs to the storage results * in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * storage already contains the given entity. * * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @param args Parameters to use to construct an object for the entity. */ template void emplace(const entity_type entt, Args &&... args) { [[maybe_unused]] object_type instance{std::forward(args)...}; underlying_type::emplace(entt); } /** * @brief Assigns one or more entities to a storage. * * @warning * Attempting to assign an entity that already belongs to the storage * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * storage already contains the given entity. * * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. */ template void insert(It first, It last, const object_type & = {}) { underlying_type::insert(first, last); } }; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Applies component-to-pool conversion and defines the resulting type as * the member typedef type. * * Formally: * * * If the component type is a non-const one, the member typedef type is the * declared storage type. * * If the component type is a const one, the member typedef type is the * declared storage type, except it has a const-qualifier added. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Type Type of objects assigned to the entities. */ template struct pool { /*! @brief Resulting type after component-to-pool conversion. */ using type = storage; }; /*! @copydoc pool */ template struct pool { /*! @brief Resulting type after component-to-pool conversion. */ using type = std::add_const_t>::type>; }; /** * @brief Alias declaration to use to make component-to-pool conversions. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Type Type of objects assigned to the entities. */ template using pool_t = typename pool::type; } #endif // #include "sparse_set.hpp" // #include "utility.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_UTILITY_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_UTILITY_HPP // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Alias for exclusion lists. * @tparam Type List of types. */ template struct exclude_t: type_list {}; /** * @brief Variable template for exclusion lists. * @tparam Type List of types. */ template inline constexpr exclude_t exclude{}; /** * @brief Alias for lists of observed components. * @tparam Type List of types. */ template struct get_t: type_list{}; /** * @brief Variable template for lists of observed components. * @tparam Type List of types. */ template inline constexpr get_t get{}; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Group. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error, but for a few reasonable cases. */ template class basic_group; /** * @brief Non-owning group. * * A non-owning group returns all entities and only the entities that have at * least the given components. Moreover, it's guaranteed that the entity list * is tightly packed in memory for fast iterations. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the * given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all other cases, modifying the pools iterated by the group in any way * invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Groups share references to the underlying data structures of the registry * that generated them. Therefore any change to the entities and to the * components made by means of the registry are immediately reflected by all the * groups.
* Moreover, sorting a non-owning group affects all the instances of the same * group (it means that users don't have to call `sort` on each instance to sort * all of them because they _share_ entities and components). * * @warning * Lifetime of a group must not overcome that of the registry that generated it. * In any other case, attempting to use a group results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @tparam Get Type of components observed by the group. */ template class basic_group, get_t> { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create groups. */ friend class basic_registry; template using pool_type = pool_t; class group_proxy { friend class basic_group, get_t>; class proxy_iterator { friend class group_proxy; using it_type = typename sparse_set::iterator; using ref_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple *>>>()...)); proxy_iterator(it_type from, ref_type ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : it{from}, pools{ref} {} public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat( std::declval>(), std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()... )); using pointer = void; using reference = decltype(std::tuple_cat( std::declval>(), std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()... )); using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; proxy_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ++it, *this; } proxy_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { proxy_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::apply([entt = *it](auto *... cpool) { return reference{entt, cpool->get(entt)...}; }, pools); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.it == it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } private: it_type it{}; ref_type pools{}; }; group_proxy(const sparse_set &ref, std::tuple *...> gpools) : handler{&ref}, pools{gpools} {} public: using iterator = proxy_iterator; [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return proxy_iterator{handler->begin(), std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool); } }(std::get *>(pools))...)}; } [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return proxy_iterator{handler->end(), std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool); } }(std::get *>(pools))...)}; } private: const sparse_set *handler; std::tuple *...> pools; }; basic_group(sparse_set &ref, pool_type &... gpool) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : handler{&ref}, pools{&gpool...} {} template void traverse(Func func, type_list) const { for(const auto entt: *handler) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v({}))...>) { func(std::get *>(pools)->get(entt)...); } else { func(entt, std::get *>(pools)->get(entt)...); } } } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Random access iterator type. */ using iterator = typename sparse_set::iterator; /*! @brief Reversed iterator type. */ using reverse_iterator = typename sparse_set::reverse_iterator; /** * @brief Returns the number of existing components of the given type. * @tparam Component Type of component of which to return the size. * @return Number of existing components of the given type. */ template [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->size(); } /** * @brief Returns the number of entities that have the given components. * @return Number of entities that have the given components. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->size(); } /** * @brief Returns the number of elements that a group has currently * allocated space for. * @return Capacity of the group. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type capacity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->capacity(); } /*! @brief Requests the removal of unused capacity. */ void shrink_to_fit() { handler->shrink_to_fit(); } /** * @brief Checks whether a group or some pools are empty. * @tparam Component Types of components in which one is interested. * @return True if the group or the pools are empty, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { return handler->empty(); } else { return (std::get *>(pools)->empty() && ...); } } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of components of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is always a * valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Components are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of components. */ template [[nodiscard]] Component * raw() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->raw(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[data(), data() + size()]` is always a * valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ template [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->data(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->data(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the group. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the group. If the * group is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the group. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->begin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the group. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the group. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator results in * undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * group. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->end(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the reversed group. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the reversed group. * If the group is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `rend()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the reversed group. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->rbegin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the reversed * group. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the reversed group. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * reversed group. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handler->rend(); } /** * @brief Returns the first entity of the group, if any. * @return The first entity of the group if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type front() const { const auto it = begin(); return it != end() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Returns the last entity of the group, if any. * @return The last entity of the group if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type back() const { const auto it = rbegin(); return it != rend() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Finds an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return An iterator to the given entity if it's found, past the end * iterator otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator find(const entity_type entt) const { const auto it = handler->find(entt); return it != end() && *it == entt ? it : end(); } /** * @brief Returns the identifier that occupies the given position. * @param pos Position of the element to return. * @return The identifier that occupies the given position. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type operator[](const size_type pos) const { return begin()[pos]; } /** * @brief Checks if a group contains an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the group contains the given entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { return handler->contains(entt); } /** * @brief Returns the components assigned to the given entity. * * Prefer this function instead of `registry::get` during iterations. It has * far better performance than its counterpart. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid component type results in a compilation * error. Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the group * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * group doesn't contain the given entity. * * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The components assigned to the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entt) const { ENTT_ASSERT(contains(entt)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { return (std::get *>(pools)->get(entt), ...); } else { return std::tuple({}))...>{get(entt)...}; } } /** * @brief Iterates entities and components and applies the given function * object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity. It is provided with the * entity itself and a set of references to non-empty components. The * _constness_ of the components is as requested.
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to one of the following * forms: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type, Type &...); * void(Type &...); * @endcode * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { using get_type_list = type_list_cat_t, type_list<>, type_list>...>; traverse(std::move(func), get_type_list{}); } /** * @brief Returns an iterable object to use to _visit_ the group. * * The iterable object returns tuples that contain the current entity and a * set of references to its non-empty components. The _constness_ of the * components is as requested. * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @return An iterable object to use to _visit_ the group. */ [[nodiscard]] auto proxy() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return group_proxy{*handler, pools}; } /** * @brief Sort a group according to the given comparison function. * * Sort the group so that iterating it with a couple of iterators returns * entities and components in the expected order. See `begin` and `end` for * more details. * * The comparison function object must return `true` if the first element * is _less_ than the second one, `false` otherwise. The signature of the * comparison function should be equivalent to one of the following: * * @code{.cpp} * bool(std::tuple, std::tuple); * bool(const Component &..., const Component &...); * bool(const Entity, const Entity); * @endcode * * Where `Component` are such that they are iterated by the group.
* Moreover, the comparison function object shall induce a * _strict weak ordering_ on the values. * * The sort function oject must offer a member function template * `operator()` that accepts three arguments: * * * An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * * An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * * A comparison function to use to compare the elements. * * @tparam Component Optional types of components to compare. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Sort Type of sort function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param algo A valid sort function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any. */ template void sort(Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) { if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { static_assert(std::is_invocable_v, "Invalid comparison function"); handler->sort(handler->begin(), handler->end(), std::move(compare), std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } else if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { handler->sort(handler->begin(), handler->end(), [this, compare = std::move(compare)](const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) { return compare((std::get *>(pools)->get(lhs), ...), (std::get *>(pools)->get(rhs), ...)); }, std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } else { handler->sort(handler->begin(), handler->end(), [this, compare = std::move(compare)](const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) { return compare(std::tuple({}))...>{std::get *>(pools)->get(lhs)...}, std::tuple({}))...>{std::get *>(pools)->get(rhs)...}); }, std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } } /** * @brief Sort the shared pool of entities according to the given component. * * Non-owning groups of the same type share with the registry a pool of * entities with its own order that doesn't depend on the order of any pool * of components. Users can order the underlying data structure so that it * respects the order of the pool of the given component. * * @note * The shared pool of entities and thus its order is affected by the changes * to each and every pool that it tracks. Therefore changes to those pools * can quickly ruin the order imposed to the pool of entities shared between * the non-owning groups. * * @tparam Component Type of component to use to impose the order. */ template void sort() const { handler->respect(*std::get *>(pools)); } private: sparse_set *handler; const std::tuple *...> pools; }; /** * @brief Owning group. * * Owning groups return all entities and only the entities that have at least * the given components. Moreover: * * * It's guaranteed that the entity list is tightly packed in memory for fast * iterations. * * It's guaranteed that the lists of owned components are tightly packed in * memory for even faster iterations and to allow direct access. * * They stay true to the order of the owned components and all instances have * the same order in memory. * * The more types of components are owned by a group, the faster it is to * iterate them. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the * given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all other cases, modifying the pools iterated by the group in any way * invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Groups share references to the underlying data structures of the registry * that generated them. Therefore any change to the entities and to the * components made by means of the registry are immediately reflected by all the * groups. * Moreover, sorting an owning group affects all the instance of the same group * (it means that users don't have to call `sort` on each instance to sort all * of them because they share the underlying data structure). * * @warning * Lifetime of a group must not overcome that of the registry that generated it. * In any other case, attempting to use a group results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group. * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. */ template class basic_group, get_t, Owned...> { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create groups. */ friend class basic_registry; template using pool_type = pool_t; template using component_iterator = decltype(std::declval>().begin()); class group_proxy { friend class basic_group, get_t, Owned...>; class proxy_iterator { friend class group_proxy; using it_type = typename sparse_set::iterator; using owned_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>>()...)); using get_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple *>>>()...)); proxy_iterator(it_type from, owned_type oref, get_type gref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : it{from}, owned{oref}, get{gref} {} public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat( std::declval>(), std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()..., std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()... )); using pointer = void; using reference = decltype(std::tuple_cat( std::declval>(), std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()..., std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()... )); using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; proxy_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ++it, std::apply([](auto &&... curr) { (++curr, ...); }, owned), *this; } proxy_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { proxy_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::tuple_cat( std::make_tuple(*it), std::apply([](auto &&... curr) { return std::forward_as_tuple(*curr...); }, owned), std::apply([entt = *it](auto &&... curr) { return std::forward_as_tuple(curr->get(entt)...); }, get) ); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.it == it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } private: it_type it{}; owned_type owned{}; get_type get{}; }; group_proxy(std::tuple *..., pool_type *...> cpools, const std::size_t &extent) : pools{cpools}, length{&extent} {} public: using iterator = proxy_iterator; [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return proxy_iterator{ std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::end() - *length, std::tuple_cat([length = *length](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool->end() - length); } }(std::get *>(pools))...), std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool); } }(std::get *>(pools))...) }; } [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return proxy_iterator{ std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::end(), std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool->end()); } }(std::get *>(pools))...), std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool); } }(std::get *>(pools))...) }; } private: const std::tuple *..., pool_type *...> pools; const std::size_t *length; }; basic_group(const std::size_t &extent, pool_type &... opool, pool_type &... gpool) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{&opool..., &gpool...}, length{&extent} {} template void traverse(Func func, type_list, type_list) const { [[maybe_unused]] auto it = std::make_tuple((std::get *>(pools)->end() - *length)...); [[maybe_unused]] auto data = std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::end() - *length; for(auto next = *length; next; --next) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v({}))..., decltype(get({}))...>) { if constexpr(sizeof...(Weak) == 0) { func(*(std::get>(it)++)...); } else { const auto entt = *(data++); func(*(std::get>(it)++)..., std::get *>(pools)->get(entt)...); } } else { const auto entt = *(data++); func(entt, *(std::get>(it)++)..., std::get *>(pools)->get(entt)...); } } } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Random access iterator type. */ using iterator = typename sparse_set::iterator; /*! @brief Reversed iterator type. */ using reverse_iterator = typename sparse_set::reverse_iterator; /** * @brief Returns the number of existing components of the given type. * @tparam Component Type of component of which to return the size. * @return Number of existing components of the given type. */ template [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->size(); } /** * @brief Returns the number of entities that have the given components. * @return Number of entities that have the given components. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *length; } /** * @brief Checks whether a group or some pools are empty. * @tparam Component Types of components in which one is interested. * @return True if the group or the pools are empty, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { return !*length; } else { return (std::get *>(pools)->empty() && ...); } } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of components of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is always a * valid range, even if the container is empty.
* Moreover, in case the group owns the given component, the range * `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is such that it contains * the instances that are part of the group itself. * * @note * Components are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of components. */ template [[nodiscard]] Component * raw() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->raw(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[data(), data() + size()]` is always a * valid range, even if the container is empty.
* Moreover, in case the group owns the given component, the range * `[data(), data() + size()]` is such that it * contains the entities that are part of the group itself. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ template [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->data(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get<0>(pools)->data(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the group. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the group. If the * group is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the group. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::end() - *length; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the group. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the group. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator results in * undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * group. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::end(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the reversed group. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the reversed group. * If the group is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `rend()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the reversed group. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::rbegin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the reversed * group. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the reversed group. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * reversed group. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get<0>(pools)->sparse_set::rbegin() + *length; } /** * @brief Returns the first entity of the group, if any. * @return The first entity of the group if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type front() const { const auto it = begin(); return it != end() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Returns the last entity of the group, if any. * @return The last entity of the group if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type back() const { const auto it = rbegin(); return it != rend() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Finds an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return An iterator to the given entity if it's found, past the end * iterator otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator find(const entity_type entt) const { const auto it = std::get<0>(pools)->find(entt); return it != end() && it >= begin() && *it == entt ? it : end(); } /** * @brief Returns the identifier that occupies the given position. * @param pos Position of the element to return. * @return The identifier that occupies the given position. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type operator[](const size_type pos) const { return begin()[pos]; } /** * @brief Checks if a group contains an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the group contains the given entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { return std::get<0>(pools)->contains(entt) && (std::get<0>(pools)->index(entt) < (*length)); } /** * @brief Returns the components assigned to the given entity. * * Prefer this function instead of `registry::get` during iterations. It has * far better performance than its counterpart. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid component type results in a compilation * error. Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the group * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * group doesn't contain the given entity. * * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The components assigned to the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entt) const { ENTT_ASSERT(contains(entt)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { return (std::get *>(pools)->get(entt), ...); } else { return std::tuple({}))...>{get(entt)...}; } } /** * @brief Iterates entities and components and applies the given function * object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity. It is provided with the * entity itself and a set of references to non-empty components. The * _constness_ of the components is as requested.
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to one of the following * forms: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type, Type &...); * void(Type &...); * @endcode * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { using owned_type_list = type_list_cat_t, type_list<>, type_list>...>; using get_type_list = type_list_cat_t, type_list<>, type_list>...>; traverse(std::move(func), owned_type_list{}, get_type_list{}); } /** * @brief Returns an iterable object to use to _visit_ the group. * * The iterable object returns tuples that contain the current entity and a * set of references to its non-empty components. The _constness_ of the * components is as requested. * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @return An iterable object to use to _visit_ the group. */ [[nodiscard]] auto proxy() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return group_proxy{pools, *length}; } /** * @brief Sort a group according to the given comparison function. * * Sort the group so that iterating it with a couple of iterators returns * entities and components in the expected order. See `begin` and `end` for * more details. * * The comparison function object must return `true` if the first element * is _less_ than the second one, `false` otherwise. The signature of the * comparison function should be equivalent to one of the following: * * @code{.cpp} * bool(std::tuple, std::tuple); * bool(const Component &, const Component &); * bool(const Entity, const Entity); * @endcode * * Where `Component` are either owned types or not but still such that they * are iterated by the group.
* Moreover, the comparison function object shall induce a * _strict weak ordering_ on the values. * * The sort function oject must offer a member function template * `operator()` that accepts three arguments: * * * An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * * An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * * A comparison function to use to compare the elements. * * @tparam Component Optional types of components to compare. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Sort Type of sort function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param algo A valid sort function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any. */ template void sort(Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) { auto *cpool = std::get<0>(pools); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { static_assert(std::is_invocable_v, "Invalid comparison function"); cpool->sort(cpool->end()-*length, cpool->end(), std::move(compare), std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } else if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { cpool->sort(cpool->end()-*length, cpool->end(), [this, compare = std::move(compare)](const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) { return compare((std::get *>(pools)->get(lhs), ...), (std::get *>(pools)->get(rhs), ...)); }, std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } else { cpool->sort(cpool->end()-*length, cpool->end(), [this, compare = std::move(compare)](const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) { return compare(std::tuple({}))...>{std::get *>(pools)->get(lhs)...}, std::tuple({}))...>{std::get *>(pools)->get(rhs)...}); }, std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } [this](auto *head, auto *... other) { for(auto next = *length; next; --next) { const auto pos = next - 1; [[maybe_unused]] const auto entt = head->data()[pos]; (other->swap(other->data()[pos], entt), ...); } }(std::get *>(pools)...); } private: const std::tuple *..., pool_type *...> pools; const size_type *length; }; } #endif // #include "runtime_view.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_RUNTIME_VIEW_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_RUNTIME_VIEW_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "sparse_set.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Runtime view. * * Runtime views iterate over those entities that have at least all the given * components in their bags. During initialization, a runtime view looks at the * number of entities available for each component and picks up a reference to * the smallest set of candidate entities in order to get a performance boost * when iterate.
* Order of elements during iterations are highly dependent on the order of the * underlying data structures. See sparse_set and its specializations for more * details. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the * given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all the other cases, modifying the pools of the given components in any * way invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined * behavior. * * @note * Views share references to the underlying data structures of the registry that * generated them. Therefore any change to the entities and to the components * made by means of the registry are immediately reflected by the views, unless * a pool was missing when the view was built (in this case, the view won't * have a valid reference and won't be updated accordingly). * * @warning * Lifetime of a view must not overcome that of the registry that generated it. * In any other case, attempting to use a view results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class basic_runtime_view { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create views. */ friend class basic_registry; using underlying_iterator = typename sparse_set::iterator; class view_iterator final { friend class basic_runtime_view; view_iterator(const std::vector *> &cpools, const std::vector *> &ignore, underlying_iterator curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{&cpools}, filter{&ignore}, it{curr} { if(it != (*pools)[0]->end() && !valid()) { ++(*this); } } [[nodiscard]] bool valid() const { return std::all_of(pools->begin()++, pools->end(), [entt = *it](const auto *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); }) && std::none_of(filter->cbegin(), filter->cend(), [entt = *it](const auto *curr) { return curr && curr->contains(entt); }); } public: using difference_type = typename underlying_iterator::difference_type; using value_type = typename underlying_iterator::value_type; using pointer = typename underlying_iterator::pointer; using reference = typename underlying_iterator::reference; using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; view_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; view_iterator & operator++() { while(++it != (*pools)[0]->end() && !valid()); return *this; } view_iterator operator++(int) { view_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } view_iterator & operator--() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { while(--it != (*pools)[0]->begin() && !valid()); return *this; } view_iterator operator--(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { view_iterator orig = *this; return operator--(), orig; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.it == it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } [[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const { return it.operator->(); } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const { return *operator->(); } private: const std::vector *> *pools; const std::vector *> *filter; underlying_iterator it; }; basic_runtime_view(std::vector *> cpools, std::vector *> epools) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{std::move(cpools)}, filter{std::move(epools)} { const auto it = std::min_element(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) { return (!lhs && rhs) || (lhs && rhs && lhs->size() < rhs->size()); }); // brings the best candidate (if any) on front of the vector std::rotate(pools.begin(), it, pools.end()); } [[nodiscard]] bool valid() const { return !pools.empty() && pools.front(); } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Bidirectional iterator type. */ using iterator = view_iterator; /** * @brief Estimates the number of entities that have the given components. * @return Estimated number of entities that have the given components. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const { return valid() ? pools.front()->size() : size_type{}; } /** * @brief Checks if the view is definitely empty. * @return True if the view is definitely empty, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return !valid() || pools.front()->empty(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity that has the given * components. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity that has the given * components. If the view is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to * `end()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity that has the given components. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const { return valid() ? iterator{pools, filter, pools[0]->begin()} : iterator{}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity that has the * given components. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity that * has the given components. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity that has the * given components. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const { return valid() ? iterator{pools, filter, pools[0]->end()} : iterator{}; } /** * @brief Checks if a view contains an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the view contains the given entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { return valid() && std::all_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [entt](const auto *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); }) && std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt](const auto *curr) { return curr && curr->contains(entt); }); } /** * @brief Iterates entities and applies the given function object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity. It is provided only with * the entity itself. To get the components, users can use the registry with * which the view was built.
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type); * @endcode * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { for(const auto entity: *this) { func(entity); } } private: std::vector *> pools; std::vector *> filter; }; } #endif // #include "sparse_set.hpp" // #include "storage.hpp" // #include "utility.hpp" // #include "view.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_VIEW_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_VIEW_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" // #include "pool.hpp" // #include "sparse_set.hpp" // #include "utility.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief View. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error, but for a few reasonable cases. */ template class basic_view; /** * @brief Multi component view. * * Multi component views iterate over those entities that have at least all the * given components in their bags. During initialization, a multi component view * looks at the number of entities available for each component and uses the * smallest set in order to get a performance boost when iterate. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the * given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all other cases, modifying the pools iterated by the view in any way * invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Views share references to the underlying data structures of the registry that * generated them. Therefore any change to the entities and to the components * made by means of the registry are immediately reflected by views. * * @warning * Lifetime of a view must not overcome that of the registry that generated it. * In any other case, attempting to use a view results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the view. * @tparam Component Types of components iterated by the view. */ template class basic_view, Component...> { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create views. */ friend class basic_registry; template using pool_type = pool_t; template using component_iterator = decltype(std::declval>().begin()); using unchecked_type = std::array *, (sizeof...(Component) - 1)>; using filter_type = std::array *, sizeof...(Exclude)>; template class view_iterator final { friend class basic_view, Component...>; view_iterator(It from, It to, It curr, unchecked_type other, filter_type ignore) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : first{from}, last{to}, it{curr}, unchecked{other}, filter{ignore} { if(it != last && !valid()) { ++(*this); } } [[nodiscard]] bool valid() const { return std::all_of(unchecked.cbegin(), unchecked.cend(), [entt = *it](const sparse_set *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); }) && (sizeof...(Exclude) == 0 || std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt = *it](const sparse_set *cpool) { return cpool->contains(entt); })); } public: using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type; using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type; using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits::pointer; using reference = typename std::iterator_traits::reference; using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; view_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; view_iterator & operator++() { while(++it != last && !valid()); return *this; } view_iterator operator++(int) { view_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } view_iterator & operator--() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { while(--it != first && !valid()); return *this; } view_iterator operator--(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { view_iterator orig = *this; return operator--(), orig; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.it == it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } [[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const { return &*it; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const { return *operator->(); } private: It first; It last; It it; unchecked_type unchecked; filter_type filter; }; class view_proxy { friend class basic_view, Component...>; using proxy_view_iterator = view_iterator::iterator>; class proxy_iterator { friend class view_proxy; using ref_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple *>>>()...)); proxy_iterator(proxy_view_iterator from, ref_type ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : it{from}, pools{ref} {} public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = decltype(std::tuple_cat( std::declval>(), std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()... )); using pointer = void; using reference = decltype(std::tuple_cat( std::declval>(), std::declval, std::tuple<>, std::tuple>>()... )); using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; proxy_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ++it, *this; } proxy_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { proxy_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::apply([entt = *it](auto *... cpool) { return reference{entt, cpool->get(entt)...}; }, pools); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.it == it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } private: proxy_view_iterator it{}; const ref_type pools{}; }; view_proxy(proxy_view_iterator from, proxy_view_iterator to, std::tuple *...> ref) : first{from}, last{to}, pools{ref} {} public: using iterator = proxy_iterator; [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return proxy_iterator{first, std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool); } }(std::get *>(pools))...)}; } [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return proxy_iterator{last, std::tuple_cat([](auto *cpool) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v::object_type>) { return std::make_tuple(); } else { return std::make_tuple(cpool); } }(std::get *>(pools))...)}; } private: proxy_view_iterator first; proxy_view_iterator last; const std::tuple *...> pools; }; basic_view(pool_type &... component, unpack_as_t, Exclude> &... epool) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{&component...}, view{candidate()}, filter{&epool...} {} [[nodiscard]] const sparse_set * candidate() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (std::min)({ static_cast *>(std::get *>(pools))... }, [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) { return lhs->size() < rhs->size(); }); } [[nodiscard]] unchecked_type unchecked(const sparse_set *cpool) const { std::size_t pos{}; unchecked_type other{}; ((std::get *>(pools) == cpool ? nullptr : (other[pos] = std::get *>(pools), other[pos++])), ...); return other; } template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] component_iterator &it, [[maybe_unused]] pool_type *cpool, [[maybe_unused]] const Entity entt) const { if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { return *it; } else { return cpool->get(entt); } } template void traverse(Func func, type_list) const { if constexpr(std::disjunction_v...>) { auto it = std::get *>(pools)->begin(); for(const auto entt: static_cast &>(*std::get *>(pools))) { if(((std::is_same_v || std::get *>(pools)->contains(entt)) && ...) && (sizeof...(Exclude) == 0 || std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt](const sparse_set *cpool) { return cpool->contains(entt); }))) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v({}))...>) { func(get(it, std::get *>(pools), entt)...); } else { func(entt, get(it, std::get *>(pools), entt)...); } } ++it; } } else { for(const auto entt: static_cast &>(*std::get *>(pools))) { if(((std::is_same_v || std::get *>(pools)->contains(entt)) && ...) && (sizeof...(Exclude) == 0 || std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt](const sparse_set *cpool) { return cpool->contains(entt); }))) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v({}))...>) { func(std::get *>(pools)->get(entt)...); } else { func(entt, std::get *>(pools)->get(entt)...); } } } } } template void iterate(Func func, type_list) const { const auto last = view->data() + view->size(); auto first = view->data(); while(first != last) { if((std::get *>(pools)->contains(*first) && ...) && (sizeof...(Exclude) == 0 || std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt = *first](const sparse_set *cpool) { return cpool->contains(entt); }))) { const auto base = *(first++); const auto chunk = (std::min)({ (std::get *>(pools)->size() - std::get *>(pools)->index(base))... }); size_type length{}; for(++length; length < chunk && ((*(std::get *>(pools)->data() + std::get *>(pools)->index(base) + length) == *first) && ...) && (sizeof...(Exclude) == 0 || std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt = *first](const sparse_set *cpool) { return cpool->contains(entt); })); ++length, ++first); func(view->data() + view->index(base), (std::get *>(pools)->raw() + std::get *>(pools)->index(base))..., length); } else { ++first; } } } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Bidirectional iterator type. */ using iterator = view_iterator::iterator>; /*! @brief Reverse iterator type. */ using reverse_iterator = view_iterator::reverse_iterator>; /** * @brief Returns the number of existing components of the given type. * * This isn't the number of entities iterated by the view. * * @tparam Comp Type of component of which to return the size. * @return Number of existing components of the given type. */ template [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->size(); } /** * @brief Estimates the number of entities iterated by the view. * @return Estimated number of entities iterated by the view. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (std::min)({ std::get *>(pools)->size()... }); } /** * @brief Checks whether a view or some pools are empty. * * The view is definitely empty if one of the pools it uses is empty. In all * other cases, the view may be empty and not return entities even if this * function returns false. * * @tparam Comp Types of components in which one is interested. * @return True if the view or the pools are empty, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(sizeof...(Comp) == 0) { return (std::get *>(pools)->empty() || ...); } else { return (std::get *>(pools)->empty() && ...); } } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of components of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is always a valid range, even * if the container is empty. * * @note * Components are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @tparam Comp Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of components. */ template [[nodiscard]] Comp * raw() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->raw(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[data(), data() + size()]` is always a valid range, * even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @tparam Comp Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ template [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get *>(pools)->data(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the view. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the view. If the view * is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the view. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const { return iterator{view->begin(), view->end(), view->begin(), unchecked(view), filter}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the view. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the view. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator results in * undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the view. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const { return iterator{view->begin(), view->end(), view->end(), unchecked(view), filter}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the reversed view. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the reversed view. If * the view is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `rend()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the reversed view. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return reverse_iterator{view->rbegin(), view->rend(), view->rbegin(), unchecked(view), filter}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the reversed * view. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the reversed view. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * reversed view. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rend() const { return reverse_iterator{view->rbegin(), view->rend(), view->rend(), unchecked(view), filter}; } /** * @brief Returns the first entity of the view, if any. * @return The first entity of the view if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type front() const { const auto it = begin(); return it != end() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Returns the last entity of the view, if any. * @return The last entity of the view if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type back() const { const auto it = rbegin(); return it != rend() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Finds an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return An iterator to the given entity if it's found, past the end * iterator otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator find(const entity_type entt) const { iterator it{view->begin(), view->end(), view->find(entt), unchecked(view), filter}; return (it != end() && *it == entt) ? it : end(); } /** * @brief Checks if a view contains an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the view contains the given entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { return (std::get *>(pools)->contains(entt) && ...) && (sizeof...(Exclude) == 0 || std::none_of(filter.begin(), filter.end(), [entt](const auto *cpool) { return cpool->contains(entt); })); } /** * @brief Returns the components assigned to the given entity. * * Prefer this function instead of `registry::get` during iterations. It has * far better performance than its counterpart. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid component type results in a compilation * error. Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the view * results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * view doesn't contain the given entity. * * @tparam Comp Types of components to get. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The components assigned to the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entt) const { ENTT_ASSERT(contains(entt)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Comp) == 0) { static_assert(sizeof...(Component) == 1, "Invalid component type"); return (std::get *>(pools)->get(entt), ...); } else if constexpr(sizeof...(Comp) == 1) { return (std::get *>(pools)->get(entt), ...); } else { return std::tuple({}))...>{get(entt)...}; } } /** * @brief Iterates entities and components and applies the given function * object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity. It is provided with the * entity itself and a set of references to non-empty components. The * _constness_ of the components is as requested.
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to one of the following * forms: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type, Type &...); * void(Type &...); * @endcode * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { view = candidate(); ((std::get *>(pools) == view ? each(std::move(func)) : void()), ...); } /** * @brief Iterates entities and components and applies the given function * object to them. * * The pool of the suggested component is used to lead the iterations. The * returned entities will therefore respect the order of the pool associated * with that type.
* It is no longer guaranteed that the performance is the best possible, but * there will be greater control over the order of iteration. * * @sa each * * @tparam Comp Type of component to use to enforce the iteration order. * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { using non_empty_type = type_list_cat_t, type_list<>, type_list>...>; traverse(std::move(func), non_empty_type{}); } /** * @brief Returns an iterable object to use to _visit_ the view. * * The iterable object returns tuples that contain the current entity and a * set of references to its non-empty components. The _constness_ of the * components is as requested. * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @return An iterable object to use to _visit_ the view. */ [[nodiscard]] auto proxy() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { view = candidate(); return view_proxy{begin(), end(), pools}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterable object to use to _visit_ the view. * * The pool of the suggested component is used to lead the iterations. The * returned elements will therefore respect the order of the pool associated * with that type.
* It is no longer guaranteed that the performance is the best possible, but * there will be greater control over the order of iteration. * * @sa each * * @tparam Comp Type of component to use to enforce the iteration order. * @return An iterable object to use to _visit_ the view. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto proxy() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const sparse_set *cpool = std::get *>(pools); iterator first{cpool->begin(), cpool->end(), cpool->begin(), unchecked(cpool), filter}; iterator last{cpool->begin(), cpool->end(), cpool->end(), unchecked(cpool), filter}; return view_proxy{std::move(first), std::move(last), pools}; } /** * @brief Chunked iteration for entities and components * * Chunked iteration tries to spot chunks in the sets of entities and * components and return them one at a time along with their sizes.
* This type of iteration is intended where it's known a priori that the * creation of entities and components takes place in chunk, which is * actually quite common. In this case, various optimizations can be applied * downstream to obtain even better performances from the views. * * The signature of the function must be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type *, Type *..., size_type); * @endcode * * The arguments are as follows: * * * A pointer to the entities belonging to the chunk. * * Pointers to the components associated with the returned entities. * * The length of the chunk. * * Note that the callback can be invoked 0 or more times and no guarantee is * given on the order of the elements. * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void chunked(Func func) const { using non_empty_type = type_list_cat_t, type_list<>, type_list>...>; view = candidate(); iterate(std::move(func), non_empty_type{}); } private: const std::tuple *...> pools; mutable const sparse_set* view; filter_type filter; }; /** * @brief Single component view specialization. * * Single component views are specialized in order to get a boost in terms of * performance. This kind of views can access the underlying data structure * directly and avoid superfluous checks. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given component are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, the given * component is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all other cases, modifying the pool iterated by the view in any way * invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Views share a reference to the underlying data structure of the registry that * generated them. Therefore any change to the entities and to the components * made by means of the registry are immediately reflected by views. * * @warning * Lifetime of a view must not overcome that of the registry that generated it. * In any other case, attempting to use a view results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Component Type of component iterated by the view. */ template class basic_view, Component> { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create views. */ friend class basic_registry; using pool_type = pool_t; class view_proxy { friend class basic_view, Component>; class proxy_iterator { friend class view_proxy; using it_type = std::conditional_t< is_eto_eligible_v, std::tuple::iterator>, std::tuple::iterator, decltype(std::declval().begin())> >; proxy_iterator(it_type from) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : it{from} {} public: using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = std::conditional_t, std::tuple, std::tuple>; using pointer = void; using reference = std::conditional_t, std::tuple, std::tuple>; using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; proxy_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::apply([](auto &&... curr) { (++curr, ...); }, it), *this; } proxy_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { proxy_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::apply([](auto &&... curr) { return reference{*curr...}; }, it); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::get<0>(other.it) == std::get<0>(it); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const proxy_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } private: it_type it{}; }; view_proxy(pool_type &ref) : pool{&ref} {} public: using iterator = proxy_iterator; [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v) { return proxy_iterator{std::make_tuple(pool->sparse_set::begin())}; } else { return proxy_iterator{std::make_tuple(pool->sparse_set::begin(), pool->begin())}; } } [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v) { return proxy_iterator{std::make_tuple(pool->sparse_set::end())}; } else { return proxy_iterator{std::make_tuple(pool->sparse_set::end(), pool->end())}; } } private: pool_type *pool; }; basic_view(pool_type &ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pool{&ref} {} public: /*! @brief Type of component iterated by the view. */ using raw_type = Component; /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Random access iterator type. */ using iterator = typename sparse_set::iterator; /*! @brief Reversed iterator type. */ using reverse_iterator = typename sparse_set::reverse_iterator; /** * @brief Returns the number of entities that have the given component. * @return Number of entities that have the given component. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->size(); } /** * @brief Checks whether a view is empty. * @return True if the view is empty, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->empty(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of components. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Components are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the array of components. */ [[nodiscard]] raw_type * raw() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->raw(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->data(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the view. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the view. If the view * is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the view. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->sparse_set::begin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the view. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the view. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator results in * undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the view. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->sparse_set::end(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the reversed view. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the reversed view. If * the view is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `rend()`. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the reversed view. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->sparse_set::rbegin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the reversed * view. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the reversed view. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @note * Iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data * structures. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * reversed view. */ [[nodiscard]] reverse_iterator rend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return pool->sparse_set::rend(); } /** * @brief Returns the first entity of the view, if any. * @return The first entity of the view if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type front() const { const auto it = begin(); return it != end() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Returns the last entity of the view, if any. * @return The last entity of the view if one exists, the null entity * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type back() const { const auto it = rbegin(); return it != rend() ? *it : null; } /** * @brief Finds an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return An iterator to the given entity if it's found, past the end * iterator otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator find(const entity_type entt) const { const auto it = pool->find(entt); return it != end() && *it == entt ? it : end(); } /** * @brief Returns the identifier that occupies the given position. * @param pos Position of the element to return. * @return The identifier that occupies the given position. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type operator[](const size_type pos) const { return begin()[pos]; } /** * @brief Checks if a view contains an entity. * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the view contains the given entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { return pool->contains(entt); } /** * @brief Returns the component assigned to the given entity. * * Prefer this function instead of `registry::get` during iterations. It has * far better performance than its counterpart. * * @warning * Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the view results in * undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * view doesn't contain the given entity. * * @param entt A valid entity identifier. * @return The component assigned to the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get(const entity_type entt) const { static_assert(std::is_same_v, "Invalid component type"); ENTT_ASSERT(contains(entt)); return pool->get(entt); } /** * @brief Iterates entities and components and applies the given function * object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity. It is provided with the * entity itself and a reference to the component if it's a non-empty one. * The _constness_ of the component is as requested.
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to one of the following * forms: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type, Component &); * void(Component &); * @endcode * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v) { for(auto pos = pool->size(); pos; --pos) { func(); } } else { for(const auto entt: *this) { func(entt); } } } else { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v) { for(auto &&component: *pool) { func(component); } } else { auto raw = pool->begin(); for(const auto entt: *this) { func(entt, *(raw++)); } } } } /** * @brief Returns an iterable object to use to _visit_ the view. * * The iterable object returns tuples that contain the current entity and a * reference to its component if it's a non-empty one. The _constness_ of * the component is as requested. * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned during iterations. * * @return An iterable object to use to _visit_ the view. */ [[nodiscard]] auto proxy() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return view_proxy{*pool}; } private: pool_type *pool; }; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Fast and reliable entity-component system. * * The registry is the core class of the entity-component framework.
* It stores entities and arranges pools of components on a per request basis. * By means of a registry, users can manage entities and components, then create * views or groups to iterate them. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class basic_registry { using traits_type = entt_traits; template struct pool_handler final: storage { static_assert(std::is_same_v>, "Invalid component type"); [[nodiscard]] auto on_construct() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return sink{construction}; } [[nodiscard]] auto on_update() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return sink{update}; } [[nodiscard]] auto on_destroy() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return sink{destruction}; } template decltype(auto) emplace(basic_registry &owner, const Entity entt, Args &&... args) { storage::emplace(entt, std::forward(args)...); construction.publish(owner, entt); if constexpr(!is_eto_eligible_v) { return this->get(entt); } } template void insert(basic_registry &owner, It first, It last, Args &&... args) { storage::insert(first, last, std::forward(args)...); if(!construction.empty()) { while(first != last) { construction.publish(owner, *(first++)); } } } void remove(basic_registry &owner, const Entity entt) { destruction.publish(owner, entt); this->erase(entt); } template void remove(basic_registry &owner, It first, It last) { if(std::distance(first, last) == std::distance(this->begin(), this->end())) { if(!destruction.empty()) { while(first != last) { destruction.publish(owner, *(first++)); } } this->clear(); } else { while(first != last) { this->remove(owner, *(first++)); } } } template decltype(auto) patch(basic_registry &owner, const Entity entt, [[maybe_unused]] Func &&... func) { if constexpr(is_eto_eligible_v) { update.publish(owner, entt); } else { (std::forward(func)(this->get(entt)), ...); update.publish(owner, entt); return this->get(entt); } } decltype(auto) replace(basic_registry &owner, const Entity entt, Component component) { return patch(owner, entt, [&component](auto &&curr) { curr = std::move(component); }); } private: sigh construction{}; sigh destruction{}; sigh update{}; }; struct pool_data { id_type type_id{}; std::unique_ptr> pool{}; void(* remove)(sparse_set &, basic_registry &, const Entity){}; }; template struct group_handler; template struct group_handler, get_t, Owned...> { static_assert(std::conjunction_v>..., std::is_same>..., std::is_same>...>, "One or more component types are invalid"); std::conditional_t, std::size_t> current{}; template void maybe_valid_if(basic_registry &owner, const Entity entt) { [[maybe_unused]] const auto cpools = std::forward_as_tuple(owner.assure()...); const auto is_valid = ((std::is_same_v || std::get &>(cpools).contains(entt)) && ...) && ((std::is_same_v || owner.assure().contains(entt)) && ...) && ((std::is_same_v || !owner.assure().contains(entt)) && ...); if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) { if(is_valid && !current.contains(entt)) { current.emplace(entt); } } else { if(is_valid && !(std::get<0>(cpools).index(entt) < current)) { const auto pos = current++; (std::get &>(cpools).swap(std::get &>(cpools).data()[pos], entt), ...); } } } void discard_if([[maybe_unused]] basic_registry &owner, const Entity entt) { if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) { if(current.contains(entt)) { current.erase(entt); } } else { if(const auto cpools = std::forward_as_tuple(owner.assure()...); std::get<0>(cpools).contains(entt) && (std::get<0>(cpools).index(entt) < current)) { const auto pos = --current; (std::get &>(cpools).swap(std::get &>(cpools).data()[pos], entt), ...); } } } }; struct group_data { std::size_t size; std::unique_ptr group; bool (* owned)(const id_type) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; bool (* get)(const id_type) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; bool (* exclude)(const id_type) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; }; struct variable_data { id_type type_id; std::unique_ptr value; }; template [[nodiscard]] const pool_handler & assure() const { const sparse_set *cpool; if constexpr(ENTT_FAST_PATH(has_type_index_v)) { const auto index = type_index::value(); if(!(index < pools.size())) { pools.resize(size_type(index+1u)); } if(auto &&pdata = pools[index]; !pdata.pool) { pdata.type_id = type_info::id(); pdata.pool.reset(new pool_handler()); pdata.remove = [](sparse_set &target, basic_registry &owner, const entity_type entt) { static_cast &>(target).remove(owner, entt); }; } cpool = pools[index].pool.get(); } else { if(const auto it = std::find_if(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [id = type_info::id()](const auto &pdata) { return id == pdata.type_id; }); it == pools.cend()) { cpool = pools.emplace_back(pool_data{ type_info::id(), std::unique_ptr>{new pool_handler()}, [](sparse_set &target, basic_registry &owner, const entity_type entt) { static_cast &>(target).remove(owner, entt); } }).pool.get(); } else { cpool = it->pool.get(); } } return *static_cast *>(cpool); } template [[nodiscard]] pool_handler & assure() { return const_cast &>(std::as_const(*this).template assure()); } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Underlying version type. */ using version_type = typename traits_type::version_type; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ basic_registry() = default; /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ basic_registry(basic_registry &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This registry. */ basic_registry & operator=(basic_registry &&) = default; /** * @brief Prepares a pool for the given type if required. * @tparam Component Type of component for which to prepare a pool. */ template void prepare() { // suppress the warning due to the [[nodiscard]] attribute static_cast(assure()); } /** * @brief Returns the number of existing components of the given type. * @tparam Component Type of component of which to return the size. * @return Number of existing components of the given type. */ template [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const { return assure().size(); } /** * @brief Returns the number of entities created so far. * @return Number of entities created so far. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entities.size(); } /** * @brief Returns the number of entities still in use. * @return Number of entities still in use. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type alive() const { auto sz = entities.size(); auto curr = destroyed; for(; curr != null; --sz) { curr = entities[to_integral(curr) & traits_type::entity_mask]; } return sz; } /** * @brief Increases the capacity of the registry or of the pools for the * given components. * * If no components are specified, the capacity of the registry is * increased, that is the number of entities it contains. Otherwise the * capacity of the pools for the given components is increased.
* In both cases, if the new capacity is greater than the current capacity, * new storage is allocated, otherwise the method does nothing. * * @tparam Component Types of components for which to reserve storage. * @param cap Desired capacity. */ template void reserve(const size_type cap) { if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { entities.reserve(cap); } else { (assure().reserve(cap), ...); } } /** * @brief Returns the capacity of the pool for the given component. * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return Capacity of the pool of the given component. */ template [[nodiscard]] size_type capacity() const { return assure().capacity(); } /** * @brief Returns the number of entities that a registry has currently * allocated space for. * @return Capacity of the registry. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type capacity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entities.capacity(); } /** * @brief Requests the removal of unused capacity for the given components. * @tparam Component Types of components for which to reclaim unused * capacity. */ template void shrink_to_fit() { (assure().shrink_to_fit(), ...); } /** * @brief Checks whether the registry or the pools of the given components * are empty. * * A registry is considered empty when it doesn't contain entities that are * still in use. * * @tparam Component Types of components in which one is interested. * @return True if the registry or the pools of the given components are * empty, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { return !alive(); } else { return (assure().empty() && ...); } } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of components of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[raw(), raw() + size()]` is always a * valid range, even if the container is empty. * * Components are in the reverse order as imposed by the sorting * functionalities. * * @note * Empty components aren't explicitly instantiated. Therefore, this function * isn't available for them. A compilation error will occur if invoked. * * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of components of the given type. */ template [[nodiscard]] const Component * raw() const { return assure().raw(); } /*! @copydoc raw */ template [[nodiscard]] Component * raw() { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).template raw()); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities of a given pool. * * The returned pointer is such that range * `[data(), data() + size()]` is always a * valid range, even if the container is empty. * * Entities are in the reverse order as imposed by the sorting * functionalities. * * @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested. * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ template [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const { return assure().data(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities of a registry. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @warning * This list contains both valid and destroyed entities and isn't suitable * for direct use. * * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entities.data(); } /** * @brief Checks if an entity identifier refers to a valid entity. * @param entity An entity identifier, either valid or not. * @return True if the identifier is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool valid(const entity_type entity) const { const auto pos = size_type(to_integral(entity) & traits_type::entity_mask); return (pos < entities.size() && entities[pos] == entity); } /** * @brief Returns the entity identifier without the version. * @param entity An entity identifier, either valid or not. * @return The entity identifier without the version. */ [[nodiscard]] static entity_type entity(const entity_type entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entity_type{to_integral(entity) & traits_type::entity_mask}; } /** * @brief Returns the version stored along with an entity identifier. * @param entity An entity identifier, either valid or not. * @return The version stored along with the given entity identifier. */ [[nodiscard]] static version_type version(const entity_type entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return version_type(to_integral(entity) >> traits_type::entity_shift); } /** * @brief Returns the actual version for an entity identifier. * * @warning * Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the registry results * in undefined behavior. An entity belongs to the registry even if it has * been previously destroyed and/or recycled.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * registry doesn't own the given entity. * * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return Actual version for the given entity identifier. */ [[nodiscard]] version_type current(const entity_type entity) const { const auto pos = size_type(to_integral(entity) & traits_type::entity_mask); ENTT_ASSERT(pos < entities.size()); return version_type(to_integral(entities[pos]) >> traits_type::entity_shift); } /** * @brief Creates a new entity and returns it. * * There are two kinds of possible entity identifiers: * * * Newly created ones in case no entities have been previously destroyed. * * Recycled ones with updated versions. * * @return A valid entity identifier. */ entity_type create() { entity_type entt; if(destroyed == null) { entt = entities.emplace_back(entity_type{static_cast(entities.size())}); // traits_type::entity_mask is reserved to allow for null identifiers ENTT_ASSERT(to_integral(entt) < traits_type::entity_mask); } else { const auto curr = to_integral(destroyed); const auto version = to_integral(entities[curr]) & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift); destroyed = entity_type{to_integral(entities[curr]) & traits_type::entity_mask}; entt = entities[curr] = entity_type{curr | version}; } return entt; } /** * @brief Creates a new entity and returns it. * * @sa create * * If the requested entity isn't in use, the suggested identifier is created * and returned. Otherwise, a new one will be generated for this purpose. * * @param hint A desired entity identifier. * @return A valid entity identifier. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type create(const entity_type hint) { ENTT_ASSERT(hint != null); entity_type entt; if(const auto req = (to_integral(hint) & traits_type::entity_mask); !(req < entities.size())) { entities.reserve(req + 1); for(auto pos = entities.size(); pos < req; ++pos) { entities.emplace_back(destroyed); destroyed = entity_type{static_cast(pos)}; } entt = entities.emplace_back(hint); } else if(const auto curr = (to_integral(entities[req]) & traits_type::entity_mask); req == curr) { entt = create(); } else { auto *it = &destroyed; for(; (to_integral(*it) & traits_type::entity_mask) != req; it = &entities[to_integral(*it) & traits_type::entity_mask]); *it = entity_type{curr | (to_integral(*it) & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift))}; entt = entities[req] = hint; } return entt; } /** * @brief Assigns each element in a range an entity. * * @sa create * * @tparam It Type of forward iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to generate. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to generate. */ template void create(It first, It last) { std::generate(first, last, [this]() { return create(); }); } /** * @brief Assigns entities to an empty registry. * * This function is intended for use in conjunction with `raw`.
* Don't try to inject ranges of randomly generated entities. There is no * guarantee that a registry will continue to work properly in this case. * * @warning * An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if all * pools aren't empty. * * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. */ template void assign(It first, It last) { ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [](auto &&pdata) { return !pdata.pool || pdata.pool->empty(); })); entities.assign(first, last); destroyed = null; for(std::size_t pos{}, end = entities.size(); pos < end; ++pos) { if((to_integral(entities[pos]) & traits_type::entity_mask) != pos) { const auto version = to_integral(entities[pos]) & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift); entities[pos] = entity_type{to_integral(destroyed) | version}; destroyed = entity_type{static_cast(pos)}; } } } /** * @brief Destroys an entity. * * When an entity is destroyed, its version is updated and the identifier * can be recycled at any time. * * @sa remove_all * * @param entity A valid entity identifier. */ void destroy(const entity_type entity) { destroy(entity, version_type((to_integral(entity) >> traits_type::entity_shift) + 1)); } /** * @brief Destroys an entity. * * If the entity isn't already destroyed, the suggested version is used * instead of the implicitly generated one. * * @sa remove_all * * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param version A desired version upon destruction. */ void destroy(const entity_type entity, const version_type version) { remove_all(entity); // lengthens the implicit list of destroyed entities const auto entt = to_integral(entity) & traits_type::entity_mask; entities[entt] = entity_type{to_integral(destroyed) | (typename traits_type::entity_type{version} << traits_type::entity_shift)}; destroyed = entity_type{entt}; } /** * @brief Destroys all the entities in a range. * * @sa destroy * * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. */ template void destroy(It first, It last) { while(first != last) { destroy(*(first++)); } } /** * @brief Assigns the given component to an entity. * * A new instance of the given component is created and initialized with the * arguments provided (the component must have a proper constructor or be of * aggregate type). Then the component is assigned to the given entity. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity or to assign a component to an entity * that already owns it results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity or if the entity already owns an instance of the given * component. * * @tparam Component Type of component to create. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the newly created component. */ template decltype(auto) emplace(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); return assure().emplace(*this, entity, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Assigns each entity in a range the given component. * * @sa emplace * * @tparam Component Type of component to create. * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. * @param value An instance of the component to assign. */ template void insert(It first, It last, const Component &value = {}) { ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(first, last, [this](const auto entity) { return valid(entity); })); assure().insert(*this, first, last, value); } /** * @brief Assigns each entity in a range the given components. * * @sa emplace * * @tparam Component Type of component to create. * @tparam EIt Type of input iterator. * @tparam CIt Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. * @param from An iterator to the first element of the range of components. * @param to An iterator past the last element of the range of components. */ template void insert(EIt first, EIt last, CIt from, CIt to) { static_assert(std::is_constructible_v::value_type>, "Invalid value type"); ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(first, last, [this](const auto entity) { return valid(entity); })); assure().insert(*this, first, last, from, to); } /** * @brief Assigns or replaces the given component for an entity. * * Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * auto &component = registry.has(entity) ? registry.replace(entity, args...) : registry.emplace(entity, args...); * @endcode * * Prefer this function anyway because it has slightly better performance. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @tparam Component Type of component to assign or replace. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the newly created component. */ template decltype(auto) emplace_or_replace(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); auto &cpool = assure(); return cpool.contains(entity) ? cpool.replace(*this, entity, Component{std::forward(args)...}) : cpool.emplace(*this, entity, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Patches the given component for an entity. * * The signature of the functions should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(Component &); * @endcode * * @note * Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated and therefore they are never * returned. However, this function can be used to trigger an update signal * for them. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity or to patch a component of an entity * that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given * component. * * @tparam Component Type of component to patch. * @tparam Func Types of the function objects to invoke. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param func Valid function objects. * @return A reference to the patched component. */ template decltype(auto) patch(const entity_type entity, Func &&... func) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); return assure().patch(*this, entity, std::forward(func)...); } /** * @brief Replaces the given component for an entity. * * A new instance of the given component is created and initialized with the * arguments provided (the component must have a proper constructor or be of * aggregate type). Then the component is assigned to the given entity. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity or to replace a component of an * entity that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given * component. * * @tparam Component Type of component to replace. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the component being replaced. */ template decltype(auto) replace(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) { return assure().replace(*this, entity, Component{std::forward(args)...}); } /** * @brief Removes the given components from an entity. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity or to remove a component from an * entity that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given * component. * * @tparam Component Types of components to remove. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. */ template void remove(const entity_type entity) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); (assure().remove(*this, entity), ...); } /** * @brief Removes the given components from all the entities in a range. * * @see remove * * @tparam Component Types of components to remove. * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities. */ template void remove(It first, It last) { ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(first, last, [this](const auto entity) { return valid(entity); })); (assure().remove(*this, first, last), ...); } /** * @brief Removes the given components from an entity. * * Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * if(registry.has(entity)) { registry.remove(entity) } * @endcode * * Prefer this function anyway because it has slightly better performance. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @tparam Component Types of components to remove. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return The number of components actually removed. */ template size_type remove_if_exists(const entity_type entity) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); return ([this, entity](auto &&cpool) { return cpool.contains(entity) ? (cpool.remove(*this, entity), true) : false; }(assure()) + ... + size_type{}); } /** * @brief Removes all the components from an entity and makes it orphaned. * * @warning * In case there are listeners that observe the destruction of components * and assign other components to the entity in their bodies, the result of * invoking this function may not be as expected. In the worst case, it * could lead to undefined behavior. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @param entity A valid entity identifier. */ void remove_all(const entity_type entity) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) { if(auto &pdata = pools[pos-1]; pdata.pool && pdata.pool->contains(entity)) { pdata.remove(*pdata.pool, *this, entity); } } } /** * @brief Checks if an entity has all the given components. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the entity has all the components, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool has(const entity_type entity) const { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); return (assure().contains(entity) && ...); } /** * @brief Checks if an entity has at least one of the given components. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the entity has at least one of the given components, * false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool any(const entity_type entity) const { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); return (assure().contains(entity) || ...); } /** * @brief Returns references to the given components for an entity. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity or to get a component from an entity * that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given * component. * * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return References to the components owned by the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) const { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { return (assure().get(entity), ...); } else { return std::forward_as_tuple(get(entity)...); } } /*! @copydoc get */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { return (assure().get(entity), ...); } else { return std::forward_as_tuple(get(entity)...); } } /** * @brief Returns a reference to the given component for an entity. * * In case the entity doesn't own the component, the parameters provided are * used to construct it.
* Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * auto &component = registry.has(entity) ? registry.get(entity) : registry.emplace(entity, args...); * @endcode * * Prefer this function anyway because it has slightly better performance. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @tparam Component Type of component to get. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return Reference to the component owned by the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get_or_emplace(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); auto &cpool = assure(); return cpool.contains(entity) ? cpool.get(entity) : cpool.emplace(*this, entity, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Returns pointers to the given components for an entity. * * @warning * Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid entity. * * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return Pointers to the components owned by the entity. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto try_get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) const { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { return (assure().try_get(entity), ...); } else { return std::make_tuple(try_get(entity)...); } } /*! @copydoc try_get */ template [[nodiscard]] auto try_get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) { return (assure().try_get(entity), ...); } else { return std::make_tuple(try_get(entity)...); } } /** * @brief Clears a whole registry or the pools for the given components. * @tparam Component Types of components to remove from their entities. */ template void clear() { if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) { // useless this-> used to suppress a warning with clang each([this](const auto entity) { this->destroy(entity); }); } else { ([this](auto &&cpool) { cpool.remove(*this, cpool.sparse_set::begin(), cpool.sparse_set::end()); }(assure()), ...); } } /** * @brief Iterates all the entities that are still in use. * * The function object is invoked for each entity that is still in use.
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const Entity); * @endcode * * This function is fairly slow and should not be used frequently. However, * it's useful for iterating all the entities still in use, regardless of * their components. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { if(destroyed == null) { for(auto pos = entities.size(); pos; --pos) { func(entities[pos-1]); } } else { for(auto pos = entities.size(); pos; --pos) { if(const auto entt = entities[pos - 1]; (to_integral(entt) & traits_type::entity_mask) == (pos - 1)) { func(entt); } } } } /** * @brief Checks if an entity has components assigned. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @return True if the entity has no components assigned, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool orphan(const entity_type entity) const { ENTT_ASSERT(valid(entity)); return std::none_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [entity](auto &&pdata) { return pdata.pool && pdata.pool->contains(entity); }); } /** * @brief Iterates orphans and applies them the given function object. * * The function object is invoked for each entity that is still in use and * has no components assigned.
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const Entity); * @endcode * * This function can be very slow and should not be used frequently. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void orphans(Func func) const { each([this, &func](const auto entity) { if(orphan(entity)) { func(entity); } }); } /** * @brief Returns a sink object for the given component. * * A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to components.
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications * whenever a new instance of the given component is created and assigned to * an entity. * * The function type for a listener is equivalent to: * * @code{.cpp} * void(registry &, Entity); * @endcode * * Listeners are invoked **after** the component has been assigned to the * entity. * * @sa sink * * @tparam Component Type of component of which to get the sink. * @return A temporary sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto on_construct() { return assure().on_construct(); } /** * @brief Returns a sink object for the given component. * * A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to components.
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications * whenever an instance of the given component is explicitly updated. * * The function type for a listener is equivalent to: * * @code{.cpp} * void(registry &, Entity); * @endcode * * Listeners are invoked **after** the component has been updated. * * @sa sink * * @tparam Component Type of component of which to get the sink. * @return A temporary sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto on_update() { return assure().on_update(); } /** * @brief Returns a sink object for the given component. * * A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to components.
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications * whenever an instance of the given component is removed from an entity and * thus destroyed. * * The function type for a listener is equivalent to: * * @code{.cpp} * void(registry &, Entity); * @endcode * * Listeners are invoked **before** the component has been removed from the * entity. * * @sa sink * * @tparam Component Type of component of which to get the sink. * @return A temporary sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto on_destroy() { return assure().on_destroy(); } /** * @brief Returns a view for the given components. * * This kind of objects are created on the fly and share with the registry * its internal data structures.
* Feel free to discard a view after the use. Creating and destroying a view * is an incredibly cheap operation because they do not require any type of * initialization.
* As a rule of thumb, storing a view should never be an option. * * Views do their best to iterate the smallest set of candidate entities. * In particular: * * * Single component views are incredibly fast and iterate a packed array * of entities, all of which has the given component. * * Multi component views look at the number of entities available for each * component and pick up a reference to the smallest set of candidates to * test for the given components. * * Views in no way affect the functionalities of the registry nor those of * the underlying pools. * * @note * Multi component views are pretty fast. However their performance tend to * degenerate when the number of components to iterate grows up and the most * of the entities have all the given components.
* To get a performance boost, consider using a group instead. * * @tparam Component Type of components used to construct the view. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the view. * @return A newly created view. */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_view, Component...> view(exclude_t = {}) const { static_assert(sizeof...(Component) > 0, "Exclusion-only views are not supported"); return { assure>()..., assure()... }; } /*! @copydoc view */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_view, Component...> view(exclude_t = {}) { static_assert(sizeof...(Component) > 0, "Exclusion-only views are not supported"); return { assure>()..., assure()... }; } /** * @brief Returns a runtime view for the given components. * * This kind of objects are created on the fly and share with the registry * its internal data structures.
* Users should throw away the view after use. Fortunately, creating and * destroying a runtime view is an incredibly cheap operation because they * do not require any type of initialization.
* As a rule of thumb, storing a view should never be an option. * * Runtime views are to be used when users want to construct a view from * some external inputs and don't know at compile-time what are the required * components. * * @tparam ItComp Type of input iterator for the components to use to * construct the view. * @tparam ItExcl Type of input iterator for the components to use to filter * the view. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of components * to use to construct the view. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of components * to use to construct the view. * @param from An iterator to the first element of the range of components * to use to filter the view. * @param to An iterator past the last element of the range of components to * use to filter the view. * @return A newly created runtime view. */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_runtime_view runtime_view(ItComp first, ItComp last, ItExcl from = {}, ItExcl to = {}) const { std::vector *> component(std::distance(first, last)); std::vector *> filter(std::distance(from, to)); std::transform(first, last, component.begin(), [this](const auto ctype) { const auto it = std::find_if(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [ctype](auto &&pdata) { return pdata.pool && pdata.type_id == ctype; }); return it == pools.cend() ? nullptr : it->pool.get(); }); std::transform(from, to, filter.begin(), [this](const auto ctype) { const auto it = std::find_if(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [ctype](auto &&pdata) { return pdata.pool && pdata.type_id == ctype; }); return it == pools.cend() ? nullptr : it->pool.get(); }); return { std::move(component), std::move(filter) }; } /** * @brief Returns a group for the given components. * * This kind of objects are created on the fly and share with the registry * its internal data structures.
* Feel free to discard a group after the use. Creating and destroying a * group is an incredibly cheap operation because they do not require any * type of initialization, but for the first time they are requested.
* As a rule of thumb, storing a group should never be an option. * * Groups support exclusion lists and can own types of components. The more * types are owned by a group, the faster it is to iterate entities and * components.
* However, groups also affect some features of the registry such as the * creation and destruction of components, which will consequently be * slightly slower (nothing that can be noticed in most cases). * * @note * Pools of components that are owned by a group cannot be sorted anymore. * The group takes the ownership of the pools and arrange components so as * to iterate them as fast as possible. * * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. * @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @return A newly created group. */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_group, get_t, Owned...> group(get_t, exclude_t = {}) { static_assert(sizeof...(Owned) + sizeof...(Get) > 0, "Exclusion-only views are not supported"); static_assert(sizeof...(Owned) + sizeof...(Get) + sizeof...(Exclude) > 1, "Single component groups are not allowed"); using handler_type = group_handler, get_t...>, std::decay_t...>; const auto cpools = std::forward_as_tuple(assure>()..., assure>()...); constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Owned) + sizeof...(Get) + sizeof...(Exclude); handler_type *handler = nullptr; if(auto it = std::find_if(groups.cbegin(), groups.cend(), [size](const auto &gdata) { return gdata.size == size && (gdata.owned(type_info>::id()) && ...) && (gdata.get(type_info>::id()) && ...) && (gdata.exclude(type_info::id()) && ...); }); it != groups.cend()) { handler = static_cast(it->group.get()); } if(!handler) { group_data candidate = { size, { new handler_type{}, [](void *instance) { delete static_cast(instance); } }, []([[maybe_unused]] const id_type ctype) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ((ctype == type_info>::id()) || ...); }, []([[maybe_unused]] const id_type ctype) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ((ctype == type_info>::id()) || ...); }, []([[maybe_unused]] const id_type ctype) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ((ctype == type_info::id()) || ...); }, }; handler = static_cast(candidate.group.get()); const void *maybe_valid_if = nullptr; const void *discard_if = nullptr; if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) { groups.push_back(std::move(candidate)); } else { ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(groups.cbegin(), groups.cend(), [size](const auto &gdata) { const auto overlapping = (0u + ... + gdata.owned(type_info>::id())); const auto sz = overlapping + (0u + ... + gdata.get(type_info>::id())) + (0u + ... + gdata.exclude(type_info::id())); return !overlapping || ((sz == size) || (sz == gdata.size)); })); const auto next = std::find_if_not(groups.cbegin(), groups.cend(), [size](const auto &gdata) { return !(0u + ... + gdata.owned(type_info>::id())) || (size > gdata.size); }); const auto prev = std::find_if(std::make_reverse_iterator(next), groups.crend(), [](const auto &gdata) { return (0u + ... + gdata.owned(type_info>::id())); }); maybe_valid_if = (next == groups.cend() ? maybe_valid_if : next->group.get()); discard_if = (prev == groups.crend() ? discard_if : prev->group.get()); groups.insert(next, std::move(candidate)); } (on_construct>().before(maybe_valid_if).template connect<&handler_type::template maybe_valid_if>>(*handler), ...); (on_construct>().before(maybe_valid_if).template connect<&handler_type::template maybe_valid_if>>(*handler), ...); (on_destroy().before(maybe_valid_if).template connect<&handler_type::template maybe_valid_if>(*handler), ...); (on_destroy>().before(discard_if).template connect<&handler_type::discard_if>(*handler), ...); (on_destroy>().before(discard_if).template connect<&handler_type::discard_if>(*handler), ...); (on_construct().before(discard_if).template connect<&handler_type::discard_if>(*handler), ...); if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) { for(const auto entity: view(exclude)) { handler->current.emplace(entity); } } else { // we cannot iterate backwards because we want to leave behind valid entities in case of owned types for(auto *first = std::get<0>(cpools).data(), *last = first + std::get<0>(cpools).size(); first != last; ++first) { handler->template maybe_valid_if...>>>(*this, *first); } } } if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) { return { handler->current, std::get> &>(cpools)... }; } else { return { handler->current, std::get> &>(cpools)... , std::get> &>(cpools)... }; } } /** * @brief Returns a group for the given components. * * @sa group * * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. * @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @return A newly created group. */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_group, get_t, Owned...> group(get_t, exclude_t = {}) const { static_assert(std::conjunction_v..., std::is_const...>, "Invalid non-const type"); return const_cast(this)->group(get_t{}, exclude); } /** * @brief Returns a group for the given components. * * @sa group * * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @return A newly created group. */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_group, get_t<>, Owned...> group(exclude_t = {}) { return group(get_t<>{}, exclude); } /** * @brief Returns a group for the given components. * * @sa group * * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @return A newly created group. */ template [[nodiscard]] basic_group, get_t<>, Owned...> group(exclude_t = {}) const { static_assert(std::conjunction_v...>, "Invalid non-const type"); return const_cast(this)->group(exclude); } /** * @brief Checks whether the given components belong to any group. * @tparam Component Types of components in which one is interested. * @return True if the pools of the given components are sortable, false * otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool sortable() const { return std::none_of(groups.cbegin(), groups.cend(), [](auto &&gdata) { return (gdata.owned(type_info>::id()) || ...); }); } /** * @brief Checks whether a group can be sorted. * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. * @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @return True if the group can be sorted, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool sortable(const basic_group, get_t, Owned...> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Owned) + sizeof...(Get) + sizeof...(Exclude); return std::find_if(groups.cbegin(), groups.cend(), [size](const auto &gdata) { return (0u + ... + gdata.owned(type_info>::id())) && (size < gdata.size); }) == groups.cend(); } /** * @brief Sorts the pool of entities for the given component. * * The order of the elements in a pool is highly affected by assignments * of components to entities and deletions. Components are arranged to * maximize the performance during iterations and users should not make any * assumption on the order.
* This function can be used to impose an order to the elements in the pool * of the given component. The order is kept valid until a component of the * given type is assigned or removed from an entity. * * The comparison function object must return `true` if the first element * is _less_ than the second one, `false` otherwise. The signature of the * comparison function should be equivalent to one of the following: * * @code{.cpp} * bool(const Entity, const Entity); * bool(const Component &, const Component &); * @endcode * * Moreover, the comparison function object shall induce a * _strict weak ordering_ on the values. * * The sort function oject must offer a member function template * `operator()` that accepts three arguments: * * * An iterator to the first element of the range to sort. * * An iterator past the last element of the range to sort. * * A comparison function to use to compare the elements. * * The comparison funtion object received by the sort function object hasn't * necessarily the type of the one passed along with the other parameters to * this member function. * * @warning * Pools of components owned by a group cannot be sorted.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case * the pool is owned by a group. * * @tparam Component Type of components to sort. * @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object. * @tparam Sort Type of sort function object. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object. * @param compare A valid comparison function object. * @param algo A valid sort function object. * @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any. */ template void sort(Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) { ENTT_ASSERT(sortable()); auto &cpool = assure(); cpool.sort(cpool.begin(), cpool.end(), std::move(compare), std::move(algo), std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Sorts two pools of components in the same way. * * The order of the elements in a pool is highly affected by assignments * of components to entities and deletions. Components are arranged to * maximize the performance during iterations and users should not make any * assumption on the order. * * It happens that different pools of components must be sorted the same way * because of runtime and/or performance constraints. This function can be * used to order a pool of components according to the order between the * entities in another pool of components. * * @b How @b it @b works * * Being `A` and `B` the two sets where `B` is the master (the one the order * of which rules) and `A` is the slave (the one to sort), after a call to * this function an iterator for `A` will return the entities according to * the following rules: * * * All the entities in `A` that are also in `B` are returned first * according to the order they have in `B`. * * All the entities in `A` that are not in `B` are returned in no * particular order after all the other entities. * * Any subsequent change to `B` won't affect the order in `A`. * * @warning * Pools of components owned by a group cannot be sorted.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case * the pool is owned by a group. * * @tparam To Type of components to sort. * @tparam From Type of components to use to sort. */ template void sort() { ENTT_ASSERT(sortable()); assure().respect(assure()); } /** * @brief Visits an entity and returns the types for its components. * * The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const id_type); * @endcode * * Returned identifiers are those of the components owned by the entity. * * @sa type_info * * @warning * It's not specified whether a component attached to or removed from the * given entity during the visit is returned or not to the caller. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void visit(entity_type entity, Func func) const { for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) { if(const auto &pdata = pools[pos-1]; pdata.pool && pdata.pool->contains(entity)) { func(pdata.type_id); } } } /** * @brief Visits a registry and returns the types for its components. * * The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const id_type); * @endcode * * Returned identifiers are those of the components managed by the registry. * * @sa type_info * * @warning * It's not specified whether a component for which a pool is created during * the visit is returned or not to the caller. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void visit(Func func) const { for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) { if(const auto &pdata = pools[pos-1]; pdata.pool) { func(pdata.type_id); } } } /** * @brief Binds an object to the context of the registry. * * If the value already exists it is overwritten, otherwise a new instance * of the given type is created and initialized with the arguments provided. * * @tparam Type Type of object to set. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the value. * @return A reference to the newly created object. */ template Type & set(Args &&... args) { unset(); vars.push_back(variable_data{type_info::id(), { new Type{std::forward(args)...}, [](void *instance) { delete static_cast(instance); } }}); return *static_cast(vars.back().value.get()); } /** * @brief Unsets a context variable if it exists. * @tparam Type Type of object to set. */ template void unset() { vars.erase(std::remove_if(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [](auto &&var) { return var.type_id == type_info::id(); }), vars.end()); } /** * @brief Binds an object to the context of the registry. * * In case the context doesn't contain the given object, the parameters * provided are used to construct it. * * @tparam Type Type of object to set. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the object. * @return A reference to the object in the context of the registry. */ template [[nodiscard]] Type & ctx_or_set(Args &&... args) { auto *value = try_ctx(); return value ? *value : set(std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Returns a pointer to an object in the context of the registry. * @tparam Type Type of object to get. * @return A pointer to the object if it exists in the context of the * registry, a null pointer otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] const Type * try_ctx() const { auto it = std::find_if(vars.cbegin(), vars.cend(), [](auto &&var) { return var.type_id == type_info::id(); }); return it == vars.cend() ? nullptr : static_cast(it->value.get()); } /*! @copydoc try_ctx */ template [[nodiscard]] Type * try_ctx() { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).template try_ctx()); } /** * @brief Returns a reference to an object in the context of the registry. * * @warning * Attempting to get a context variable that doesn't exist results in * undefined behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of * invalid requests. * * @tparam Type Type of object to get. * @return A valid reference to the object in the context of the registry. */ template [[nodiscard]] const Type & ctx() const { const auto *instance = try_ctx(); ENTT_ASSERT(instance); return *instance; } /*! @copydoc ctx */ template [[nodiscard]] Type & ctx() { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).template ctx()); } /** * @brief Visits a registry and returns the types for its context variables. * * The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const id_type); * @endcode * * Returned identifiers are those of the context variables currently set. * * @sa type_info * * @warning * It's not specified whether a context variable created during the visit is * returned or not to the caller. * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void ctx(Func func) const { for(auto pos = vars.size(); pos; --pos) { func(vars[pos-1].type_id); } } private: std::vector groups{}; mutable std::vector pools{}; std::vector entities{}; std::vector vars{}; entity_type destroyed{null}; }; } #endif // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Dedicated to those who aren't confident with the * entity-component-system architecture. * * Tiny wrapper around a registry, for all those users that aren't confident * with entity-component-system architecture and prefer to iterate objects * directly. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template struct [[deprecated("Consider using the handle class instead")]] basic_actor { /*! @brief Type of registry used internally. */ using registry_type = basic_registry; /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; basic_actor() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : entt{null}, reg{nullptr} {} /** * @brief Move constructor. * * After actor move construction, instances that have been moved from are * placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to * continue using them. * * @param other The instance to move from. */ basic_actor(basic_actor &&other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : entt{other.entt}, reg{other.reg} { other.entt = null; } /** * @brief Constructs an actor from a given registry. * @param ref An instance of the registry class. */ explicit basic_actor(registry_type &ref) : entt{ref.create()}, reg{&ref} {} /** * @brief Constructs an actor from a given entity. * @param entity A valid entity identifier. * @param ref An instance of the registry class. */ explicit basic_actor(entity_type entity, registry_type &ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : entt{entity}, reg{&ref} { ENTT_ASSERT(ref.valid(entity)); } /*! @brief Default destructor. */ virtual ~basic_actor() { if(*this) { reg->destroy(entt); } } /** * @brief Move assignment operator. * * After actor move assignment, instances that have been moved from are * placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to * continue using them. * * @param other The instance to move from. * @return This actor. */ basic_actor & operator=(basic_actor &&other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if(this != &other) { auto tmp{std::move(other)}; std::swap(reg, tmp.reg); std::swap(entt, tmp.entt); } return *this; } /** * @brief Assigns the given component to an actor. * * A new instance of the given component is created and initialized with the * arguments provided (the component must have a proper constructor or be of * aggregate type). Then the component is assigned to the actor.
* In case the actor already has a component of the given type, it's * replaced with the new one. * * @tparam Component Type of the component to create. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the newly created component. */ template decltype(auto) assign(Args &&... args) { return reg->template emplace_or_replace(entt, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Removes the given component from an actor. * @tparam Component Type of the component to remove. */ template void remove() { reg->template remove(entt); } /** * @brief Checks if an actor has the given components. * @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check. * @return True if the actor has all the components, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool has() const { return reg->template has(entt); } /** * @brief Returns references to the given components for an actor. * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @return References to the components owned by the actor. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get() const { return std::as_const(*reg).template get(entt); } /*! @copydoc get */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get() { return reg->template get(entt); } /** * @brief Returns pointers to the given components for an actor. * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @return Pointers to the components owned by the actor. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto try_get() const { return std::as_const(*reg).template try_get(entt); } /*! @copydoc try_get */ template [[nodiscard]] auto try_get() { return reg->template try_get(entt); } /** * @brief Returns a reference to the underlying registry. * @return A reference to the underlying registry. */ [[nodiscard]] const registry_type & backend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *reg; } /*! @copydoc backend */ [[nodiscard]] registry_type & backend() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).backend()); } /** * @brief Returns the entity associated with an actor. * @return The entity associated with the actor. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt; } /** * @brief Checks if an actor refers to a valid entity or not. * @return True if the actor refers to a valid entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const { return reg && reg->valid(entt); } private: entity_type entt; registry_type *reg; }; } #endif // #include "entity/entity.hpp" // #include "entity/group.hpp" // #include "entity/handle.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_HANDLE_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_HANDLE_HPP // #include "registry.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Non-owning handle to an entity. * * Tiny wrapper around a registry and an entity. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template struct basic_handle { /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = std::remove_const_t; /*! @brief Type of registry accepted by the handle. */ using registry_type = std::conditional_t< std::is_const_v, const basic_registry, basic_registry >; /** * @brief Constructs a handle from a given registry and entity. * @param ref An instance of the registry class. * @param value An entity identifier. */ basic_handle(registry_type &ref, entity_type value = null) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : reg{&ref}, entt{value} {} /** * @brief Assigns an entity to a handle. * @param value An entity identifier. * @return This handle. */ basic_handle & operator=(const entity_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { entt = value; return *this; } /** * @brief Assigns the null object to a handle. * @return This handle. */ basic_handle & operator=(null_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (*this = static_cast(null)); } /** * @brief Constructs a const handle from a non-const one. * @return A const handle referring to the same entity. */ [[nodiscard]] operator basic_handle() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return {*reg, entt}; } /** * @brief Converts a handle to its underlying entity. * @return An entity identifier. */ [[nodiscard]] operator entity_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entity(); } /** * @brief Checks if a handle refers to a valid entity or not. * @return True if the handle refers to a valid entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const { return reg->valid(entt); } /** * @brief Returns a reference to the underlying registry. * @return A reference to the underlying registry. */ [[nodiscard]] registry_type & registry() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *reg; } /** * @brief Returns the entity associated with a handle. * @return The entity associated with the handle. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt; } /** * @brief Assigns the given component to a handle. * @sa basic_registry::emplace * @tparam Component Type of component to create. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the newly created component. */ template decltype(auto) emplace(Args &&... args) const { return reg->template emplace(entt, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Assigns or replaces the given component for a handle. * @sa basic_registry::emplace_or_replace * @tparam Component Type of component to assign or replace. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the newly created component. */ template decltype(auto) emplace_or_replace(Args &&... args) const { return reg->template emplace_or_replace(entt, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Patches the given component for a handle. * @sa basic_registry::patch * @tparam Component Type of component to patch. * @tparam Func Types of the function objects to invoke. * @param func Valid function objects. * @return A reference to the patched component. */ template decltype(auto) patch(Func &&... func) const { return reg->template patch(entt, std::forward(func)...); } /** * @brief Replaces the given component for a handle. * @sa basic_registry::replace * @tparam Component Type of component to replace. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return A reference to the component being replaced. */ template decltype(auto) replace(Args &&... args) const { return reg->template replace(entt, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Removes the given components from a handle. * @sa basic_registry::remove * @tparam Component Types of components to remove. */ template void remove() const { reg->template remove(entt); } /** * @brief Removes the given components from a handle. * @sa basic_registry::remove_if_exists * @tparam Component Types of components to remove. * @return The number of components actually removed. */ template decltype(auto) remove_if_exists() const { return reg->template remove_if_exists(entt); } /** * @brief Removes all the components from a handle and makes it orphaned. * @sa basic_registry::remove_all */ void remove_all() const { reg->remove_all(entt); } /** * @brief Checks if a handle has all the given components. * @sa basic_registry::has * @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check. * @return True if the handle has all the components, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) has() const { return reg->template has(entt); } /** * @brief Checks if a handle has at least one of the given components. * @sa basic_registry::any * @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check. * @return True if the handle has at least one of the given components, * false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) any() const { return reg->template any(entt); } /** * @brief Returns references to the given components for a handle. * @sa basic_registry::get * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @return References to the components owned by the handle. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get() const { return reg->template get(entt); } /** * @brief Returns a reference to the given component for a handle. * @sa basic_registry::get_or_emplace * @tparam Component Type of component to get. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component. * @return Reference to the component owned by the handle. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get_or_emplace(Args &&... args) const { return reg->template get_or_emplace(entt, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Returns pointers to the given components for a handle. * @sa basic_registry::try_get * @tparam Component Types of components to get. * @return Pointers to the components owned by the handle. */ template [[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) try_get() const { return reg->template try_get(entt); } /** * @brief Checks if a handle has components assigned. * @return True if the handle has no components assigned, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool orphan() const { return reg->orphan(entt); } /** * @brief Visits a handle and returns the types for its components. * @sa basic_registry::visit * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void visit(Func &&func) const { reg->visit(entt, std::forward(func)); } private: registry_type *reg; entity_type entt; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template basic_handle(basic_registry &, Entity) -> basic_handle; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template basic_handle(const basic_registry &, Entity) -> basic_handle; } #endif // #include "entity/helper.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_HELPER_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_HELPER_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" // #include "../signal/delegate.hpp" // #include "registry.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Converts a registry to a view. * @tparam Const Constness of the accepted registry. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template struct as_view { /*! @brief Type of registry to convert. */ using registry_type = std::conditional_t, basic_registry>; /** * @brief Constructs a converter for a given registry. * @param source A valid reference to a registry. */ as_view(registry_type &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: reg{source} {} /** * @brief Conversion function from a registry to a view. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the view. * @tparam Component Type of components used to construct the view. * @return A newly created view. */ template operator basic_view() const { return reg.template view(Exclude{}); } private: registry_type ® }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance * provided to the constructor. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template as_view(basic_registry &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view; /*! @copydoc as_view */ template as_view(const basic_registry &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view; /** * @brief Converts a registry to a group. * @tparam Const Constness of the accepted registry. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template struct as_group { /*! @brief Type of registry to convert. */ using registry_type = std::conditional_t, basic_registry>; /** * @brief Constructs a converter for a given registry. * @param source A valid reference to a registry. */ as_group(registry_type &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: reg{source} {} /** * @brief Conversion function from a registry to a group. * @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group. * @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group. * @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group. * @return A newly created group. */ template operator basic_group() const { return reg.template group(Get{}, Exclude{}); } private: registry_type ® }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance * provided to the constructor. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template as_group(basic_registry &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group; /*! @copydoc as_group */ template as_group(const basic_registry &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group; /** * @brief Helper to create a listener that directly invokes a member function. * @tparam Member Member function to invoke on a component of the given type. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @param reg A registry that contains the given entity and its components. * @param entt Entity from which to get the component. */ template void invoke(basic_registry ®, const Entity entt) { static_assert(std::is_member_function_pointer_v, "Invalid pointer to non-static member function"); delegate &, const Entity)> func; func.template connect(reg.template get>(entt)); func(reg, entt); } /** * @brief Returns the entity associated with a given component. * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Component Type of component. * @param reg A registry that contains the given entity and its components. * @param component A valid component instance. * @return The entity associated with the given component. */ template Entity to_entity(const basic_registry ®, const Component &component) { return *(reg.template data() + (&component - reg.template raw())); } } #endif // #include "entity/observer.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_OBSERVER_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_OBSERVER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" // #include "registry.hpp" // #include "storage.hpp" // #include "utility.hpp" // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /*! @brief Grouping matcher. */ template struct matcher {}; /** * @brief Collector. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error, but for a few reasonable cases. */ template struct basic_collector; /** * @brief Collector. * * A collector contains a set of rules (literally, matchers) to use to track * entities.
* Its main purpose is to generate a descriptor that allows an observer to know * how to connect to a registry. */ template<> struct basic_collector<> { /** * @brief Adds a grouping matcher to the collector. * @tparam AllOf Types of components tracked by the matcher. * @tparam NoneOf Types of components used to filter out entities. * @return The updated collector. */ template static constexpr auto group(exclude_t = {}) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return basic_collector, type_list<>, type_list, AllOf...>>{}; } /** * @brief Adds an observing matcher to the collector. * @tparam AnyOf Type of component for which changes should be detected. * @return The updated collector. */ template static constexpr auto update() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return basic_collector, type_list<>, AnyOf>>{}; } }; /** * @brief Collector. * @copydetails basic_collector<> * @tparam Reject Untracked types used to filter out entities. * @tparam Require Untracked types required by the matcher. * @tparam Rule Specific details of the current matcher. * @tparam Other Other matchers. */ template struct basic_collector, type_list, Rule...>, Other...> { /*! @brief Current matcher. */ using current_type = matcher, type_list, Rule...>; /** * @brief Adds a grouping matcher to the collector. * @tparam AllOf Types of components tracked by the matcher. * @tparam NoneOf Types of components used to filter out entities. * @return The updated collector. */ template static constexpr auto group(exclude_t = {}) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return basic_collector, type_list<>, type_list, AllOf...>, current_type, Other...>{}; } /** * @brief Adds an observing matcher to the collector. * @tparam AnyOf Type of component for which changes should be detected. * @return The updated collector. */ template static constexpr auto update() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return basic_collector, type_list<>, AnyOf>, current_type, Other...>{}; } /** * @brief Updates the filter of the last added matcher. * @tparam AllOf Types of components required by the matcher. * @tparam NoneOf Types of components used to filter out entities. * @return The updated collector. */ template static constexpr auto where(exclude_t = {}) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { using extended_type = matcher, type_list, Rule...>; return basic_collector{}; } }; /*! @brief Variable template used to ease the definition of collectors. */ inline constexpr basic_collector<> collector{}; /** * @brief Observer. * * An observer returns all the entities and only the entities that fit the * requirements of at least one matcher. Moreover, it's guaranteed that the * entity list is tightly packed in memory for fast iterations.
* In general, observers don't stay true to the order of any set of components. * * Observers work mainly with two types of matchers, provided through a * collector: * * * Observing matcher: an observer will return at least all the living entities * for which one or more of the given components have been updated and not yet * destroyed. * * Grouping matcher: an observer will return at least all the living entities * that would have entered the given group if it existed and that would have * not yet left it. * * If an entity respects the requirements of multiple matchers, it will be * returned once and only once by the observer in any case. * * Matchers support also filtering by means of a _where_ clause that accepts * both a list of types and an exclusion list.
* Whenever a matcher finds that an entity matches its requirements, the * condition of the filter is verified before to register the entity itself. * Moreover, a registered entity isn't returned by the observer if the condition * set by the filter is broken in the meantime. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the * given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all the other cases, modifying the pools of the given components in any * way invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined * behavior. * * @warning * Lifetime of an observer doesn't necessarily have to overcome that of the * registry to which it is connected. However, the observer must be disconnected * from the registry before being destroyed to avoid crashes due to dangling * pointers. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class basic_observer { using payload_type = std::uint32_t; template struct matcher_handler; template struct matcher_handler, type_list, AnyOf>> { template static void maybe_valid_if(basic_observer &obs, const basic_registry ®, const Entity entt) { if(reg.template has(entt) && !reg.template any(entt)) { if(auto *comp = obs.view.try_get(entt); !comp) { obs.view.emplace(entt); } obs.view.get(entt) |= (1 << Index); } } template static void discard_if(basic_observer &obs, const basic_registry &, const Entity entt) { if(auto *value = obs.view.try_get(entt); value && !(*value &= (~(1 << Index)))) { obs.view.erase(entt); } } template static void connect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry ®) { (reg.template on_destroy().template connect<&discard_if>(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().template connect<&discard_if>(obs), ...); reg.template on_update().template connect<&maybe_valid_if>(obs); reg.template on_destroy().template connect<&discard_if>(obs); } static void disconnect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry ®) { (reg.template on_destroy().disconnect(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().disconnect(obs), ...); reg.template on_update().disconnect(obs); reg.template on_destroy().disconnect(obs); } }; template struct matcher_handler, type_list, type_list, AllOf...>> { template static void maybe_valid_if(basic_observer &obs, const basic_registry ®, const Entity entt) { if(reg.template has(entt) && !reg.template any(entt)) { if(auto *comp = obs.view.try_get(entt); !comp) { obs.view.emplace(entt); } obs.view.get(entt) |= (1 << Index); } } template static void discard_if(basic_observer &obs, const basic_registry &, const Entity entt) { if(auto *value = obs.view.try_get(entt); value && !(*value &= (~(1 << Index)))) { obs.view.erase(entt); } } template static void connect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry ®) { (reg.template on_destroy().template connect<&discard_if>(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().template connect<&discard_if>(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().template connect<&maybe_valid_if>(obs), ...); (reg.template on_destroy().template connect<&maybe_valid_if>(obs), ...); (reg.template on_destroy().template connect<&discard_if>(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().template connect<&discard_if>(obs), ...); } static void disconnect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry ®) { (reg.template on_destroy().disconnect(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().disconnect(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().disconnect(obs), ...); (reg.template on_destroy().disconnect(obs), ...); (reg.template on_destroy().disconnect(obs), ...); (reg.template on_construct().disconnect(obs), ...); } }; template static void disconnect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry ®) { (matcher_handler::disconnect(obs, reg), ...); } template void connect(basic_registry ®, std::index_sequence) { static_assert(sizeof...(Matcher) < std::numeric_limits::digits, "Too many matchers"); (matcher_handler::template connect(*this, reg), ...); release = &basic_observer::disconnect; } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Random access iterator type. */ using iterator = typename sparse_set::iterator; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ basic_observer() : target{}, release{}, view{} {} /*! @brief Default copy constructor, deleted on purpose. */ basic_observer(const basic_observer &) = delete; /*! @brief Default move constructor, deleted on purpose. */ basic_observer(basic_observer &&) = delete; /** * @brief Creates an observer and connects it to a given registry. * @tparam Matcher Types of matchers to use to initialize the observer. * @param reg A valid reference to a registry. */ template basic_observer(basic_registry ®, basic_collector) : target{®}, release{}, view{} { connect(reg, std::index_sequence_for{}); } /*! @brief Default destructor. */ ~basic_observer() = default; /** * @brief Default copy assignment operator, deleted on purpose. * @return This observer. */ basic_observer & operator=(const basic_observer &) = delete; /** * @brief Default move assignment operator, deleted on purpose. * @return This observer. */ basic_observer & operator=(basic_observer &&) = delete; /** * @brief Connects an observer to a given registry. * @tparam Matcher Types of matchers to use to initialize the observer. * @param reg A valid reference to a registry. */ template void connect(basic_registry ®, basic_collector) { disconnect(); connect(reg, std::index_sequence_for{}); target = ® view.clear(); } /*! @brief Disconnects an observer from the registry it keeps track of. */ void disconnect() { if(release) { release(*this, *target); release = nullptr; } } /** * @brief Returns the number of elements in an observer. * @return Number of elements. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return view.size(); } /** * @brief Checks whether an observer is empty. * @return True if the observer is empty, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return view.empty(); } /** * @brief Direct access to the list of entities of the observer. * * The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size()]` is * always a valid range, even if the container is empty. * * @note * Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end` * iterators. * * @return A pointer to the array of entities. */ [[nodiscard]] const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return view.data(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the observer. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity of the observer. If the * container is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`. * * @return An iterator to the first entity of the observer. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return view.sparse_set::begin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the observer. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of * the observer. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator results in * undefined behavior. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the * observer. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return view.sparse_set::end(); } /*! @brief Clears the underlying container. */ void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { view.clear(); } /** * @brief Iterates entities and applies the given function object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity.
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to the following form: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type); * @endcode * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { for(const auto entity: *this) { func(entity); } } /** * @brief Iterates entities and applies the given function object to them, * then clears the observer. * * @sa each * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) { std::as_const(*this).each(std::move(func)); clear(); } private: basic_registry *target; void(* release)(basic_observer &, basic_registry &); storage view; }; } #endif // #include "entity/pool.hpp" // #include "entity/registry.hpp" // #include "entity/runtime_view.hpp" // #include "entity/snapshot.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_SNAPSHOT_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_SNAPSHOT_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "entity.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Utility class to create snapshots from a registry. * * A _snapshot_ can be either a dump of the entire registry or a narrower * selection of components of interest.
* This type can be used in both cases if provided with a correctly configured * output archive. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class basic_snapshot { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create snapshots. */ friend class basic_registry; using traits_type = entt_traits; template void get(Archive &archive, std::size_t sz, It first, It last) const { archive(typename traits_type::entity_type(sz)); while(first != last) { const auto entt = *(first++); if(reg->template has(entt)) { if constexpr(std::is_empty_v) { archive(entt); } else { archive(entt, reg->template get(entt)); } } } } template void component(Archive &archive, It first, It last, std::index_sequence) const { std::array size{}; auto begin = first; while(begin != last) { const auto entt = *(begin++); ((reg->template has(entt) ? ++size[Indexes] : size[Indexes]), ...); } (get(archive, size[Indexes], first, last), ...); } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /** * @brief Constructs an instance that is bound to a given registry. * @param source A valid reference to a registry. */ basic_snapshot(const basic_registry &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : reg{&source} {} /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ basic_snapshot(basic_snapshot &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This snapshot. */ basic_snapshot & operator=(basic_snapshot &&) = default; /** * @brief Puts aside all the entities from the underlying registry. * * Entities are serialized along with their versions. Destroyed entities are * taken in consideration as well by this function. * * @tparam Archive Type of output archive. * @param archive A valid reference to an output archive. * @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot. */ template const basic_snapshot & entities(Archive &archive) const { const auto sz = reg->size(); auto first = reg->data(); const auto last = first + sz; archive(typename traits_type::entity_type(sz)); while(first != last) { archive(*(first++)); } return *this; } /** * @brief Puts aside the given components. * * Each instance is serialized together with the entity to which it belongs. * Entities are serialized along with their versions. * * @tparam Component Types of components to serialize. * @tparam Archive Type of output archive. * @param archive A valid reference to an output archive. * @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot. */ template const basic_snapshot & component(Archive &archive) const { (component(archive, reg->template data(), reg->template data() + reg->template size()), ...); return *this; } /** * @brief Puts aside the given components for the entities in a range. * * Each instance is serialized together with the entity to which it belongs. * Entities are serialized along with their versions. * * @tparam Component Types of components to serialize. * @tparam Archive Type of output archive. * @tparam It Type of input iterator. * @param archive A valid reference to an output archive. * @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to serialize. * @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to serialize. * @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot. */ template const basic_snapshot & component(Archive &archive, It first, It last) const { component(archive, first, last, std::index_sequence_for{}); return *this; } private: const basic_registry *reg; }; /** * @brief Utility class to restore a snapshot as a whole. * * A snapshot loader requires that the destination registry be empty and loads * all the data at once while keeping intact the identifiers that the entities * originally had.
* An example of use is the implementation of a save/restore utility. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class basic_snapshot_loader { /*! @brief A registry is allowed to create snapshot loaders. */ friend class basic_registry; using traits_type = entt_traits; template void assign(Archive &archive) const { typename traits_type::entity_type length{}; archive(length); entity_type entt{}; if constexpr(std::is_empty_v) { while(length--) { archive(entt); const auto entity = reg->valid(entt) ? entt : reg->create(entt); ENTT_ASSERT(entity == entt); reg->template emplace(entity); } } else { Type instance{}; while(length--) { archive(entt, instance); const auto entity = reg->valid(entt) ? entt : reg->create(entt); ENTT_ASSERT(entity == entt); reg->template emplace(entity, std::move(instance)); } } } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /** * @brief Constructs an instance that is bound to a given registry. * @param source A valid reference to a registry. */ basic_snapshot_loader(basic_registry &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : reg{&source} { // restoring a snapshot as a whole requires a clean registry ENTT_ASSERT(reg->empty()); } /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ basic_snapshot_loader(basic_snapshot_loader &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This loader. */ basic_snapshot_loader & operator=(basic_snapshot_loader &&) = default; /** * @brief Restores entities that were in use during serialization. * * This function restores the entities that were in use during serialization * and gives them the versions they originally had. * * @tparam Archive Type of input archive. * @param archive A valid reference to an input archive. * @return A valid loader to continue restoring data. */ template const basic_snapshot_loader & entities(Archive &archive) const { typename traits_type::entity_type length{}; archive(length); std::vector all(length); for(decltype(length) pos{}; pos < length; ++pos) { archive(all[pos]); } reg->assign(all.cbegin(), all.cend()); return *this; } /** * @brief Restores components and assigns them to the right entities. * * The template parameter list must be exactly the same used during * serialization. In the event that the entity to which the component is * assigned doesn't exist yet, the loader will take care to create it with * the version it originally had. * * @tparam Component Types of components to restore. * @tparam Archive Type of input archive. * @param archive A valid reference to an input archive. * @return A valid loader to continue restoring data. */ template const basic_snapshot_loader & component(Archive &archive) const { (assign(archive), ...); return *this; } /** * @brief Destroys those entities that have no components. * * In case all the entities were serialized but only part of the components * was saved, it could happen that some of the entities have no components * once restored.
* This functions helps to identify and destroy those entities. * * @return A valid loader to continue restoring data. */ const basic_snapshot_loader & orphans() const { reg->orphans([this](const auto entt) { reg->destroy(entt); }); return *this; } private: basic_registry *reg; }; /** * @brief Utility class for _continuous loading_. * * A _continuous loader_ is designed to load data from a source registry to a * (possibly) non-empty destination. The loader can accommodate in a registry * more than one snapshot in a sort of _continuous loading_ that updates the * destination one step at a time.
* Identifiers that entities originally had are not transferred to the target. * Instead, the loader maps remote identifiers to local ones while restoring a * snapshot.
* An example of use is the implementation of a client-server applications with * the requirement of transferring somehow parts of the representation side to * side. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). */ template class basic_continuous_loader { using traits_type = entt_traits; void destroy(Entity entt) { const auto it = remloc.find(entt); if(it == remloc.cend()) { const auto local = reg->create(); remloc.emplace(entt, std::make_pair(local, true)); reg->destroy(local); } } void restore(Entity entt) { const auto it = remloc.find(entt); if(it == remloc.cend()) { const auto local = reg->create(); remloc.emplace(entt, std::make_pair(local, true)); } else { remloc[entt].first = reg->valid(remloc[entt].first) ? remloc[entt].first : reg->create(); // set the dirty flag remloc[entt].second = true; } } template auto update(int, Container &container) -> decltype(typename Container::mapped_type{}, void()) { // map like container Container other; for(auto &&pair: container) { using first_type = std::remove_const_t::first_type>; using second_type = typename std::decay_t::second_type; if constexpr(std::is_same_v && std::is_same_v) { other.emplace(map(pair.first), map(pair.second)); } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { other.emplace(map(pair.first), std::move(pair.second)); } else { static_assert(std::is_same_v, "Neither the key nor the value are of entity type"); other.emplace(std::move(pair.first), map(pair.second)); } } std::swap(container, other); } template auto update(char, Container &container) -> decltype(typename Container::value_type{}, void()) { // vector like container static_assert(std::is_same_v, "Invalid value type"); for(auto &&entt: container) { entt = map(entt); } } template void update([[maybe_unused]] Other &instance, [[maybe_unused]] Member Type:: *member) { if constexpr(!std::is_same_v) { return; } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { instance.*member = map(instance.*member); } else { // maybe a container? let's try... update(0, instance.*member); } } template void remove_if_exists() { for(auto &&ref: remloc) { const auto local = ref.second.first; if(reg->valid(local)) { reg->template remove_if_exists(local); } } } template void assign(Archive &archive, [[maybe_unused]] Member Type:: *... member) { typename traits_type::entity_type length{}; archive(length); entity_type entt{}; if constexpr(std::is_empty_v) { while(length--) { archive(entt); restore(entt); reg->template emplace_or_replace(map(entt)); } } else { Other instance{}; while(length--) { archive(entt, instance); (update(instance, member), ...); restore(entt); reg->template emplace_or_replace(map(entt), std::move(instance)); } } } public: /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /** * @brief Constructs an instance that is bound to a given registry. * @param source A valid reference to a registry. */ basic_continuous_loader(basic_registry &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : reg{&source} {} /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ basic_continuous_loader(basic_continuous_loader &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This loader. */ basic_continuous_loader & operator=(basic_continuous_loader &&) = default; /** * @brief Restores entities that were in use during serialization. * * This function restores the entities that were in use during serialization * and creates local counterparts for them if required. * * @tparam Archive Type of input archive. * @param archive A valid reference to an input archive. * @return A non-const reference to this loader. */ template basic_continuous_loader & entities(Archive &archive) { typename traits_type::entity_type length{}; entity_type entt{}; archive(length); for(decltype(length) pos{}; pos < length; ++pos) { archive(entt); if(const auto entity = (to_integral(entt) & traits_type::entity_mask); entity == pos) { restore(entt); } else { destroy(entt); } } return *this; } /** * @brief Restores components and assigns them to the right entities. * * The template parameter list must be exactly the same used during * serialization. In the event that the entity to which the component is * assigned doesn't exist yet, the loader will take care to create a local * counterpart for it.
* Members can be either data members of type entity_type or containers of * entities. In both cases, the loader will visit them and update the * entities by replacing each one with its local counterpart. * * @tparam Component Type of component to restore. * @tparam Archive Type of input archive. * @tparam Type Types of components to update with local counterparts. * @tparam Member Types of members to update with their local counterparts. * @param archive A valid reference to an input archive. * @param member Members to update with their local counterparts. * @return A non-const reference to this loader. */ template basic_continuous_loader & component(Archive &archive, Member Type:: *... member) { (remove_if_exists(), ...); (assign(archive, member...), ...); return *this; } /** * @brief Helps to purge entities that no longer have a conterpart. * * Users should invoke this member function after restoring each snapshot, * unless they know exactly what they are doing. * * @return A non-const reference to this loader. */ basic_continuous_loader & shrink() { auto it = remloc.begin(); while(it != remloc.cend()) { const auto local = it->second.first; bool &dirty = it->second.second; if(dirty) { dirty = false; ++it; } else { if(reg->valid(local)) { reg->destroy(local); } it = remloc.erase(it); } } return *this; } /** * @brief Destroys those entities that have no components. * * In case all the entities were serialized but only part of the components * was saved, it could happen that some of the entities have no components * once restored.
* This functions helps to identify and destroy those entities. * * @return A non-const reference to this loader. */ basic_continuous_loader & orphans() { reg->orphans([this](const auto entt) { reg->destroy(entt); }); return *this; } /** * @brief Tests if a loader knows about a given entity. * @param entt An entity identifier. * @return True if `entity` is managed by the loader, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (remloc.find(entt) != remloc.cend()); } /** * @brief Returns the identifier to which an entity refers. * @param entt An entity identifier. * @return The local identifier if any, the null entity otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] entity_type map(entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { const auto it = remloc.find(entt); entity_type other = null; if(it != remloc.cend()) { other = it->second.first; } return other; } private: std::unordered_map> remloc; basic_registry *reg; }; } #endif // #include "entity/sparse_set.hpp" // #include "entity/storage.hpp" // #include "entity/utility.hpp" // #include "entity/view.hpp" // #include "locator/locator.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_LOCATOR_LOCATOR_HPP #define ENTT_LOCATOR_LOCATOR_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Service locator, nothing more. * * A service locator can be used to do what it promises: locate services.
* Usually service locators are tightly bound to the services they expose and * thus it's hard to define a general purpose class to do that. This template * based implementation tries to fill the gap and to get rid of the burden of * defining a different specific locator for each application. * * @tparam Service Type of service managed by the locator. */ template struct service_locator { /*! @brief Type of service offered. */ using service_type = Service; /*! @brief Default constructor, deleted on purpose. */ service_locator() = delete; /*! @brief Default destructor, deleted on purpose. */ ~service_locator() = delete; /** * @brief Tests if a valid service implementation is set. * @return True if the service is set, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool empty() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !static_cast(service); } /** * @brief Returns a weak pointer to a service implementation, if any. * * Clients of a service shouldn't retain references to it. The recommended * way is to retrieve the service implementation currently set each and * every time the need of using it arises. Otherwise users can incur in * unexpected behaviors. * * @return A reference to the service implementation currently set, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] static std::weak_ptr get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return service; } /** * @brief Returns a weak reference to a service implementation, if any. * * Clients of a service shouldn't retain references to it. The recommended * way is to retrieve the service implementation currently set each and * every time the need of using it arises. Otherwise users can incur in * unexpected behaviors. * * @warning * In case no service implementation has been set, a call to this function * results in undefined behavior. * * @return A reference to the service implementation currently set, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] static Service & ref() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *service; } /** * @brief Sets or replaces a service. * @tparam Impl Type of the new service to use. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the service. * @param args Parameters to use to construct the service. */ template static void set(Args &&... args) { service = std::make_shared(std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Sets or replaces a service. * @param ptr Service to use to replace the current one. */ static void set(std::shared_ptr ptr) { ENTT_ASSERT(static_cast(ptr)); service = std::move(ptr); } /** * @brief Resets a service. * * The service is no longer valid after a reset. */ static void reset() { service.reset(); } private: inline static std::shared_ptr service = nullptr; }; } #endif // #include "meta/container.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_CONTAINER_HPP #define ENTT_META_CONTAINER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif // #include "type_traits.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #define ENTT_META_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #include namespace entt { /** * @brief Traits class template to be specialized to enable support for meta * sequence containers. */ template struct meta_sequence_container_traits; /** * @brief Traits class template to be specialized to enable support for meta * associative containers. */ template struct meta_associative_container_traits; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if support for meta * sequence containers is enabled for the given type, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially sequence container type. */ template struct has_meta_sequence_container_traits: std::false_type {}; /*! @copydoc has_meta_sequence_container_traits */ template struct has_meta_sequence_container_traits::value_type>> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially sequence container type. */ template inline constexpr auto has_meta_sequence_container_traits_v = has_meta_sequence_container_traits::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if support for meta * associative containers is enabled for the given type, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially associative container type. */ template struct has_meta_associative_container_traits: std::false_type {}; /*! @copydoc has_meta_associative_container_traits */ template struct has_meta_associative_container_traits::key_type>> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially associative container type. */ template inline constexpr auto has_meta_associative_container_traits_v = has_meta_associative_container_traits::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a meta associative * container claims to wrap a key-only type, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially key-only meta associative container type. */ template struct is_key_only_meta_associative_container: std::true_type {}; /*! @copydoc is_key_only_meta_associative_container */ template struct is_key_only_meta_associative_container::mapped_type>> : std::false_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially key-only meta associative container type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_key_only_meta_associative_container_v = is_key_only_meta_associative_container::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is a * pointer-like type from the point of view of the meta system, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially pointer-like type. */ template struct is_meta_pointer_like: std::false_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially pointer-like type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_meta_pointer_like_v = is_meta_pointer_like::value; } #endif namespace entt { namespace internal { template class... Trait> struct container_traits: public Trait... {}; /** * @brief Basic STL-compatible container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct basic_container { /*! @brief Iterator type of the container. */ using iterator = typename Container::iterator; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = typename Container::size_type; /*! @brief Value type of the container. */ using value_type = typename Container::value_type; /** * @brief Returns the size of the given container. * @param cont The container for which to return the size. * @return The size of the given container. */ [[nodiscard]] static size_type size(const Container &cont) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return cont.size(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first element of the given container. * @param cont The container for which to return the iterator. * @return An iterator to the first element of the given container. */ [[nodiscard]] static iterator begin(Container &cont) { return cont.begin(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator past the last element of the given container. * @param cont The container for which to return the iterator. * @return An iterator past the last element of the given container. */ [[nodiscard]] static iterator end(Container &cont) { return cont.end(); } }; /** * @brief Basic STL-compatible associative container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct basic_associative_container { /*! @brief Key type of the sequence container. */ using key_type = typename Container::key_type; /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the element with key equivalent to the given * one, if any. * @param cont The container in which to search for the element. * @param key The key of the element to search. * @return An iterator to the element with the given key, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] static typename Container::iterator find(Container &cont, const key_type &key) { return cont.find(key); } }; /** * @brief Basic STL-compatible dynamic container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct basic_dynamic_container { /** * @brief Clears the content of the given container. * @param cont The container for which to clear the content. * @return True in case of success, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool clear(Container &cont) { return cont.clear(), true; } }; /** * @brief Basic STL-compatible dynamic associative container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct basic_dynamic_associative_container { /** * @brief Removes the specified element from the given container. * @param cont The container from which to remove the element. * @param key The element to remove. * @return A bool denoting whether the removal took place. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool erase(Container &cont, const typename Container::key_type &key) { const auto sz = cont.size(); return cont.erase(key) != sz; } }; /** * @brief Basic STL-compatible sequence container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct basic_sequence_container { /** * @brief Returns a reference to the element at the specified location of the * given container (no bounds checking is performed). * @param cont The container from which to get the element. * @param pos The position of the element to return. * @return A reference to the requested element. */ [[nodiscard]] static typename Container::value_type & get(Container &cont, typename Container::size_type pos) { return cont[pos]; } }; /** * @brief STL-compatible dynamic associative key-only container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct dynamic_associative_key_only_container { /** * @brief Inserts an element into the given container. * @param cont The container in which to insert the element. * @param key The element to insert. * @return A bool denoting whether the insertion took place. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool insert(Container &cont, const typename Container::key_type &key) { return cont.insert(key).second; } }; /** * @brief STL-compatible dynamic key-value associative container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct dynamic_associative_key_value_container { /** * @brief Inserts an element (a key/value pair) into the given container. * @param cont The container in which to insert the element. * @param key The key of the element to insert. * @param value The value of the element to insert. * @return A bool denoting whether the insertion took place. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool insert(Container &cont, const typename Container::key_type &key, const typename Container::mapped_type &value) { return cont.insert(std::make_pair(key, value)).second; } }; /** * @brief STL-compatible dynamic sequence container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct dynamic_sequence_container { /** * @brief Resizes the given container to contain the given number of elements. * @param cont The container to resize. * @param sz The new size of the container. * @return True in case of success, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool resize(Container &cont, typename Container::size_type sz) { return (cont.resize(sz), true); } /** * @brief Inserts an element at the specified location of the given container. * @param cont The container into which to insert the element. * @param it Iterator before which the element will be inserted. * @param value Element value to insert. * @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (in case * of success) and a bool denoting whether the insertion took place. */ [[nodiscard]] static std::pair insert(Container &cont, typename Container::iterator it, const typename Container::value_type &value) { return { cont.insert(it, value), true }; } /** * @brief Removes the element at the specified location from the given container. * @param cont The container from which to remove the element. * @param it Iterator to the element to remove. * @return A pair consisting of an iterator following the last removed * element (in case of success) and a bool denoting whether the insertion * took place. */ [[nodiscard]] static std::pair erase(Container &cont, typename Container::iterator it) { return { cont.erase(it), true }; } }; /** * @brief STL-compatible fixed sequence container traits * @tparam Container The type of the container. */ template struct fixed_sequence_container { /** * @brief Does nothing. * @return False to indicate failure in all cases. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool resize(const Container &, typename Container::size_type) { return false; } /** * @brief Does nothing. * @return False to indicate failure in all cases. */ [[nodiscard]] static bool clear(const Container &) { return false; } /** * @brief Does nothing. * @return A pair consisting of an invalid iterator and a false value to * indicate failure in all cases. */ [[nodiscard]] static std::pair insert(const Container &, typename Container::iterator, const typename Container::value_type &) { return { {}, false }; } /** * @brief Does nothing. * @return A pair consisting of an invalid iterator and a false value to * indicate failure in all cases. */ [[nodiscard]] static std::pair erase(const Container &, typename Container::iterator) { return { {}, false }; } }; } /** * @brief Meta sequence container traits for `std::vector`s of any type. * @tparam Type The type of elements. * @tparam Args Other arguments. */ template struct meta_sequence_container_traits> : internal::container_traits< std::vector, internal::basic_container, internal::basic_dynamic_container, internal::basic_sequence_container, internal::dynamic_sequence_container > {}; /** * @brief Meta sequence container traits for `std::array`s of any type. * @tparam Type The type of elements. * @tparam N The number of elements. */ template struct meta_sequence_container_traits> : internal::container_traits< std::array, internal::basic_container, internal::basic_sequence_container, internal::fixed_sequence_container > {}; /** * @brief Meta associative container traits for `std::map`s of any type. * @tparam Key The key type of elements. * @tparam Value The value type of elements. * @tparam Args Other arguments. */ template struct meta_associative_container_traits> : internal::container_traits< std::map, internal::basic_container, internal::basic_associative_container, internal::basic_dynamic_container, internal::basic_dynamic_associative_container, internal::dynamic_associative_key_value_container > { /*! @brief Mapped type of the sequence container. */ using mapped_type = typename std::map::mapped_type; }; /** * @brief Meta associative container traits for `std::unordered_map`s of any * type. * @tparam Key The key type of elements. * @tparam Value The value type of elements. * @tparam Args Other arguments. */ template struct meta_associative_container_traits> : internal::container_traits< std::unordered_map, internal::basic_container, internal::basic_associative_container, internal::basic_dynamic_container, internal::basic_dynamic_associative_container, internal::dynamic_associative_key_value_container > { /*! @brief Mapped type of the sequence container. */ using mapped_type = typename std::unordered_map::mapped_type; }; /** * @brief Meta associative container traits for `std::set`s of any type. * @tparam Key The type of elements. * @tparam Args Other arguments. */ template struct meta_associative_container_traits> : internal::container_traits< std::set, internal::basic_container, internal::basic_associative_container, internal::basic_dynamic_container, internal::basic_dynamic_associative_container, internal::dynamic_associative_key_only_container > {}; /** * @brief Meta associative container traits for `std::unordered_set`s of any * type. * @tparam Key The type of elements. * @tparam Args Other arguments. */ template struct meta_associative_container_traits> : internal::container_traits< std::unordered_set, internal::basic_container, internal::basic_associative_container, internal::basic_dynamic_container, internal::basic_dynamic_associative_container, internal::dynamic_associative_key_only_container > {}; } #endif // #include "meta/ctx.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_CTX_HPP #define ENTT_META_CTX_HPP // #include "../core/attribute.h" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #define ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #ifndef ENTT_EXPORT # if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define ENTT_HIDDEN # elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) # else /* Unsupported compiler */ # define ENTT_EXPORT # define ENTT_IMPORT # define ENTT_HIDDEN # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_API # if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_EXPORT # elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_IMPORT # else /* No API */ # define ENTT_API # endif #endif #endif // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { struct meta_type_node; struct ENTT_API meta_context { // we could use the lines below but VS2017 returns with an ICE if combined with ENTT_API despite the code being valid C++ // inline static meta_type_node *local = nullptr; // inline static meta_type_node **global = &local; [[nodiscard]] static meta_type_node * & local() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static meta_type_node *chain = nullptr; return chain; } [[nodiscard]] static meta_type_node ** & global() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static meta_type_node **chain = &local(); return chain; } }; } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /*! @brief Opaque container for a meta context. */ struct meta_ctx { /** * @brief Binds the meta system to a given context. * @param other A valid context to which to bind. */ static void bind(meta_ctx other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { internal::meta_context::global() = other.ctx; } private: internal::meta_type_node **ctx{&internal::meta_context::local()}; }; } #endif // #include "meta/factory.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_FACTORY_HPP #define ENTT_META_FACTORY_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */ using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE; } #endif // #include "../core/type_info.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/attribute.h" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #define ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #ifndef ENTT_EXPORT # if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define ENTT_HIDDEN # elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) # else /* Unsupported compiler */ # define ENTT_EXPORT # define ENTT_IMPORT # define ENTT_HIDDEN # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_API # if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_EXPORT # elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_IMPORT # else /* No API */ # define ENTT_API # endif #endif #endif // #include "hashed_string.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template struct fnv1a_traits; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint32_t; static constexpr std::uint32_t offset = 2166136261; static constexpr std::uint32_t prime = 16777619; }; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint64_t; static constexpr std::uint64_t offset = 14695981039346656037ull; static constexpr std::uint64_t prime = 1099511628211ull; }; } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Zero overhead unique identifier. * * A hashed string is a compile-time tool that allows users to use * human-readable identifers in the codebase while using their numeric * counterparts at runtime.
* Because of that, a hashed string can also be used in constant expressions if * required. * * @tparam Char Character type. */ template class basic_hashed_string { using traits_type = internal::fnv1a_traits; struct const_wrapper { // non-explicit constructor on purpose constexpr const_wrapper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: str{curr} {} const Char *str; }; // Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function v. 1a - the good [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type helper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { auto value = traits_type::offset; while(*curr != 0) { value = (value ^ static_cast(*(curr++))) * traits_type::prime; } return value; } public: /*! @brief Character type. */ using value_type = Char; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using hash_type = id_type; /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * const auto value = basic_hashed_string::to_value("my.png"); * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ template [[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const value_type (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(wrapper.str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string view. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @param size Length of the string to hash. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const value_type *str, std::size_t size) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { id_type partial{traits_type::offset}; while(size--) { partial = (partial^(str++)[0])*traits_type::prime; } return partial; } /*! @brief Constructs an empty hashed string. */ constexpr basic_hashed_string() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{nullptr}, hash{} {} /** * @brief Constructs a hashed string from an array of const characters. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * basic_hashed_string hs{"my.png"}; * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param curr Human-readable identifer. */ template constexpr basic_hashed_string(const value_type (&curr)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{curr}, hash{helper(curr)} {} /** * @brief Explicit constructor on purpose to avoid constructing a hashed * string directly from a `const value_type *`. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. */ explicit constexpr basic_hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{wrapper.str}, hash{helper(wrapper.str)} {} /** * @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string. * @return The string used to initialize the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr const value_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return str; } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr hash_type value() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash; } /*! @copydoc data */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator const value_type *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return data(); } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator hash_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value(); } /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @param other Hashed string with which to compare. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const basic_hashed_string &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash == other.hash; } private: const value_type *str; hash_type hash; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the character type of the hashed string directly from a * human-readable identifer provided to the constructor. * * @tparam Char Character type. * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. */ template basic_hashed_string(const Char (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> basic_hashed_string; /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @tparam Char Character type. * @param lhs A valid hashed string. * @param rhs A valid hashed string. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_hashed_string &lhs, const basic_hashed_string &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_string = basic_hashed_string; /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_wstring = basic_hashed_string; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed strings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed string. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_string operator"" ENTT_HS_SUFFIX(const char *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_string{str}; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed wstrings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed wstring. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_wstring operator"" ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX(const wchar_t *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_wstring{str}; } #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { struct ENTT_API type_index { [[nodiscard]] static id_type next() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) value{}; return value++; } }; template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION std::string_view pretty_function{ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION}; auto first = pretty_function.find_first_not_of(' ', pretty_function.find_first_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX)+1); auto value = pretty_function.substr(first, pretty_function.find_last_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX) - first); return value; #else return std::string_view{}; #endif } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Type index. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate a sequential identifier. */ template struct ENTT_API type_index { /** * @brief Returns the sequential identifier of a given type. * @return The sequential identifier of a given type. */ [[nodiscard]] static id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const id_type value = internal::type_index::next(); return value; } }; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * indexable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template struct has_type_index: std::false_type {}; /*! @brief has_type_index */ template struct has_type_index::value())>>: std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template inline constexpr bool has_type_index_v = has_type_index::value; /** * @brief Type info. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate information. */ template struct type_info { /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a given type. * @return The numeric representation of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return type_index::value(); } #endif /** * @brief Returns the name of a given type. * @return The name of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::type_name(); } #endif }; } #endif // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Using declaration to be used to _repeat_ the same type a number of * times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Type A type to repeat. */ template using unpack_as_t = Type; /** * @brief Helper variable template to be used to _repeat_ the same value a * number of times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Value A value to repeat. */ template inline constexpr auto unpack_as_v = Value; /** * @brief Wraps a static constant. * @tparam Value A static constant. */ template using integral_constant = std::integral_constant; /** * @brief Alias template to ease the creation of named values. * @tparam Value A constant value at least convertible to `id_type`. */ template using tag = integral_constant; /** * @brief Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template struct choice_t // Unfortunately, doxygen cannot parse such a construct. /*! @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN */ : choice_t /*! @endcond */ {}; /*! @copybrief choice_t */ template<> struct choice_t<0> {}; /** * @brief Variable template for the choice trick. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template inline constexpr choice_t choice{}; /*! @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more. */ template struct type_list {}; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_size; /** * @brief Compile-time number of elements in a type list. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_size> : std::integral_constant {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam List Type list. */ template inline constexpr auto type_list_size_v = type_list_size::value; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_cat; /*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */ template<> struct type_list_cat<> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list. * @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list. * @tparam List Other type lists, if any. */ template struct type_list_cat, type_list, List...> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = typename type_list_cat, List...>::type; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_cat> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam List Type lists to concatenate. */ template using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat::type; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_unique; /** * @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. * @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list. * @tparam Other The other types provided by the given type list. */ template struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = std::conditional_t< std::disjunction_v...>, typename type_list_unique>::type, type_list_cat_t, typename type_list_unique>::type> >; }; /*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */ template<> struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Type A type list. */ template using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique::type; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * equality comparable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template> struct is_equality_comparable: std::false_type {}; /*! @copydoc is_equality_comparable */ template struct is_equality_comparable() == std::declval())>> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is empty * and the empty type optimization is enabled, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template struct is_eto_eligible : ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_eto_eligible_v = is_eto_eligible::value; /** * @brief Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template class member_class { static_assert(std::is_member_pointer_v, "Invalid pointer type to non-static member object or function"); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...)); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const); template static Class * clazz(Type Class:: *); public: /*! @brief The class of the given non-static member object or function. */ using type = std::remove_pointer_t()))>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template using member_class_t = typename member_class::type; } #endif // #include "internal.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_INTERNAL_HPP #define ENTT_META_INTERNAL_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../core/attribute.h" // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" // #include "../core/type_info.hpp" // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" // #include "type_traits.hpp" namespace entt { class meta_any; struct meta_handle; /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { class meta_storage { using storage_type = std::aligned_storage_t; using copy_fn_type = void(meta_storage &, const meta_storage &); using steal_fn_type = void(meta_storage &, meta_storage &); using destroy_fn_type = void(meta_storage &); template> struct type_traits { template static void instance(meta_storage &buffer, Args &&... args) { buffer.instance = new Type{std::forward(args)...}; new (&buffer.storage) Type *{static_cast(buffer.instance)}; } static void destroy(meta_storage &buffer) { delete static_cast(buffer.instance); } static void copy(meta_storage &to, const meta_storage &from) { to.instance = new Type{*static_cast(from.instance)}; new (&to.storage) Type *{static_cast(to.instance)}; } static void steal(meta_storage &to, meta_storage &from) { new (&to.storage) Type *{static_cast(from.instance)}; to.instance = from.instance; } }; template struct type_traits>> { template static void instance(meta_storage &buffer, Args &&... args) { buffer.instance = new (&buffer.storage) Type{std::forward(args)...}; } static void destroy(meta_storage &buffer) { static_cast(buffer.instance)->~Type(); } static void copy(meta_storage &to, const meta_storage &from) { to.instance = new (&to.storage) Type{*static_cast(from.instance)}; } static void steal(meta_storage &to, meta_storage &from) { to.instance = new (&to.storage) Type{std::move(*static_cast(from.instance))}; destroy(from); } }; public: /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_storage() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : storage{}, instance{}, destroy_fn{}, copy_fn{}, steal_fn{} {} template explicit meta_storage(std::in_place_type_t, [[maybe_unused]] Args &&... args) : meta_storage{} { if constexpr(!std::is_void_v) { type_traits::instance(*this, std::forward(args)...); destroy_fn = &type_traits::destroy; copy_fn = &type_traits::copy; steal_fn = &type_traits::steal; } } template meta_storage(std::reference_wrapper value) : meta_storage{} { instance = &value.get(); } template>, meta_storage>>> meta_storage(Type &&value) : meta_storage{std::in_place_type>>, std::forward(value)} {} meta_storage(const meta_storage &other) : meta_storage{} { (other.copy_fn ? other.copy_fn : [](auto &to, const auto &from) { to.instance = from.instance; })(*this, other); destroy_fn = other.destroy_fn; copy_fn = other.copy_fn; steal_fn = other.steal_fn; } meta_storage(meta_storage &&other) : meta_storage{} { swap(*this, other); } ~meta_storage() { if(destroy_fn) { destroy_fn(*this); } } meta_storage & operator=(meta_storage other) { swap(other, *this); return *this; } [[nodiscard]] const void * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return instance; } [[nodiscard]] void * data() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).data()); } template void emplace(Args &&... args) { *this = meta_storage{std::in_place_type, std::forward(args)...}; } [[nodiscard]] meta_storage ref() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { meta_storage other{}; other.instance = instance; return other; } [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(instance == nullptr); } friend void swap(meta_storage &lhs, meta_storage &rhs) { using std::swap; if(lhs.steal_fn && rhs.steal_fn) { meta_storage buffer{}; lhs.steal_fn(buffer, lhs); rhs.steal_fn(lhs, rhs); lhs.steal_fn(rhs, buffer); } else if(lhs.steal_fn) { lhs.steal_fn(rhs, lhs); } else if(rhs.steal_fn) { rhs.steal_fn(lhs, rhs); } else { swap(lhs.instance, rhs.instance); } swap(lhs.destroy_fn, rhs.destroy_fn); swap(lhs.copy_fn, rhs.copy_fn); swap(lhs.steal_fn, rhs.steal_fn); } private: storage_type storage; void *instance; destroy_fn_type *destroy_fn; copy_fn_type *copy_fn; steal_fn_type *steal_fn; }; struct meta_type_node; struct meta_prop_node { meta_prop_node * next; meta_any(* const key)(); meta_any(* const value)(); }; struct meta_base_node { meta_type_node * const parent; meta_base_node * next; meta_type_node *(* const type)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; const void *(* const cast)(const void *) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; }; struct meta_conv_node { meta_type_node * const parent; meta_conv_node * next; meta_type_node *(* const type)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_any(* const conv)(const void *); }; struct meta_ctor_node { using size_type = std::size_t; meta_type_node * const parent; meta_ctor_node * next; meta_prop_node * prop; const size_type size; meta_type_node *(* const arg)(size_type) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_any(* const invoke)(meta_any * const); }; struct meta_data_node { id_type id; meta_type_node * const parent; meta_data_node * next; meta_prop_node * prop; const bool is_static; meta_type_node *(* const type)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; bool(* const set)(meta_handle, meta_any); meta_any(* const get)(meta_handle); }; struct meta_func_node { using size_type = std::size_t; id_type id; meta_type_node * const parent; meta_func_node * next; meta_prop_node * prop; const size_type size; const bool is_const; const bool is_static; meta_type_node *(* const ret)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_type_node *(* const arg)(size_type) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_any(* const invoke)(meta_handle, meta_any *); }; struct meta_type_node { using size_type = std::size_t; const id_type type_id; id_type id; meta_type_node * next; meta_prop_node * prop; const bool is_void; const bool is_integral; const bool is_floating_point; const bool is_array; const bool is_enum; const bool is_union; const bool is_class; const bool is_pointer; const bool is_function_pointer; const bool is_member_object_pointer; const bool is_member_function_pointer; const bool is_pointer_like; const bool is_sequence_container; const bool is_associative_container; const size_type rank; size_type(* const extent)(size_type); bool(* const compare)(const void *, const void *); meta_type_node *(* const remove_pointer)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_type_node *(* const remove_extent)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_base_node *base{nullptr}; meta_conv_node *conv{nullptr}; meta_ctor_node *ctor{nullptr}; meta_data_node *data{nullptr}; meta_func_node *func{nullptr}; void(* dtor)(void *){nullptr}; }; template class meta_range { struct range_iterator { using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = Node; using pointer = value_type *; using reference = value_type &; using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; range_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; range_iterator(Node *head) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{head} {} range_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node = node->next, *this; } range_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { range_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const range_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.node == node; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const range_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } [[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *operator->(); } private: Node *node{nullptr}; }; public: using iterator = range_iterator; meta_range() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; meta_range(Node *head) : node{head} {} [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return iterator{node}; } [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return iterator{}; } private: Node *node{nullptr}; }; template auto find_if(const Op &op, const meta_type_node *node) -> std::decay_t*Member)> { std::decay_t*Member)> ret = nullptr; for(auto &&curr: meta_range{node->*Member}) { if(op(&curr)) { ret = &curr; break; } } if(!ret) { for(auto &&curr: meta_range{node->base}) { if(ret = find_if(op, curr.type()); ret) { break; } } } return ret; } template class ENTT_API meta_node { static_assert(std::is_same_v>>, "Invalid type"); [[nodiscard]] static bool compare(const void *lhs, const void *rhs) { if constexpr(!std::is_function_v && is_equality_comparable_v) { return *static_cast(lhs) == *static_cast(rhs); } else { return lhs == rhs; } } template [[nodiscard]] static auto extent(meta_type_node::size_type dim, std::index_sequence) { meta_type_node::size_type ext{}; ((ext = (dim == Index ? std::extent_v : ext)), ...); return ext; } public: [[nodiscard]] static meta_type_node * resolve() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static meta_type_node node{ type_info::id(), {}, nullptr, nullptr, std::is_void_v, std::is_integral_v, std::is_floating_point_v, std::is_array_v, std::is_enum_v, std::is_union_v, std::is_class_v, std::is_pointer_v, std::is_pointer_v && std::is_function_v>, std::is_member_object_pointer_v, std::is_member_function_pointer_v, is_meta_pointer_like_v, has_meta_sequence_container_traits_v, has_meta_associative_container_traits_v, std::rank_v, [](meta_type_node::size_type dim) { return extent(dim, std::make_index_sequence>{}); }, &compare, // workaround for an issue with VS2017 &meta_node>>::resolve, &meta_node>>::resolve }; return &node; } }; template struct meta_info: meta_node>...> {}; } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ } #endif // #include "meta.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_META_HPP #define ENTT_META_META_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" // #include "../core/utility.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_UTILITY_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_UTILITY_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /*! @brief Identity function object (waiting for C++20). */ struct identity { /** * @brief Returns its argument unchanged. * @tparam Type Type of the argument. * @param value The actual argument. * @return The submitted value as-is. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr Type && operator()(Type &&value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::forward(value); } }; /** * @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded members of a class. * @tparam Type Type of the desired overload. * @tparam Class Type of class to which the member belongs. * @param member A valid pointer to a member. * @return Pointer to the member. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Type Class:: *member) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return member; } /** * @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam Func Function type of the desired overload. * @param func A valid pointer to a function. * @return Pointer to the function. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Func *func) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return func; } /** * @brief Helper type for visitors. * @tparam Func Types of function objects. */ template struct overloaded: Func... { using Func::operator()...; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Func Types of function objects. */ template overloaded(Func...) -> overloaded; /** * @brief Basic implementation of a y-combinator. * @tparam Func Type of a potentially recursive function. */ template struct y_combinator { /** * @brief Constructs a y-combinator from a given function. * @param recursive A potentially recursive function. */ y_combinator(Func recursive): func{std::move(recursive)} {} /** * @brief Invokes a y-combinator and therefore its underlying function. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to invoke the underlying function. * @param args Parameters to use to invoke the underlying function. * @return Return value of the underlying function, if any. */ template decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) const { return func(*this, std::forward(args)...); } /*! @copydoc operator()() */ template decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&... args) { return func(*this, std::forward(args)...); } private: Func func; }; } #endif // #include "ctx.hpp" // #include "internal.hpp" // #include "range.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_RANGE_HPP #define ENTT_META_RANGE_HPP // #include "internal.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Iterable range to use to iterate all types of meta objects. * @tparam Type Type of meta objects iterated. */ template class meta_range { struct range_iterator { using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = Type; using pointer = void; using reference = value_type; using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; using node_type = typename Type::node_type; range_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; range_iterator(node_type *head) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : it{head} {} range_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return ++it, *this; } range_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { range_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return it.operator->(); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const range_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return other.it == it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const range_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } private: typename internal::meta_range::iterator it{}; }; public: /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = typename Type::node_type; /*! @brief Input iterator type. */ using iterator = range_iterator; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_range() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; /** * @brief Constructs a meta range from a given node. * @param head The underlying node with which to construct the range. */ meta_range(node_type *head) : node{head} {} /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning. * @return An iterator to the first meta object of the range. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return iterator{node}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the end. * @return An iterator to the element following the last meta object of the * range. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return iterator{}; } private: node_type *node{nullptr}; }; } #endif // #include "type_traits.hpp" namespace entt { class meta_type; class meta_any; /*! @brief Proxy object for sequence containers. */ class meta_sequence_container { template struct meta_sequence_container_proxy; class meta_iterator; public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Meta iterator type. */ using iterator = meta_iterator; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_sequence_container() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : instance{nullptr} {} /** * @brief Construct a proxy object for sequence containers. * @tparam Type Type of container to wrap. * @param container The container to wrap. */ template meta_sequence_container(Type *container) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : value_type_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::value_type}, size_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::size}, resize_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::resize}, clear_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::clear}, begin_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::begin}, end_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::end}, insert_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::insert}, erase_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::erase}, get_fn{&meta_sequence_container_proxy::get}, instance{container} {} [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type value_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; [[nodiscard]] inline size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; inline bool resize(size_type) const; inline bool clear(); [[nodiscard]] inline iterator begin(); [[nodiscard]] inline iterator end(); inline std::pair insert(iterator, meta_any); inline std::pair erase(iterator); [[nodiscard]] inline meta_any operator[](size_type); [[nodiscard]] inline explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; private: meta_type(* value_type_fn)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; size_type(* size_fn)(const void *) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; bool(* resize_fn)(void *, size_type); bool(* clear_fn)(void *); iterator(* begin_fn)(void *); iterator(* end_fn)(void *); std::pair(* insert_fn)(void *, iterator, meta_any); std::pair(* erase_fn)(void *, iterator); meta_any(* get_fn)(void *, size_type); void *instance; }; /*! @brief Proxy object for associative containers. */ class meta_associative_container { template struct meta_associative_container_proxy; class meta_iterator; public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Meta iterator type. */ using iterator = meta_iterator; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_associative_container() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : instance{nullptr} {} /** * @brief Construct a proxy object for associative containers. * @tparam Type Type of container to wrap. * @param container The container to wrap. */ template meta_associative_container(Type *container) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : key_only_container{is_key_only_meta_associative_container_v}, key_type_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::key_type}, mapped_type_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::mapped_type}, value_type_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::value_type}, size_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::size}, clear_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::clear}, begin_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::begin}, end_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::end}, insert_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::insert}, erase_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::erase}, find_fn{&meta_associative_container_proxy::find}, instance{container} {} [[nodiscard]] inline bool key_only() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type key_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type mapped_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type value_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; [[nodiscard]] inline size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; inline bool clear(); [[nodiscard]] inline iterator begin(); [[nodiscard]] inline iterator end(); inline bool insert(meta_any, meta_any); inline bool erase(meta_any); [[nodiscard]] inline iterator find(meta_any); [[nodiscard]] inline explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; private: bool key_only_container; meta_type(* key_type_fn)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_type(* mapped_type_fn)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; meta_type(* value_type_fn)() ENTT_NOEXCEPT; size_type(* size_fn)(const void *) ENTT_NOEXCEPT; bool(* clear_fn)(void *); iterator(* begin_fn)(void *); iterator(* end_fn)(void *); bool(* insert_fn)(void *, meta_any, meta_any); bool(* erase_fn)(void *, meta_any); iterator(* find_fn)(void *, meta_any); void *instance; }; /** * @brief Opaque wrapper for values of any type. * * This class uses a technique called small buffer optimization (SBO) to get rid * of memory allocations if possible. This should improve overall performance. */ class meta_any { using dereference_operator_type = meta_any(meta_any &); template [[nodiscard]] static meta_any dereference_operator(meta_any &any) { if constexpr(is_meta_pointer_like_v) { if constexpr(std::is_const_v())>>) { return *any.cast(); } else { return std::ref(*any.cast()); } } else { return {}; } } template [[nodiscard]] static meta_sequence_container meta_sequence_container_factory([[maybe_unused]] void *container) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(has_meta_sequence_container_traits_v) { return static_cast(container); } else { return {}; } } template [[nodiscard]] static meta_associative_container meta_associative_container_factory([[maybe_unused]] void *container) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(has_meta_associative_container_traits_v) { return static_cast(container); } else { return {}; } } public: /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_any() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : storage{}, node{}, deref{nullptr}, seq_factory{nullptr}, assoc_factory{nullptr} {} /** * @brief Constructs a meta any by directly initializing the new object. * @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the new instance. * @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance. */ template explicit meta_any(std::in_place_type_t, [[maybe_unused]] Args &&... args) : storage(std::in_place_type, std::forward(args)...), node{internal::meta_info::resolve()}, deref{&dereference_operator}, seq_factory{&meta_sequence_container_factory}, assoc_factory{&meta_associative_container_factory} {} /** * @brief Constructs a meta any that holds an unmanaged object. * @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper. * @param value An instance of an object to use to initialize the wrapper. */ template meta_any(std::reference_wrapper value) : storage{value}, node{internal::meta_info::resolve()}, deref{&dereference_operator}, seq_factory{&meta_sequence_container_factory}, assoc_factory{&meta_associative_container_factory} {} /** * @brief Constructs a meta any from a given value. * @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper. * @param value An instance of an object to use to initialize the wrapper. */ template>, meta_any>>> meta_any(Type &&value) : meta_any{std::in_place_type>>, std::forward(value)} {} /** * @brief Copy constructor. * @param other The instance to copy from. */ meta_any(const meta_any &other) = default; /** * @brief Move constructor. * @param other The instance to move from. */ meta_any(meta_any &&other) : meta_any{} { swap(*this, other); } /*! @brief Frees the internal storage, whatever it means. */ ~meta_any() { if(node && node->dtor) { node->dtor(storage.data()); } } /** * @brief Assignment operator. * @param other The instance to assign from. * @return This meta any object. */ meta_any & operator=(meta_any other) { swap(other, *this); return *this; } /** * @brief Returns the meta type of the underlying object. * @return The meta type of the underlying object, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Returns an opaque pointer to the contained instance. * @return An opaque pointer the contained instance, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] const void * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return storage.data(); } /*! @copydoc data */ [[nodiscard]] void * data() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return storage.data(); } /** * @brief Tries to cast an instance to a given type. * @tparam Type Type to which to cast the instance. * @return A (possibly null) pointer to the contained instance. */ template [[nodiscard]] const Type * try_cast() const { if(node) { if(const auto type_id = internal::meta_info::resolve()->type_id; node->type_id == type_id) { return static_cast(storage.data()); } else if(const auto *base = internal::find_if<&internal::meta_type_node::base>([type_id](const auto *curr) { return curr->type()->type_id == type_id; }, node); base) { return static_cast(base->cast(storage.data())); } } return nullptr; } /*! @copydoc try_cast */ template [[nodiscard]] Type * try_cast() { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).try_cast()); } /** * @brief Tries to cast an instance to a given type. * * The type of the instance must be such that the cast is possible. * * @warning * Attempting to perform a cast that isn't viable results in undefined * behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case * the cast is not feasible. * * @tparam Type Type to which to cast the instance. * @return A reference to the contained instance. */ template [[nodiscard]] const Type & cast() const { auto * const actual = try_cast(); ENTT_ASSERT(actual); return *actual; } /*! @copydoc cast */ template [[nodiscard]] Type & cast() { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).cast()); } /** * @brief Tries to convert an instance to a given type and returns it. * @tparam Type Type to which to convert the instance. * @return A valid meta any object if the conversion is possible, an invalid * one otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] meta_any convert() const { if(node) { if(const auto type_id = internal::meta_info::resolve()->type_id; node->type_id == type_id) { return *this; } else if(const auto * const conv = internal::find_if<&internal::meta_type_node::conv>([type_id](const auto *curr) { return curr->type()->type_id == type_id; }, node); conv) { return conv->conv(storage.data()); } } return {}; } /** * @brief Tries to convert an instance to a given type. * @tparam Type Type to which to convert the instance. * @return True if the conversion is possible, false otherwise. */ template bool convert() { bool valid = (node && node->type_id == internal::meta_info::resolve()->type_id); if(!valid) { if(auto any = std::as_const(*this).convert(); any) { swap(any, *this); valid = true; } } return valid; } /** * @brief Replaces the contained object by creating a new instance directly. * @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the new instance. * @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance. */ template void emplace(Args &&... args) { *this = meta_any{std::in_place_type, std::forward(args)...}; } /** * @brief Aliasing constructor. * @return A meta any that shares a reference to an unmanaged object. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any ref() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { meta_any other{}; other.node = node; other.storage = storage.ref(); other.deref = deref; other.seq_factory = seq_factory; other.assoc_factory = assoc_factory; return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sequence container proxy. * @return A sequence container proxy for the underlying object. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_sequence_container as_sequence_container() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return seq_factory(storage.data()); } /** * @brief Returns an associative container proxy. * @return An associative container proxy for the underlying object. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_associative_container as_associative_container() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return assoc_factory(storage.data()); } /** * @brief Indirection operator for dereferencing opaque objects. * @return A meta any that shares a reference to an unmanaged object if the * wrapped element is dereferenceable, an invalid meta any otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any operator*() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return deref(*this); } /** * @brief Returns false if a wrapper is empty, true otherwise. * @return False if the wrapper is empty, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } /** * @brief Checks if two wrappers differ in their content. * @param other Wrapper with which to compare. * @return False if the two objects differ in their content, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const meta_any &other) const { return (!node && !other.node) || (node && other.node && node->type_id == other.node->type_id && node->compare(storage.data(), other.storage.data())); } /** * @brief Swaps two meta any objects. * @param lhs A valid meta any object. * @param rhs A valid meta any object. */ friend void swap(meta_any &lhs, meta_any &rhs) { using std::swap; swap(lhs.storage, rhs.storage); swap(lhs.node, rhs.node); swap(lhs.deref, rhs.deref); swap(lhs.seq_factory, rhs.seq_factory); swap(lhs.assoc_factory, rhs.assoc_factory); } private: internal::meta_storage storage; internal::meta_type_node *node; dereference_operator_type *deref; meta_sequence_container(* seq_factory)(void *); meta_associative_container(* assoc_factory)(void *); }; /** * @brief Checks if two wrappers differ in their content. * @param lhs A meta any object, either empty or not. * @param rhs A meta any object, either empty or not. * @return True if the two wrappers differ in their content, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] inline bool operator!=(const meta_any &lhs, const meta_any &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /** * @brief Opaque pointers to instances of any type. * * A handle doesn't perform copies and isn't responsible for the contained * object. It doesn't prolong the lifetime of the pointed instance.
* Handles are used to generate meta references to actual objects when needed. */ struct meta_handle { /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_handle() = default; /** * @brief Creates a handle that points to an unmanaged object. * @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the handle. * @param value An instance of an object to use to initialize the handle. */ template>, meta_handle>>> meta_handle(Type &&value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : meta_handle{} { if constexpr(std::is_same_v>, meta_any>) { any = value.ref(); } else { static_assert(std::is_lvalue_reference_v, "Lvalue reference required"); any = std::ref(value); } } /** * @brief Dereference operator for accessing the contained opaque object. * @return A meta any that shares a reference to an unmanaged object. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any operator*() const { return any; } /** * @brief Access operator for accessing the contained opaque object. * @return A meta any that shares a reference to an unmanaged object. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any * operator->() { return &any; } private: meta_any any; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta properties of any type. */ struct meta_prop { /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_prop_node; /** * @brief Constructs an instance from a given node. * @param curr The underlying node with which to construct the instance. */ meta_prop(const node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /** * @brief Returns the stored key. * @return A meta any containing the key stored with the property. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any key() const { return node->key(); } /** * @brief Returns the stored value. * @return A meta any containing the value stored with the property. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any value() const { return node->value(); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } private: const node_type *node; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta base classes. */ struct meta_base { /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_base_node; /*! @copydoc meta_prop::meta_prop */ meta_base(const node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /** * @brief Returns the meta type to which a meta object belongs. * @return The meta type to which the meta object belongs. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /*! @copydoc meta_any::type */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Casts an instance from a parent type to a base type. * @param instance The instance to cast. * @return An opaque pointer to the base type. */ [[nodiscard]] const void * cast(const void *instance) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->cast(instance); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } private: const node_type *node; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta conversion functions. */ struct meta_conv { /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_conv_node; /*! @copydoc meta_prop::meta_prop */ meta_conv(const node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /*! @copydoc meta_base::parent */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /*! @copydoc meta_any::type */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Converts an instance to the underlying type. * @param instance The instance to convert. * @return An opaque pointer to the instance to convert. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any convert(const void *instance) const { return node->conv(instance); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } private: const node_type *node; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta constructors. */ struct meta_ctor { /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_ctor_node; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = typename node_type::size_type; /*! @copydoc meta_prop::meta_prop */ meta_ctor(const node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /*! @copydoc meta_base::parent */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Returns the number of arguments accepted by a meta constructor. * @return The number of arguments accepted by the meta constructor. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->size; } /** * @brief Returns the meta type of the i-th argument of a meta constructor. * @param index The index of the argument of which to return the meta type. * @return The meta type of the i-th argument of a meta constructor, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_type arg(size_type index) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Creates an instance of the underlying type, if possible. * * To create a valid instance, the parameters must be such that a cast or * conversion to the required types is possible. Otherwise, an empty and * thus invalid wrapper is returned. * * @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance. * @param sz Number of parameters to use to construct the instance. * @return A meta any containing the new instance, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any invoke(meta_any * const args, const std::size_t sz) const { return sz == size() ? node->invoke(args) : meta_any{}; } /** * @copybrief invoke * * @sa invoke * * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the instance. * @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance. * @return A meta any containing the new instance, if any. */ template [[nodiscard]] meta_any invoke([[maybe_unused]] Args &&... args) const { std::array arguments{std::forward(args)...}; return invoke(arguments.data(), sizeof...(Args)); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit all meta properties. * @return An iterable range to use to visit all meta properties. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range prop() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->prop; } /** * @brief Returns the property associated with a given key. * @param key The key to use to search for a property. * @return The property associated with the given key, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_prop prop(meta_any key) const { internal::meta_range range{node->prop}; return std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), [&key](const auto &curr) { return curr.key() == key; }).operator->(); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } private: const node_type *node; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta data. */ struct meta_data { /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_data_node; /*! @copydoc meta_prop::meta_prop */ meta_data(const node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /*! @copydoc meta_type::id */ [[nodiscard]] id_type id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->id; } /*! @copydoc meta_base::parent */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Indicates whether a meta data is constant or not. * @return True if the meta data is constant, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_const() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (node->set == nullptr); } /** * @brief Indicates whether a meta data is static or not. * @return True if the meta data is static, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_static() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_static; } /*! @copydoc meta_any::type */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Sets the value of a given variable. * * It must be possible to cast the instance to the parent type of the meta * data. Otherwise, invoking the setter results in an undefined * behavior.
* The type of the value must be such that a cast or conversion to the type * of the variable is possible. Otherwise, invoking the setter does nothing. * * @tparam Type Type of value to assign. * @param instance An opaque instance of the underlying type. * @param value Parameter to use to set the underlying variable. * @return True in case of success, false otherwise. */ template bool set(meta_handle instance, Type &&value) const { return node->set && node->set(std::move(instance), std::forward(value)); } /** * @brief Gets the value of a given variable. * * It must be possible to cast the instance to the parent type of the meta * data. Otherwise, invoking the getter results in an undefined behavior. * * @param instance An opaque instance of the underlying type. * @return A meta any containing the value of the underlying variable. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any get(meta_handle instance) const { return node->get(std::move(instance)); } /*! @copydoc meta_ctor::prop */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range prop() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->prop; } /** * @brief Returns the property associated with a given key. * @param key The key to use to search for a property. * @return The property associated with the given key, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_prop prop(meta_any key) const { internal::meta_range range{node->prop}; return std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), [&key](const auto &curr) { return curr.key() == key; }).operator->(); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } private: const node_type *node; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta functions. */ struct meta_func { /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_func_node; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = typename node_type::size_type; /*! @copydoc meta_prop::meta_prop */ meta_func(const node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /*! @copydoc meta_type::id */ [[nodiscard]] id_type id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->id; } /*! @copydoc meta_base::parent */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Returns the number of arguments accepted by a meta function. * @return The number of arguments accepted by the meta function. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->size; } /** * @brief Indicates whether a meta function is constant or not. * @return True if the meta function is constant, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_const() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_const; } /** * @brief Indicates whether a meta function is static or not. * @return True if the meta function is static, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_static() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_static; } /** * @brief Returns the meta type of the return type of a meta function. * @return The meta type of the return type of the meta function. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type ret() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Returns the meta type of the i-th argument of a meta function. * @param index The index of the argument of which to return the meta type. * @return The meta type of the i-th argument of a meta function, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type arg(size_type index) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT; /** * @brief Invokes the underlying function, if possible. * * To invoke a meta function, the parameters must be such that a cast or * conversion to the required types is possible. Otherwise, an empty and * thus invalid wrapper is returned.
* It must be possible to cast the instance to the parent type of the meta * function. Otherwise, invoking the underlying function results in an * undefined behavior. * * @param instance An opaque instance of the underlying type. * @param args Parameters to use to invoke the function. * @param sz Number of parameters to use to invoke the function. * @return A meta any containing the returned value, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any invoke(meta_handle instance, meta_any * const args, const std::size_t sz) const { return sz == size() ? node->invoke(instance, args) : meta_any{}; } /** * @copybrief invoke * * @sa invoke * * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to invoke the function. * @param instance An opaque instance of the underlying type. * @param args Parameters to use to invoke the function. * @return A meta any containing the new instance, if any. */ template meta_any invoke(meta_handle instance, Args &&... args) const { std::array arguments{std::forward(args)...}; return invoke(instance, arguments.data(), sizeof...(Args)); } /*! @copydoc meta_ctor::prop */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range prop() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->prop; } /** * @brief Returns the property associated with a given key. * @param key The key to use to search for a property. * @return The property associated with the given key, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_prop prop(meta_any key) const { internal::meta_range range{node->prop}; return std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), [&key](const auto &curr) { return curr.key() == key; }).operator->(); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } private: const node_type *node; }; /*! @brief Opaque wrapper for meta types. */ class meta_type { template [[nodiscard]] auto ctor(std::index_sequence) const { internal::meta_range range{node->ctor}; return std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), [](const auto &candidate) { return candidate.size == sizeof...(Args) && ([](auto *from, auto *to) { return (from->type_id == to->type_id) || internal::find_if<&node_type::base>([to](const auto *curr) { return curr->type()->type_id == to->type_id; }, from) || internal::find_if<&node_type::conv>([to](const auto *curr) { return curr->type()->type_id == to->type_id; }, from); }(internal::meta_info::resolve(), candidate.arg(Indexes)) && ...); }).operator->(); } public: /*! @brief Node type. */ using node_type = internal::meta_type_node; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = typename node_type::size_type; /*! @copydoc meta_prop::meta_prop */ meta_type(node_type *curr = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : node{curr} {} /** * @brief Returns the type id of the underlying type. * @return The type id of the underlying type. */ [[nodiscard]] id_type type_id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->type_id; } /** * @brief Returns the identifier assigned to a meta object. * @return The identifier assigned to the meta object. */ [[nodiscard]] id_type id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->id; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to void or not. * @return True if the underlying type is void, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_void() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_void; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to an integral type or not. * @return True if the underlying type is an integral type, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_integral() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_integral; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a floating-point type or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a floating-point type, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_floating_point() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_floating_point; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to an array type or not. * @return True if the underlying type is an array type, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_array() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_array; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to an enum or not. * @return True if the underlying type is an enum, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_enum() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_enum; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to an union or not. * @return True if the underlying type is an union, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_union() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_union; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a class or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a class, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_class() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_class; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a pointer or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a pointer, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_pointer() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_pointer; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a function pointer or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a function pointer, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_function_pointer() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_function_pointer; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a pointer to data member or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a pointer to data member, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_member_object_pointer() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_member_object_pointer; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a pointer to member function or * not. * @return True if the underlying type is a pointer to member function, * false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_member_function_pointer() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_member_function_pointer; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type is a pointer-like type or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a pointer-like one, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_pointer_like() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_pointer_like; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to a sequence container or not. * @return True if the underlying type is a sequence container, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_sequence_container() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_sequence_container; } /** * @brief Checks whether a type refers to an associative container or not. * @return True if the underlying type is an associative container, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool is_associative_container() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->is_associative_container; } /** * @brief If a type refers to an array type, provides the number of * dimensions of the array. * @return The number of dimensions of the array if the underlying type is * an array type, 0 otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type rank() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->rank; } /** * @brief If a type refers to an array type, provides the number of elements * along the given dimension of the array. * @param dim The dimension of which to return the number of elements. * @return The number of elements along the given dimension of the array if * the underlying type is an array type, 0 otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type extent(size_type dim = {}) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->extent(dim); } /** * @brief Provides the meta type for which the pointer is defined. * @return The meta type for which the pointer is defined or this meta type * if it doesn't refer to a pointer type. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_type remove_pointer() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->remove_pointer(); } /** * @brief Provides the meta type for which the array is defined. * @return The meta type for which the array is defined or this meta type * if it doesn't refer to an array type. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_type remove_extent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->remove_extent(); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit top-level meta bases. * @return An iterable range to use to visit top-level meta bases. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range base() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->base; } /** * @brief Returns the meta base associated with a given identifier. * @param id Unique identifier. * @return The meta base associated with the given identifier, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_base base(const id_type id) const { return internal::find_if<&node_type::base>([id](const auto *curr) { return curr->type()->id == id; }, node); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit top-level meta conversion * functions. * @return An iterable range to use to visit top-level meta conversion * functions. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range conv() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->conv; } /** * @brief Returns the meta conversion function associated with a given type. * @tparam Type The type to use to search for a meta conversion function. * @return The meta conversion function associated with the given type, if * any. */ template [[nodiscard]] meta_conv conv() const { return internal::find_if<&node_type::conv>([type_id = internal::meta_info::resolve()->type_id](const auto *curr) { return curr->type()->type_id == type_id; }, node); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit top-level meta constructors. * @return An iterable range to use to visit top-level meta constructors. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range ctor() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->ctor; } /** * @brief Returns the meta constructor that accepts a given list of types of * arguments. * @return The requested meta constructor, if any. */ template [[nodiscard]] meta_ctor ctor() const { return ctor(std::index_sequence_for{}); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit top-level meta data. * @return An iterable range to use to visit top-level meta data. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->data; } /** * @brief Returns the meta data associated with a given identifier. * * The meta data of the base classes will also be visited, if any. * * @param id Unique identifier. * @return The meta data associated with the given identifier, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_data data(const id_type id) const { return internal::find_if<&node_type::data>([id](const auto *curr) { return curr->id == id; }, node); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit top-level meta functions. * @return An iterable range to use to visit top-level meta functions. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range func() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->func; } /** * @brief Returns the meta function associated with a given identifier. * * The meta functions of the base classes will also be visited, if any. * * @param id Unique identifier. * @return The meta function associated with the given identifier, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_func func(const id_type id) const { return internal::find_if<&node_type::func>([id](const auto *curr) { return curr->id == id; }, node); } /** * @brief Creates an instance of the underlying type, if possible. * * To create a valid instance, the parameters must be such that a cast or * conversion to the required types is possible. Otherwise, an empty and * thus invalid wrapper is returned. * * @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance. * @param sz Number of parameters to use to construct the instance. * @return A meta any containing the new instance, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_any construct(meta_any * const args, const std::size_t sz) const { meta_any any{}; internal::find_if<&node_type::ctor>([args, sz, &any](const auto *curr) { return (curr->size == sz) && (any = curr->invoke(args)); }, node); return any; } /** * @copybrief construct * * @sa construct * * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the instance. * @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance. * @return A meta any containing the new instance, if any. */ template [[nodiscard]] meta_any construct(Args &&... args) const { std::array arguments{std::forward(args)...}; return construct(arguments.data(), sizeof...(Args)); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit top-level meta properties. * @return An iterable range to use to visit top-level meta properties. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_range prop() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->prop; } /** * @brief Returns the property associated with a given key. * * Properties of the base classes will also be visited, if any. * * @param key The key to use to search for a property. * @return The property associated with the given key, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] meta_prop prop(meta_any key) const { return internal::find_if<&node_type::prop>([key = std::move(key)](const auto *curr) { return curr->key() == key; }, node); } /** * @brief Returns true if a meta object is valid, false otherwise. * @return True if the meta object is valid, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(node == nullptr); } /** * @brief Checks if two meta objects refer to the same type. * @param other The meta object with which to compare. * @return True if the two meta objects refer to the same type, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const meta_type &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (!node && !other.node) || (node && other.node && node->type_id == other.node->type_id); } /** * @brief Resets a meta type and all its parts. * * This function resets a meta type and all its data members, member * functions and properties, as well as its constructors, destructors and * conversion functions if any.
* Base classes aren't reset but the link between the two types is removed. * * The meta type is also removed from the list of searchable types. */ void reset() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { auto** it = internal::meta_context::global(); while (*it && *it != node) { it = &(*it)->next; } if(*it) { *it = (*it)->next; } const auto unregister_all = y_combinator{ [](auto &&self, auto **curr, auto... member) { while(*curr) { auto *prev = *curr; (self(&(prev->*member)), ...); *curr = prev->next; prev->next = nullptr; } } }; unregister_all(&node->prop); unregister_all(&node->base); unregister_all(&node->conv); unregister_all(&node->ctor, &internal::meta_ctor_node::prop); unregister_all(&node->data, &internal::meta_data_node::prop); unregister_all(&node->func, &internal::meta_func_node::prop); node->id = {}; node->dtor = nullptr; } private: node_type *node; }; /** * @brief Checks if two meta objects refer to the same type. * @param lhs A meta object, either valid or not. * @param rhs A meta object, either valid or not. * @return False if the two meta objects refer to the same node, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] inline bool operator!=(const meta_type &lhs, const meta_type &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_any::type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_base::parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->parent; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_base::type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->type(); } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_conv::parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->parent; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_conv::type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->type(); } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_ctor::parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->parent; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_ctor::arg(size_type index) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return index < size() ? node->arg(index) : nullptr; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_data::parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->parent; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_data::type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->type(); } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_func::parent() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->parent; } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_func::ret() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node->ret(); } [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_func::arg(size_type index) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return index < size() ? node->arg(index) : nullptr; } /*! @brief Opaque iterator for meta sequence containers. */ class meta_sequence_container::meta_iterator { /*! @brief A meta sequence container can access the underlying iterator. */ friend class meta_sequence_container; template static void incr(meta_any any) { ++any.cast(); } template [[nodiscard]] static meta_any deref(meta_any any) { if constexpr(std::is_const_v())>>) { return *any.cast(); } else { return std::ref(*any.cast()); } } public: /*! @brief Signed integer type. */ using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; /*! @brief Type of elements returned by the iterator. */ using value_type = meta_any; /*! @brief Pointer type, `void` on purpose. */ using pointer = void; /*! @brief Reference type, it is **not** an actual reference. */ using reference = value_type; /*! @brief Iterator category. */ using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; /** * @brief Constructs a meta iterator from a given iterator. * @tparam It Type of actual iterator with which to build the meta iterator. * @param iter The actual iterator with which to build the meta iterator. */ template meta_iterator(It iter) : next_fn{&incr}, get_fn{&deref}, handle{std::move(iter)} {} /*! @brief Pre-increment operator. @return This iterator. */ meta_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return next_fn(handle.ref()), *this; } /*! @brief Post-increment operator. @return This iterator. */ meta_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { meta_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } /** * @brief Checks if two meta iterators refer to the same element. * @param other The meta iterator with which to compare. * @return True if the two meta iterators refer to the same element, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const meta_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handle == other.handle; } /** * @brief Checks if two meta iterators refer to the same element. * @param other The meta iterator with which to compare. * @return False if the two meta iterators refer to the same element, true * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const meta_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } /** * @brief Indirection operator. * @return The element to which the meta pointer points. */ [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const { return get_fn(handle.ref()); } /** * @brief Returns false if an iterator is invalid, true otherwise. * @return False if the iterator is invalid, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(handle); } private: void(* next_fn)(meta_any); meta_any(* get_fn)(meta_any); meta_any handle; }; template struct meta_sequence_container::meta_sequence_container_proxy { using traits_type = meta_sequence_container_traits; [[nodiscard]] static meta_type value_type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::meta_info::resolve(); } [[nodiscard]] static size_type size(const void *container) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return traits_type::size(*static_cast(container)); } [[nodiscard]] static bool resize(void *container, size_type sz) { return traits_type::resize(*static_cast(container), sz); } [[nodiscard]] static bool clear(void *container) { return traits_type::clear(*static_cast(container)); } [[nodiscard]] static iterator begin(void *container) { return iterator{traits_type::begin(*static_cast(container))}; } [[nodiscard]] static iterator end(void *container) { return iterator{traits_type::end(*static_cast(container))}; } [[nodiscard]] static std::pair insert(void *container, iterator it, meta_any value) { if(const auto *v_ptr = value.try_cast(); v_ptr || value.convert()) { auto ret = traits_type::insert(*static_cast(container), it.handle.cast(), v_ptr ? *v_ptr : value.cast()); return {iterator{std::move(ret.first)}, ret.second}; } return {}; } [[nodiscard]] static std::pair erase(void *container, iterator it) { auto ret = traits_type::erase(*static_cast(container), it.handle.cast()); return {iterator{std::move(ret.first)}, ret.second}; } [[nodiscard]] static meta_any get(void *container, size_type pos) { return std::ref(traits_type::get(*static_cast(container), pos)); } }; /** * @brief Returns the value meta type of the wrapped container type. * @return The value meta type of the wrapped container type. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_sequence_container::value_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value_type_fn(); } /** * @brief Returns the size of the wrapped container. * @return The size of the wrapped container. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_sequence_container::size_type meta_sequence_container::size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return size_fn(instance); } /** * @brief Resizes the wrapped container to contain a given number of elements. * @param sz The new size of the container. * @return True in case of success, false otherwise. */ inline bool meta_sequence_container::resize(size_type sz) const { return resize_fn(instance, sz); } /** * @brief Clears the content of the wrapped container. * @return True in case of success, false otherwise. */ inline bool meta_sequence_container::clear() { return clear_fn(instance); } /** * @brief Returns a meta iterator to the first element of the wrapped container. * @return A meta iterator to the first element of the wrapped container. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_sequence_container::iterator meta_sequence_container::begin() { return begin_fn(instance); } /** * @brief Returns a meta iterator that is past the last element of the wrapped * container. * @return A meta iterator that is past the last element of the wrapped * container. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_sequence_container::iterator meta_sequence_container::end() { return end_fn(instance); } /** * @brief Inserts an element at a specified location of the wrapped container. * @param it Meta iterator before which the element will be inserted. * @param value Element value to insert. * @return A pair consisting of a meta iterator to the inserted element (in * case of success) and a bool denoting whether the insertion took place. */ inline std::pair meta_sequence_container::insert(iterator it, meta_any value) { return insert_fn(instance, it, value.ref()); } /** * @brief Removes the specified element from the wrapped container. * @param it Meta iterator to the element to remove. * @return A pair consisting of a meta iterator following the last removed * element (in case of success) and a bool denoting whether the insertion * took place. */ inline std::pair meta_sequence_container::erase(iterator it) { return erase_fn(instance, it); } /** * @brief Returns a reference to the element at a specified location of the * wrapped container (no bounds checking is performed). * @param pos The position of the element to return. * @return A reference to the requested element properly wrapped. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_any meta_sequence_container::operator[](size_type pos) { return get_fn(instance, pos); } /** * @brief Returns false if a proxy is invalid, true otherwise. * @return False if the proxy is invalid, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_sequence_container::operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (instance != nullptr); } /*! @brief Opaque iterator for meta associative containers. */ class meta_associative_container::meta_iterator { template static void incr(meta_any any) { ++any.cast(); } template [[nodiscard]] static meta_any key(meta_any any) { if constexpr(KeyOnly) { return *any.cast(); } else { return any.cast()->first; } } template [[nodiscard]] static meta_any value([[maybe_unused]] meta_any any) { if constexpr(KeyOnly) { return meta_any{}; } else { return std::ref(any.cast()->second); } } public: /*! @brief Signed integer type. */ using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; /*! @brief Type of elements returned by the iterator. */ using value_type = std::pair; /*! @brief Pointer type, `void` on purpose. */ using pointer = void; /*! @brief Reference type, it is **not** an actual reference. */ using reference = value_type; /*! @brief Iterator category. */ using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ meta_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; /** * @brief Constructs a meta iterator from a given iterator. * @tparam KeyOnly True if the associative container is also key-only, false * otherwise. * @tparam It Type of actual iterator with which to build the meta iterator. * @param iter The actual iterator with which to build the meta iterator. */ template meta_iterator(std::integral_constant, It iter) : next_fn{&incr}, key_fn{&key}, value_fn{&value}, handle{std::move(iter)} {} /*! @brief Pre-increment operator. @return This iterator. */ meta_iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return next_fn(handle.ref()), *this; } /*! @brief Post-increment operator. @return This iterator. */ meta_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { meta_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } /** * @brief Checks if two meta iterators refer to the same element. * @param other The meta iterator with which to compare. * @return True if the two meta iterators refer to the same element, false * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const meta_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handle == other.handle; } /** * @brief Checks if two meta iterators refer to the same element. * @param other The meta iterator with which to compare. * @return False if the two meta iterators refer to the same element, true * otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const meta_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } /** * @brief Indirection operator. * @return The element to which the meta pointer points. */ [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const { return { key_fn(handle.ref()), value_fn(handle.ref()) }; } /** * @brief Returns false if an iterator is invalid, true otherwise. * @return False if the iterator is invalid, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(handle); } private: void(* next_fn)(meta_any); meta_any(* key_fn)(meta_any); meta_any(* value_fn)(meta_any); meta_any handle; }; template struct meta_associative_container::meta_associative_container_proxy { using traits_type = meta_associative_container_traits; [[nodiscard]] static meta_type key_type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::meta_info::resolve(); } [[nodiscard]] static meta_type mapped_type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(is_key_only_meta_associative_container_v) { return meta_type{}; } else { return internal::meta_info::resolve(); } } [[nodiscard]] static meta_type value_type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::meta_info::resolve(); } [[nodiscard]] static size_type size(const void *container) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return traits_type::size(*static_cast(container)); } [[nodiscard]] static bool clear(void *container) { return traits_type::clear(*static_cast(container)); } [[nodiscard]] static iterator begin(void *container) { return iterator{is_key_only_meta_associative_container{}, traits_type::begin(*static_cast(container))}; } [[nodiscard]] static iterator end(void *container) { return iterator{is_key_only_meta_associative_container{}, traits_type::end(*static_cast(container))}; } [[nodiscard]] static bool insert(void *container, meta_any key, meta_any value) { if(const auto *k_ptr = key.try_cast(); k_ptr || key.convert()) { if constexpr(is_key_only_meta_associative_container_v) { return traits_type::insert(*static_cast(container), k_ptr ? *k_ptr : key.cast()); } else { if(auto *m_ptr = value.try_cast(); m_ptr || value.convert()) { return traits_type::insert(*static_cast(container), k_ptr ? *k_ptr : key.cast(), m_ptr ? *m_ptr : value.cast()); } } } return false; } [[nodiscard]] static bool erase(void *container, meta_any key) { if(const auto *k_ptr = key.try_cast(); k_ptr || key.convert()) { return traits_type::erase(*static_cast(container), k_ptr ? *k_ptr : key.cast()); } return false; } [[nodiscard]] static iterator find(void *container, meta_any key) { if(const auto *k_ptr = key.try_cast(); k_ptr || key.convert()) { return iterator{is_key_only_meta_associative_container{}, traits_type::find(*static_cast(container), k_ptr ? *k_ptr : key.cast())}; } return {}; } }; /** * @brief Returns true if the associative container is also key-only, false * otherwise. * @return True if the associative container is also key-only, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] inline bool meta_associative_container::key_only() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return key_only_container; } /** * @brief Returns the key meta type of the wrapped container type. * @return The key meta type of the wrapped container type. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_associative_container::key_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return key_type_fn(); } /** * @brief Returns the mapped meta type of the wrapped container type. * @return The mapped meta type of the wrapped container type. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_associative_container::mapped_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return mapped_type_fn(); } /*! @copydoc meta_sequence_container::value_type */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type meta_associative_container::value_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value_type_fn(); } /*! @copydoc meta_sequence_container::size */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_associative_container::size_type meta_associative_container::size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return size_fn(instance); } /*! @copydoc meta_sequence_container::clear */ inline bool meta_associative_container::clear() { return clear_fn(instance); } /*! @copydoc meta_sequence_container::begin */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_associative_container::iterator meta_associative_container::begin() { return begin_fn(instance); } /*! @copydoc meta_sequence_container::end */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_associative_container::iterator meta_associative_container::end() { return end_fn(instance); } /** * @brief Inserts an element (a key/value pair) into the wrapped container. * @param key The key of the element to insert. * @param value The value of the element to insert. * @return A bool denoting whether the insertion took place. */ inline bool meta_associative_container::insert(meta_any key, meta_any value = {}) { return insert_fn(instance, key.ref(), value.ref()); } /** * @brief Removes the specified element from the wrapped container. * @param key The key of the element to remove. * @return A bool denoting whether the removal took place. */ inline bool meta_associative_container::erase(meta_any key) { return erase_fn(instance, key.ref()); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the element with key equivalent to a given * one, if any. * @param key The key of the element to search. * @return An iterator to the element with the given key, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_associative_container::iterator meta_associative_container::find(meta_any key) { return find_fn(instance, key.ref()); } /** * @brief Returns false if a proxy is invalid, true otherwise. * @return False if the proxy is invalid, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_associative_container::operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return (instance != nullptr); } } #endif // #include "policy.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_POLICY_HPP #define ENTT_META_POLICY_HPP namespace entt { /*! @brief Empty class type used to request the _as ref_ policy. */ struct as_ref_t {}; /*! @brief Disambiguation tag. */ inline constexpr as_ref_t as_ref; /*! @brief Empty class type used to request the _as-is_ policy. */ struct as_is_t {}; /*! @brief Empty class type used to request the _as void_ policy. */ struct as_void_t {}; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template struct meta_function_helper; template struct meta_function_helper { using return_type = std::remove_cv_t>; using args_type = std::tuple>...>; static constexpr auto is_const = Const; [[nodiscard]] static auto arg(typename internal::meta_func_node::size_type index) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::array{{meta_info::resolve()...}}[index]; } }; template constexpr meta_function_helper to_meta_function_helper(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const); template constexpr meta_function_helper to_meta_function_helper(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...)); template constexpr meta_function_helper to_meta_function_helper(Ret(*)(Args...)); constexpr void to_meta_function_helper(...); template using meta_function_helper_t = decltype(to_meta_function_helper(std::declval())); template [[nodiscard]] meta_any construct(meta_any * const args, std::index_sequence) { [[maybe_unused]] auto direct = std::make_tuple((args+Indexes)->try_cast()...); return ((std::get(direct) || (args+Indexes)->convert()) && ...) ? Type{(std::get(direct) ? *std::get(direct) : (args+Indexes)->cast())...} : meta_any{}; } template [[nodiscard]] bool setter([[maybe_unused]] meta_handle instance, [[maybe_unused]] meta_any value) { bool accepted = false; if constexpr(std::is_function_v>> || std::is_member_function_pointer_v) { using helper_type = meta_function_helper_t; using data_type = std::tuple_element_t, typename helper_type::args_type>; if(auto * const clazz = instance->try_cast(); clazz) { if(auto * const direct = value.try_cast(); direct || value.convert()) { std::invoke(Data, *clazz, direct ? *direct : value.cast()); accepted = true; } } } else if constexpr(std::is_member_object_pointer_v) { using data_type = std::remove_cv_t().*Data)>>; if constexpr(!std::is_array_v) { if(auto * const clazz = instance->try_cast(); clazz) { if(auto * const direct = value.try_cast(); direct || value.convert()) { std::invoke(Data, clazz) = (direct ? *direct : value.cast()); accepted = true; } } } } else { using data_type = std::remove_cv_t>; if constexpr(!std::is_array_v) { if(auto * const direct = value.try_cast(); direct || value.convert()) { *Data = (direct ? *direct : value.cast()); accepted = true; } } } return accepted; } template [[nodiscard]] meta_any getter([[maybe_unused]] meta_handle instance) { [[maybe_unused]] auto dispatch = [](auto &&value) { if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { return meta_any{std::in_place_type, std::forward(value)}; } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { return meta_any{std::ref(std::forward(value))}; } else { static_assert(std::is_same_v, "Policy not supported"); return meta_any{std::forward(value)}; } }; if constexpr(std::is_function_v>> || std::is_member_function_pointer_v) { auto * const clazz = instance->try_cast(); return clazz ? dispatch(std::invoke(Data, *clazz)) : meta_any{}; } else if constexpr(std::is_member_object_pointer_v) { if constexpr(std::is_array_v().*Data)>>>) { return meta_any{}; } else { auto * const clazz = instance->try_cast(); return clazz ? dispatch(std::invoke(Data, clazz)) : meta_any{}; } } else if constexpr(std::is_pointer_v>) { if constexpr(std::is_array_v>) { return meta_any{}; } else { return dispatch(*Data); } } else { return dispatch(Data); } } template [[nodiscard]] meta_any invoke([[maybe_unused]] meta_handle instance, meta_any *args, std::index_sequence) { using helper_type = meta_function_helper_t; auto dispatch = [](auto *... params) { if constexpr(std::is_void_v || std::is_same_v) { std::invoke(Candidate, *params...); return meta_any{std::in_place_type}; } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { return meta_any{std::ref(std::invoke(Candidate, *params...))}; } else { static_assert(std::is_same_v, "Policy not supported"); return meta_any{std::invoke(Candidate, *params...)}; } }; [[maybe_unused]] const auto direct = std::make_tuple([](meta_any *any, auto *value) { using arg_type = std::remove_reference_t; if(!value && any->convert()) { value = any->try_cast(); } return value; }(args+Indexes, (args+Indexes)->try_cast>())...); if constexpr(std::is_function_v>>) { return (std::get(direct) && ...) ? dispatch(std::get(direct)...) : meta_any{}; } else { auto * const clazz = instance->try_cast(); return (clazz && (std::get(direct) && ...)) ? dispatch(clazz, std::get(direct)...) : meta_any{}; } } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Meta factory to be used for reflection purposes. * * The meta factory is an utility class used to reflect types, data members and * functions of all sorts. This class ensures that the underlying web of types * is built correctly and performs some checks in debug mode to ensure that * there are no subtle errors at runtime. */ template class meta_factory; /** * @brief Extended meta factory to be used for reflection purposes. * @tparam Type Reflected type for which the factory was created. * @tparam Spec Property specialization pack used to disambiguate overloads. */ template class meta_factory: public meta_factory { [[nodiscard]] bool exists(const meta_any &key, const internal::meta_prop_node *node) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node && (node->key() == key || exists(key, node->next)); } template void unpack(std::index_sequence, std::tuple property, Other &&... other) { unroll(choice<3>, std::move(std::get(property))..., std::forward(other)...); } template void unroll(choice_t<3>, std::tuple property, Other &&... other) { unpack(std::index_sequence_for{}, std::move(property), std::forward(other)...); } template void unroll(choice_t<2>, std::pair property, Other &&... other) { assign(std::move(property.first), std::move(property.second)); unroll(choice<3>, std::forward(other)...); } template std::enable_if_t> unroll(choice_t<1>, Property &&property, Other &&... other) { assign(std::forward(property)); unroll(choice<3>, std::forward(other)...); } template void unroll(choice_t<0>, Func &&invocable, Other &&... other) { unroll(choice<3>, std::forward(invocable)(), std::forward(other)...); } template void unroll(choice_t<0>) {} template void assign(Key &&key, Value &&... value) { static const auto property{std::make_tuple(std::forward(key), std::forward(value)...)}; static internal::meta_prop_node node{ nullptr, []() -> meta_any { return std::get<0>(property); }, []() -> meta_any { if constexpr(sizeof...(Value) == 0) { return {}; } else { return std::get<1>(property); } } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(node.key(), *curr)); node.next = *curr; *curr = &node; } public: /** * @brief Constructs an extended factory from a given node. * @param target The underlying node to which to assign the properties. */ meta_factory(internal::meta_prop_node **target) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : curr{target} {} /** * @brief Assigns a property to the last meta object created. * * Both the key and the value (if any) must be at least copy constructible. * * @tparam PropertyOrKey Type of the property or property key. * @tparam Value Optional type of the property value. * @param property_or_key Property or property key. * @param value Optional property value. * @return A meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto prop(PropertyOrKey &&property_or_key, Value &&... value) && { if constexpr(sizeof...(Value) == 0) { unroll(choice<3>, std::forward(property_or_key)); } else { assign(std::forward(property_or_key), std::forward(value)...); } return meta_factory{curr}; } /** * @brief Assigns properties to the last meta object created. * * Both the keys and the values (if any) must be at least copy * constructible. * * @tparam Property Types of the properties. * @param property Properties to assign to the last meta object created. * @return A meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto props(Property... property) && { unroll(choice<3>, std::forward(property)...); return meta_factory{curr}; } private: internal::meta_prop_node **curr; }; /** * @brief Basic meta factory to be used for reflection purposes. * @tparam Type Reflected type for which the factory was created. */ template class meta_factory { template bool exists(const Node *candidate, const Node *node) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node && (node == candidate || exists(candidate, node->next)); } template bool exists(const id_type id, const Node *node) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return node && (node->id == id || exists(id, node->next)); } public: /** * @brief Makes a meta type _searchable_. * @param id Optional unique identifier. * @return An extended meta factory for the given type. */ auto type(const id_type id = type_info::id()) { auto * const node = internal::meta_info::resolve(); ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(id, *internal::meta_context::global())); ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(node, *internal::meta_context::global())); node->id = id; node->next = *internal::meta_context::global(); *internal::meta_context::global() = node; return meta_factory{&node->prop}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta base to a meta type. * * A reflected base class must be a real base class of the reflected type. * * @tparam Base Type of the base class to assign to the meta type. * @return A meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto base() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v, "Invalid base type"); auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_base_node node{ type, nullptr, &internal::meta_info::resolve, [](const void *instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> const void * { return static_cast(static_cast(instance)); } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->base)); node.next = type->base; type->base = &node; return meta_factory{}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta conversion function to a meta type. * * The given type must be such that an instance of the reflected type can be * converted to it. * * @tparam To Type of the conversion function to assign to the meta type. * @return A meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto conv() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static_assert(std::is_convertible_v, "Could not convert to the required type"); auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_conv_node node{ type, nullptr, &internal::meta_info::resolve, [](const void *instance) -> meta_any { return static_cast(*static_cast(instance)); } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->conv)); node.next = type->conv; type->conv = &node; return meta_factory{}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta conversion function to a meta type. * * Conversion functions can be either free functions or member * functions.
* In case of free functions, they must accept a const reference to an * instance of the parent type as an argument. In case of member functions, * they should have no arguments at all. * * @tparam Candidate The actual function to use for the conversion. * @return A meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto conv() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { using conv_type = std::invoke_result_t; auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_conv_node node{ type, nullptr, &internal::meta_info::resolve, [](const void *instance) -> meta_any { return std::invoke(Candidate, *static_cast(instance)); } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->conv)); node.next = type->conv; type->conv = &node; return meta_factory{}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta constructor to a meta type. * * Free functions can be assigned to meta types in the role of constructors. * All that is required is that they return an instance of the underlying * type.
* From a client's point of view, nothing changes if a constructor of a meta * type is a built-in one or a free function. * * @tparam Func The actual function to use as a constructor. * @tparam Policy Optional policy (no policy set by default). * @return An extended meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto ctor() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { using helper_type = internal::meta_function_helper_t; static_assert(std::is_same_v, "The function doesn't return an object of the required type"); auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_ctor_node node{ type, nullptr, nullptr, std::tuple_size_v, &helper_type::arg, [](meta_any * const any) { return internal::invoke({}, any, std::make_index_sequence>{}); } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->ctor)); node.next = type->ctor; type->ctor = &node; return meta_factory>{&node.prop}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta constructor to a meta type. * * A meta constructor is uniquely identified by the types of its arguments * and is such that there exists an actual constructor of the underlying * type that can be invoked with parameters whose types are those given. * * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct an instance. * @return An extended meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto ctor() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { using helper_type = internal::meta_function_helper_t; auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_ctor_node node{ type, nullptr, nullptr, std::tuple_size_v, &helper_type::arg, [](meta_any * const any) { return internal::construct>...>(any, std::make_index_sequence>{}); } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->ctor)); node.next = type->ctor; type->ctor = &node; return meta_factory{&node.prop}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta destructor to a meta type. * * Free functions can be assigned to meta types in the role of destructors. * The signature of the function should identical to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(Type &); * @endcode * * The purpose is to give users the ability to free up resources that * require special treatment before an object is actually destroyed. * * @tparam Func The actual function to use as a destructor. * @return A meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto dtor() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static_assert(std::is_invocable_v, "The function doesn't accept an object of the type provided"); auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); ENTT_ASSERT(!type->dtor); type->dtor = [](void *instance) { if(instance) { std::invoke(Func, *static_cast(instance)); } }; return meta_factory{}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta data to a meta type. * * Both data members and static and global variables, as well as constants * of any kind, can be assigned to a meta type.
* From a client's point of view, all the variables associated with the * reflected object will appear as if they were part of the type itself. * * @tparam Data The actual variable to attach to the meta type. * @tparam Policy Optional policy (no policy set by default). * @param id Unique identifier. * @return An extended meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto data(const id_type id) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if constexpr(std::is_member_object_pointer_v) { return data(id); } else { using data_type = std::remove_pointer_t>; auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_data_node node{ {}, type, nullptr, nullptr, true, &internal::meta_info::resolve, []() -> std::remove_const_t { if constexpr(std::is_same_v || std::is_const_v) { return nullptr; } else { return &internal::setter; } }(), &internal::getter }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(id, type->data)); ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->data)); node.id = id; node.next = type->data; type->data = &node; return meta_factory>{&node.prop}; } } /** * @brief Assigns a meta data to a meta type by means of its setter and * getter. * * Setters and getters can be either free functions, member functions or a * mix of them.
* In case of free functions, setters and getters must accept a reference to * an instance of the parent type as their first argument. A setter has then * an extra argument of a type convertible to that of the parameter to * set.
* In case of member functions, getters have no arguments at all, while * setters has an argument of a type convertible to that of the parameter to * set. * * @tparam Setter The actual function to use as a setter. * @tparam Getter The actual function to use as a getter. * @tparam Policy Optional policy (no policy set by default). * @param id Unique identifier. * @return An extended meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto data(const id_type id) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { using underlying_type = std::remove_reference_t>; auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_data_node node{ {}, type, nullptr, nullptr, false, &internal::meta_info::resolve, []() -> std::remove_const_t { if constexpr(std::is_same_v || (std::is_member_object_pointer_v && std::is_const_v)) { return nullptr; } else { return &internal::setter; } }(), &internal::getter }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(id, type->data)); ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->data)); node.id = id; node.next = type->data; type->data = &node; return meta_factory, std::integral_constant>{&node.prop}; } /** * @brief Assigns a meta funcion to a meta type. * * Both member functions and free functions can be assigned to a meta * type.
* From a client's point of view, all the functions associated with the * reflected object will appear as if they were part of the type itself. * * @tparam Candidate The actual function to attach to the meta type. * @tparam Policy Optional policy (no policy set by default). * @param id Unique identifier. * @return An extended meta factory for the parent type. */ template auto func(const id_type id) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { using helper_type = internal::meta_function_helper_t; auto * const type = internal::meta_info::resolve(); static internal::meta_func_node node{ {}, type, nullptr, nullptr, std::tuple_size_v, helper_type::is_const, !std::is_member_function_pointer_v, &internal::meta_info, void, typename helper_type::return_type>>::resolve, &helper_type::arg, [](meta_handle instance, meta_any *args) { return internal::invoke(*instance, args, std::make_index_sequence>{}); } }; ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(id, type->func)); ENTT_ASSERT(!exists(&node, type->func)); node.id = id; node.next = type->func; type->func = &node; return meta_factory>{&node.prop}; } }; /** * @brief Utility function to use for reflection. * * This is the point from which everything starts.
* By invoking this function with a type that is not yet reflected, a meta type * is created to which it will be possible to attach meta objects through a * dedicated factory. * * @tparam Type Type to reflect. * @return A meta factory for the given type. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto meta() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { auto * const node = internal::meta_info::resolve(); // extended meta factory to allow assigning properties to opaque meta types return meta_factory{&node->prop}; } } #endif // #include "meta/internal.hpp" // #include "meta/meta.hpp" // #include "meta/pointer.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_POINTER_HPP #define ENTT_META_POINTER_HPP #include #include // #include "type_traits.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Makes plain pointers pointer-like types for the meta system. * @tparam Type Element type. */ template struct is_meta_pointer_like : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Makes `std::shared_ptr`s of any type pointer-like types for the meta * system. * @tparam Type Element type. */ template struct is_meta_pointer_like> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Makes `std::unique_ptr`s of any type pointer-like types for the meta * system. * @tparam Type Element type. * @tparam Args Other arguments. */ template struct is_meta_pointer_like> : std::true_type {}; } #endif // #include "meta/policy.hpp" // #include "meta/range.hpp" // #include "meta/resolve.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_META_RESOLVE_HPP #define ENTT_META_RESOLVE_HPP #include // #include "ctx.hpp" // #include "meta.hpp" // #include "range.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Returns the meta type associated with a given type. * @tparam Type Type to use to search for a meta type. * @return The meta type associated with the given type, if any. */ template [[nodiscard]] meta_type resolve() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::meta_info::resolve(); } /** * @brief Returns a range to use to visit all meta types. * @return An iterable range to use to visit all meta types. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_range resolve() { return *internal::meta_context::global(); } /** * @brief Returns the meta type associated with a given identifier, if any. * @param id Unique identifier. * @return The meta type associated with the given identifier, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type resolve_id(const id_type id) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { internal::meta_range range{*internal::meta_context::global()}; return std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), [id](const auto &curr) { return curr.id == id; }).operator->(); } /** * @brief Returns the meta type associated with a given type id, if any. * @param id Unique identifier. * @return The meta type associated with the given type id, if any. */ [[nodiscard]] inline meta_type resolve_type(const id_type id) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { internal::meta_range range{*internal::meta_context::global()}; return std::find_if(range.begin(), range.end(), [id](const auto &curr) { return curr.type_id == id; }).operator->(); } } #endif // #include "meta/type_traits.hpp" // #include "platform/android-ndk-r17.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_PLATFORM_ANDROID_NDK_R17_HPP #define ENTT_PLATFORM_ANDROID_NDK_R17_HPP /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include #if __NDK_MAJOR__ == 17 #include #include #include namespace std { namespace internal { template constexpr auto is_invocable(int) -> decltype(std::invoke(std::declval(), std::declval()...), std::true_type{}); template constexpr std::false_type is_invocable(...); template constexpr auto is_invocable_r(int) -> std::enable_if_t(), std::declval()...)), Ret>, std::true_type>; template constexpr std::false_type is_invocable_r(...); } template struct is_invocable: decltype(internal::is_invocable(0)) {}; template inline constexpr bool is_invocable_v = std::is_invocable::value; template struct is_invocable_r: decltype(internal::is_invocable_r(0)) {}; template inline constexpr bool is_invocable_r_v = std::is_invocable_r::value; template struct invoke_result { using type = decltype(std::invoke(std::declval(), std::declval()...)); }; template using invoke_result_t = typename std::invoke_result::type; } #endif #endif /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ #endif // #include "process/process.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_PROCESS_PROCESS_HPP #define ENTT_PROCESS_PROCESS_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif // #include "../core/type_traits.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_TRAITS_HPP #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" namespace entt { /*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */ using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Using declaration to be used to _repeat_ the same type a number of * times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Type A type to repeat. */ template using unpack_as_t = Type; /** * @brief Helper variable template to be used to _repeat_ the same value a * number of times equal to the size of a given parameter pack. * @tparam Value A value to repeat. */ template inline constexpr auto unpack_as_v = Value; /** * @brief Wraps a static constant. * @tparam Value A static constant. */ template using integral_constant = std::integral_constant; /** * @brief Alias template to ease the creation of named values. * @tparam Value A constant value at least convertible to `id_type`. */ template using tag = integral_constant; /** * @brief Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template struct choice_t // Unfortunately, doxygen cannot parse such a construct. /*! @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN */ : choice_t /*! @endcond */ {}; /*! @copybrief choice_t */ template<> struct choice_t<0> {}; /** * @brief Variable template for the choice trick. * @tparam N Number of choices available. */ template inline constexpr choice_t choice{}; /*! @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more. */ template struct type_list {}; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_size; /** * @brief Compile-time number of elements in a type list. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_size> : std::integral_constant {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam List Type list. */ template inline constexpr auto type_list_size_v = type_list_size::value; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_cat; /*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */ template<> struct type_list_cat<> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list. * @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list. * @tparam List Other type lists, if any. */ template struct type_list_cat, type_list, List...> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = typename type_list_cat, List...>::type; }; /** * @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. * @tparam Type Types provided by the type list. */ template struct type_list_cat> { /*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */ using type = type_list; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam List Type lists to concatenate. */ template using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat::type; /*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */ template struct type_list_unique; /** * @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. * @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list. * @tparam Other The other types provided by the given type list. */ template struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = std::conditional_t< std::disjunction_v...>, typename type_list_unique>::type, type_list_cat_t, typename type_list_unique>::type> >; }; /*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */ template<> struct type_list_unique> { /*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */ using type = type_list<>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Type A type list. */ template using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique::type; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * equality comparable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template> struct is_equality_comparable: std::false_type {}; /*! @copydoc is_equality_comparable */ template struct is_equality_comparable() == std::declval())>> : std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially equality comparable type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable::value; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is empty * and the empty type optimization is enabled, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template struct is_eto_eligible : ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potential empty type. */ template inline constexpr auto is_eto_eligible_v = is_eto_eligible::value; /** * @brief Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template class member_class { static_assert(std::is_member_pointer_v, "Invalid pointer type to non-static member object or function"); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...)); template static Class * clazz(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const); template static Class * clazz(Type Class:: *); public: /*! @brief The class of the given non-static member object or function. */ using type = std::remove_pointer_t()))>; }; /** * @brief Helper type. * @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function. */ template using member_class_t = typename member_class::type; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Base class for processes. * * This class stays true to the CRTP idiom. Derived classes must specify what's * the intended type for elapsed times.
* A process should expose publicly the following member functions whether * required: * * * @code{.cpp} * void update(Delta, void *); * @endcode * * It's invoked once per tick until a process is explicitly aborted or it * terminates either with or without errors. Even though it's not mandatory to * declare this member function, as a rule of thumb each process should at * least define it to work properly. The `void *` parameter is an opaque * pointer to user data (if any) forwarded directly to the process during an * update. * * * @code{.cpp} * void init(); * @endcode * * It's invoked when the process joins the running queue of a scheduler. This * happens as soon as it's attached to the scheduler if the process is a top * level one, otherwise when it replaces its parent if the process is a * continuation. * * * @code{.cpp} * void succeeded(); * @endcode * * It's invoked in case of success, immediately after an update and during the * same tick. * * * @code{.cpp} * void failed(); * @endcode * * It's invoked in case of errors, immediately after an update and during the * same tick. * * * @code{.cpp} * void aborted(); * @endcode * * It's invoked only if a process is explicitly aborted. There is no guarantee * that it executes in the same tick, this depends solely on whether the * process is aborted immediately or not. * * Derived classes can change the internal state of a process by invoking the * `succeed` and `fail` protected member functions and even pause or unpause the * process itself. * * @sa scheduler * * @tparam Derived Actual type of process that extends the class template. * @tparam Delta Type to use to provide elapsed time. */ template class process { enum class state: unsigned int { UNINITIALIZED = 0, RUNNING, PAUSED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, ABORTED, FINISHED }; template auto next(integral_constant) -> decltype(std::declval().init(), void()) { static_cast(this)->init(); } template auto next(integral_constant, Delta delta, void *data) -> decltype(std::declval().update(delta, data), void()) { static_cast(this)->update(delta, data); } template auto next(integral_constant) -> decltype(std::declval().succeeded(), void()) { static_cast(this)->succeeded(); } template auto next(integral_constant) -> decltype(std::declval().failed(), void()) { static_cast(this)->failed(); } template auto next(integral_constant) -> decltype(std::declval().aborted(), void()) { static_cast(this)->aborted(); } void next(...) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {} protected: /** * @brief Terminates a process with success if it's still alive. * * The function is idempotent and it does nothing if the process isn't * alive. */ void succeed() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if(alive()) { current = state::SUCCEEDED; } } /** * @brief Terminates a process with errors if it's still alive. * * The function is idempotent and it does nothing if the process isn't * alive. */ void fail() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if(alive()) { current = state::FAILED; } } /** * @brief Stops a process if it's in a running state. * * The function is idempotent and it does nothing if the process isn't * running. */ void pause() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if(current == state::RUNNING) { current = state::PAUSED; } } /** * @brief Restarts a process if it's paused. * * The function is idempotent and it does nothing if the process isn't * paused. */ void unpause() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { if(current == state::PAUSED) { current = state::RUNNING; } } public: /*! @brief Type used to provide elapsed time. */ using delta_type = Delta; /*! @brief Default destructor. */ virtual ~process() { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v, "Incorrect use of the class template"); } /** * @brief Aborts a process if it's still alive. * * The function is idempotent and it does nothing if the process isn't * alive. * * @param immediately Requests an immediate operation. */ void abort(const bool immediately = false) { if(alive()) { current = state::ABORTED; if(immediately) { tick({}); } } } /** * @brief Returns true if a process is either running or paused. * @return True if the process is still alive, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool alive() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return current == state::RUNNING || current == state::PAUSED; } /** * @brief Returns true if a process is already terminated. * @return True if the process is terminated, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool dead() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return current == state::FINISHED; } /** * @brief Returns true if a process is currently paused. * @return True if the process is paused, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool paused() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return current == state::PAUSED; } /** * @brief Returns true if a process terminated with errors. * @return True if the process terminated with errors, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool rejected() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return stopped; } /** * @brief Updates a process and its internal state if required. * @param delta Elapsed time. * @param data Optional data. */ void tick(const Delta delta, void *data = nullptr) { switch (current) { case state::UNINITIALIZED: next(integral_constant{}); current = state::RUNNING; break; case state::RUNNING: next(integral_constant{}, delta, data); break; default: // suppress warnings break; } // if it's dead, it must be notified and removed immediately switch(current) { case state::SUCCEEDED: next(integral_constant{}); current = state::FINISHED; break; case state::FAILED: next(integral_constant{}); current = state::FINISHED; stopped = true; break; case state::ABORTED: next(integral_constant{}); current = state::FINISHED; stopped = true; break; default: // suppress warnings break; } } private: state current{state::UNINITIALIZED}; bool stopped{false}; }; /** * @brief Adaptor for lambdas and functors to turn them into processes. * * Lambdas and functors can't be used directly with a scheduler for they are not * properly defined processes with managed life cycles.
* This class helps in filling the gap and turning lambdas and functors into * full featured processes usable by a scheduler. * * The signature of the function call operator should be equivalent to the * following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(Delta delta, void *data, auto succeed, auto fail); * @endcode * * Where: * * * `delta` is the elapsed time. * * `data` is an opaque pointer to user data if any, `nullptr` otherwise. * * `succeed` is a function to call when a process terminates with success. * * `fail` is a function to call when a process terminates with errors. * * The signature of the function call operator of both `succeed` and `fail` * is equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(); * @endcode * * Usually users shouldn't worry about creating adaptors. A scheduler will * create them internally each and avery time a lambda or a functor is used as * a process. * * @sa process * @sa scheduler * * @tparam Func Actual type of process. * @tparam Delta Type to use to provide elapsed time. */ template struct process_adaptor: process, Delta>, private Func { /** * @brief Constructs a process adaptor from a lambda or a functor. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to initialize the actual process. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the actual process. */ template process_adaptor(Args &&... args) : Func{std::forward(args)...} {} /** * @brief Updates a process and its internal state if required. * @param delta Elapsed time. * @param data Optional data. */ void update(const Delta delta, void *data) { Func::operator()(delta, data, [this]() { this->succeed(); }, [this]() { this->fail(); }); } }; } #endif // #include "process/scheduler.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_PROCESS_SCHEDULER_HPP #define ENTT_PROCESS_SCHEDULER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "process.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Cooperative scheduler for processes. * * A cooperative scheduler runs processes and helps managing their life cycles. * * Each process is invoked once per tick. If a process terminates, it's * removed automatically from the scheduler and it's never invoked again.
* A process can also have a child. In this case, the process is replaced with * its child when it terminates if it returns with success. In case of errors, * both the process and its child are discarded. * * Example of use (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * scheduler.attach([](auto delta, void *, auto succeed, auto fail) { * // code * }).then(arguments...); * @endcode * * In order to invoke all scheduled processes, call the `update` member function * passing it the elapsed time to forward to the tasks. * * @sa process * * @tparam Delta Type to use to provide elapsed time. */ template class scheduler { struct process_handler { using instance_type = std::unique_ptr; using update_fn_type = bool(process_handler &, Delta, void *); using abort_fn_type = void(process_handler &, bool); using next_type = std::unique_ptr; instance_type instance; update_fn_type *update; abort_fn_type *abort; next_type next; }; struct continuation { continuation(process_handler *ref) : handler{ref} { ENTT_ASSERT(handler); } template continuation then(Args &&... args) { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v, Proc>, "Invalid process type"); auto proc = typename process_handler::instance_type{new Proc{std::forward(args)...}, &scheduler::deleter}; handler->next.reset(new process_handler{std::move(proc), &scheduler::update, &scheduler::abort, nullptr}); handler = handler->next.get(); return *this; } template continuation then(Func &&func) { return then, Delta>>(std::forward(func)); } private: process_handler *handler; }; template [[nodiscard]] static bool update(process_handler &handler, const Delta delta, void *data) { auto *process = static_cast(handler.instance.get()); process->tick(delta, data); auto dead = process->dead(); if(dead) { if(handler.next && !process->rejected()) { handler = std::move(*handler.next); // forces the process to exit the uninitialized state dead = handler.update(handler, {}, nullptr); } else { handler.instance.reset(); } } return dead; } template static void abort(process_handler &handler, const bool immediately) { static_cast(handler.instance.get())->abort(immediately); } template static void deleter(void *proc) { delete static_cast(proc); } public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ scheduler() = default; /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ scheduler(scheduler &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This scheduler. */ scheduler & operator=(scheduler &&) = default; /** * @brief Number of processes currently scheduled. * @return Number of processes currently scheduled. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handlers.size(); } /** * @brief Returns true if at least a process is currently scheduled. * @return True if there are scheduled processes, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return handlers.empty(); } /** * @brief Discards all scheduled processes. * * Processes aren't aborted. They are discarded along with their children * and never executed again. */ void clear() { handlers.clear(); } /** * @brief Schedules a process for the next tick. * * Returned value is an opaque object that can be used to attach a child to * the given process. The child is automatically scheduled when the process * terminates and only if the process returns with success. * * Example of use (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * // schedules a task in the form of a process class * scheduler.attach(arguments...) * // appends a child in the form of a lambda function * .then([](auto delta, void *, auto succeed, auto fail) { * // code * }) * // appends a child in the form of another process class * .then(); * @endcode * * @tparam Proc Type of process to schedule. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to initialize the process. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the process. * @return An opaque object to use to concatenate processes. */ template auto attach(Args &&... args) { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v, Proc>, "Invalid process type"); auto proc = typename process_handler::instance_type{new Proc{std::forward(args)...}, &scheduler::deleter}; process_handler handler{std::move(proc), &scheduler::update, &scheduler::abort, nullptr}; // forces the process to exit the uninitialized state handler.update(handler, {}, nullptr); return continuation{&handlers.emplace_back(std::move(handler))}; } /** * @brief Schedules a process for the next tick. * * A process can be either a lambda or a functor. The scheduler wraps both * of them in a process adaptor internally.
* The signature of the function call operator should be equivalent to the * following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(Delta delta, void *data, auto succeed, auto fail); * @endcode * * Where: * * * `delta` is the elapsed time. * * `data` is an opaque pointer to user data if any, `nullptr` otherwise. * * `succeed` is a function to call when a process terminates with success. * * `fail` is a function to call when a process terminates with errors. * * The signature of the function call operator of both `succeed` and `fail` * is equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(); * @endcode * * Returned value is an opaque object that can be used to attach a child to * the given process. The child is automatically scheduled when the process * terminates and only if the process returns with success. * * Example of use (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * // schedules a task in the form of a lambda function * scheduler.attach([](auto delta, void *, auto succeed, auto fail) { * // code * }) * // appends a child in the form of another lambda function * .then([](auto delta, void *, auto succeed, auto fail) { * // code * }) * // appends a child in the form of a process class * .then(arguments...); * @endcode * * @sa process_adaptor * * @tparam Func Type of process to schedule. * @param func Either a lambda or a functor to use as a process. * @return An opaque object to use to concatenate processes. */ template auto attach(Func &&func) { using Proc = process_adaptor, Delta>; return attach(std::forward(func)); } /** * @brief Updates all scheduled processes. * * All scheduled processes are executed in no specific order.
* If a process terminates with success, it's replaced with its child, if * any. Otherwise, if a process terminates with an error, it's removed along * with its child. * * @param delta Elapsed time. * @param data Optional data. */ void update(const Delta delta, void *data = nullptr) { bool clean = false; for(auto pos = handlers.size(); pos; --pos) { auto &handler = handlers[pos-1]; const bool dead = handler.update(handler, delta, data); clean = clean || dead; } if(clean) { handlers.erase(std::remove_if(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), [](auto &handler) { return !handler.instance; }), handlers.end()); } } /** * @brief Aborts all scheduled processes. * * Unless an immediate operation is requested, the abort is scheduled for * the next tick. Processes won't be executed anymore in any case.
* Once a process is fully aborted and thus finished, it's discarded along * with its child, if any. * * @param immediately Requests an immediate operation. */ void abort(const bool immediately = false) { decltype(handlers) exec; exec.swap(handlers); for(auto &&handler: exec) { handler.abort(handler, immediately); } std::move(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), std::back_inserter(exec)); handlers.swap(exec); } private: std::vector handlers{}; }; } #endif // #include "resource/cache.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_RESOURCE_CACHE_HPP #define ENTT_RESOURCE_CACHE_HPP #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */ using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE; } #endif // #include "handle.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_RESOURCE_HANDLE_HPP #define ENTT_RESOURCE_HANDLE_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_RESOURCE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_RESOURCE_FWD_HPP namespace entt { template struct resource_cache; template class resource_handle; template class resource_loader; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Shared resource handle. * * A shared resource handle is a small class that wraps a resource and keeps it * alive even if it's deleted from the cache. It can be either copied or * moved. A handle shares a reference to the same resource with all the other * handles constructed for the same identifier.
* As a rule of thumb, resources should never be copied nor moved. Handles are * the way to go to keep references to them. * * @tparam Resource Type of resource managed by a handle. */ template class resource_handle { /*! @brief Resource handles are friends of their caches. */ friend struct resource_cache; resource_handle(std::shared_ptr res) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : resource{std::move(res)} {} public: /*! @brief Default constructor. */ resource_handle() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default; /** * @brief Gets a reference to the managed resource. * * @warning * The behavior is undefined if the handle doesn't contain a resource.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * handle is empty. * * @return A reference to the managed resource. */ [[nodiscard]] const Resource & get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { ENTT_ASSERT(static_cast(resource)); return *resource; } /*! @copydoc get */ [[nodiscard]] Resource & get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).get()); } /*! @copydoc get */ [[nodiscard]] operator const Resource & () const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return get(); } /*! @copydoc get */ [[nodiscard]] operator Resource & () ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return get(); } /*! @copydoc get */ [[nodiscard]] const Resource & operator *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return get(); } /*! @copydoc get */ [[nodiscard]] Resource & operator *() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return get(); } /** * @brief Gets a pointer to the managed resource. * * @warning * The behavior is undefined if the handle doesn't contain a resource.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * handle is empty. * * @return A pointer to the managed resource or `nullptr` if the handle * contains no resource at all. */ [[nodiscard]] const Resource * operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { ENTT_ASSERT(static_cast(resource)); return resource.get(); } /*! @copydoc operator-> */ [[nodiscard]] Resource * operator->() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return const_cast(std::as_const(*this).operator->()); } /** * @brief Returns true if a handle contains a resource, false otherwise. * @return True if the handle contains a resource, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(resource); } private: std::shared_ptr resource; }; } #endif // #include "loader.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_RESOURCE_LOADER_HPP #define ENTT_RESOURCE_LOADER_HPP #include // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Base class for resource loaders. * * Resource loaders must inherit from this class and stay true to the CRTP * idiom. Moreover, a resource loader must expose a public, const member * function named `load` that accepts a variable number of arguments and returns * a shared pointer to the resource just created.
* As an example: * * @code{.cpp} * struct my_resource {}; * * struct my_loader: entt::resource_loader { * std::shared_ptr load(int) const { * // use the integer value somehow * return std::make_shared(); * } * }; * @endcode * * In general, resource loaders should not have a state or retain data of any * type. They should let the cache manage their resources instead. * * @note * Base class and CRTP idiom aren't strictly required with the current * implementation. One could argue that a cache can easily work with loaders of * any type. However, future changes won't be breaking ones by forcing the use * of a base class today and that's why the model is already in its place. * * @tparam Loader Type of the derived class. * @tparam Resource Type of resource for which to use the loader. */ template class resource_loader { /*! @brief Resource loaders are friends of their caches. */ friend struct resource_cache; /** * @brief Loads the resource and returns it. * @tparam Args Types of arguments for the loader. * @param args Arguments for the loader. * @return The resource just loaded or an empty pointer in case of errors. */ template [[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr get(Args &&... args) const { return static_cast(this)->load(std::forward(args)...); } }; } #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief Simple cache for resources of a given type. * * Minimal implementation of a cache for resources of a given type. It doesn't * offer much functionalities but it's suitable for small or medium sized * applications and can be freely inherited to add targeted functionalities for * large sized applications. * * @tparam Resource Type of resources managed by a cache. */ template struct resource_cache { /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Type of resources managed by a cache. */ using resource_type = Resource; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ resource_cache() = default; /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ resource_cache(resource_cache &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This cache. */ resource_cache & operator=(resource_cache &&) = default; /** * @brief Number of resources managed by a cache. * @return Number of resources currently stored. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return resources.size(); } /** * @brief Returns true if a cache contains no resources, false otherwise. * @return True if the cache contains no resources, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return resources.empty(); } /** * @brief Clears a cache and discards all its resources. * * Handles are not invalidated and the memory used by a resource isn't * freed as long as at least a handle keeps the resource itself alive. */ void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { resources.clear(); } /** * @brief Loads the resource that corresponds to a given identifier. * * In case an identifier isn't already present in the cache, it loads its * resource and stores it aside for future uses. Arguments are forwarded * directly to the loader in order to construct properly the requested * resource. * * @note * If the identifier is already present in the cache, this function does * nothing and the arguments are simply discarded. * * @warning * If the resource cannot be loaded correctly, the returned handle will be * invalid and any use of it will result in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Loader Type of loader to use to load the resource if required. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to load the resource if required. * @param id Unique resource identifier. * @param args Arguments to use to load the resource if required. * @return A handle for the given resource. */ template resource_handle load(const id_type id, Args &&... args) { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v, Loader>, "Invalid loader type"); resource_handle resource{}; if(auto it = resources.find(id); it == resources.cend()) { if(auto instance = Loader{}.get(std::forward(args)...); instance) { resources[id] = instance; resource = std::move(instance); } } else { resource = it->second; } return resource; } /** * @brief Reloads a resource or loads it for the first time if not present. * * Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode): * * @code{.cpp} * cache.discard(id); * cache.load(id, args...); * @endcode * * Arguments are forwarded directly to the loader in order to construct * properly the requested resource. * * @warning * If the resource cannot be loaded correctly, the returned handle will be * invalid and any use of it will result in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Loader Type of loader to use to load the resource. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to load the resource. * @param id Unique resource identifier. * @param args Arguments to use to load the resource. * @return A handle for the given resource. */ template resource_handle reload(const id_type id, Args &&... args) { return (discard(id), load(id, std::forward(args)...)); } /** * @brief Creates a temporary handle for a resource. * * Arguments are forwarded directly to the loader in order to construct * properly the requested resource. The handle isn't stored aside and the * cache isn't in charge of the lifetime of the resource itself. * * @tparam Loader Type of loader to use to load the resource. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to load the resource. * @param args Arguments to use to load the resource. * @return A handle for the given resource. */ template [[nodiscard]] resource_handle temp(Args &&... args) const { return { Loader{}.get(std::forward(args)...) }; } /** * @brief Creates a handle for a given resource identifier. * * A resource handle can be in a either valid or invalid state. In other * terms, a resource handle is properly initialized with a resource if the * cache contains the resource itself. Otherwise the returned handle is * uninitialized and accessing it results in undefined behavior. * * @sa resource_handle * * @param id Unique resource identifier. * @return A handle for the given resource. */ [[nodiscard]] resource_handle handle(const id_type id) const { auto it = resources.find(id); return { it == resources.end() ? nullptr : it->second }; } /** * @brief Checks if a cache contains a given identifier. * @param id Unique resource identifier. * @return True if the cache contains the resource, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const id_type id) const { return (resources.find(id) != resources.cend()); } /** * @brief Discards the resource that corresponds to a given identifier. * * Handles are not invalidated and the memory used by the resource isn't * freed as long as at least a handle keeps the resource itself alive. * * @param id Unique resource identifier. */ void discard(const id_type id) { if(auto it = resources.find(id); it != resources.end()) { resources.erase(it); } } /** * @brief Iterates all resources. * * The function object is invoked for each element. It is provided with * either the resource identifier, the resource handle or both of them.
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to one of the following * forms: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entt::id_type); * void(entt::resource_handle); * void(const entt::id_type, entt::resource_handle); * @endcode * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { auto begin = resources.begin(); auto end = resources.end(); while(begin != end) { auto curr = begin++; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v) { func(curr->first); } else if constexpr(std::is_invocable_v>) { func(resource_handle{ curr->second }); } else { func(curr->first, resource_handle{ curr->second }); } } } private: std::unordered_map> resources; }; } #endif // #include "resource/handle.hpp" // #include "resource/loader.hpp" // #include "signal/delegate.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_DELEGATE_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_DELEGATE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template auto function_pointer(Ret(*)(Args...)) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Ret(*)(Type, Args...), Other &&) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...), Other &&...) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Ret(Class:: *)(Args...) const, Other &&...) -> Ret(*)(Args...); template auto function_pointer(Type Class:: *, Other &&...) -> Type(*)(); template using function_pointer_t = decltype(internal::function_pointer(std::declval()...)); template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto index_sequence_for(Ret(*)(Args...)) { return std::index_sequence_for{}; } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /*! @brief Used to wrap a function or a member of a specified type. */ template struct connect_arg_t {}; /*! @brief Constant of type connect_arg_t used to disambiguate calls. */ template inline constexpr connect_arg_t connect_arg{}; /** * @brief Basic delegate implementation. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type. */ template class delegate; /** * @brief Utility class to use to send around functions and members. * * Unmanaged delegate for function pointers and members. Users of this class are * in charge of disconnecting instances before deleting them. * * A delegate can be used as a general purpose invoker without memory overhead * for free functions possibly with payloads and bound or unbound members. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template class delegate { template [[nodiscard]] auto wrap(std::index_sequence) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return [](const void *, Args... args) -> Ret { [[maybe_unused]] const auto arguments = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(args)...); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, std::forward>>(std::get(arguments))...)); }; } template [[nodiscard]] auto wrap(Type &, std::index_sequence) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { [[maybe_unused]] const auto arguments = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(args)...); Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, *curr, std::forward>>(std::get(arguments))...)); }; } template [[nodiscard]] auto wrap(Type *, std::index_sequence) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { [[maybe_unused]] const auto arguments = std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward(args)...); Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, curr, std::forward>>(std::get(arguments))...)); }; } public: /*! @brief Function type of the contained target. */ using function_type = Ret(const void *, Args...); /*! @brief Function type of the delegate. */ using type = Ret(Args...); /*! @brief Return type of the delegate. */ using result_type = Ret; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ delegate() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : fn{nullptr}, data{nullptr} {} /** * @brief Constructs a delegate and connects a free function or an unbound * member. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { connect(); } /** * @brief Constructs a delegate and connects a free function with payload or * a bound member. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t, Type &&value_or_instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { connect(std::forward(value_or_instance)); } /** * @brief Constructs a delegate and connects an user defined function with * optional payload. * @param function Function to connect to the delegate. * @param payload User defined arbitrary data. */ delegate(function_type *function, const void *payload = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { connect(function, payload); } /** * @brief Connects a free function or an unbound member to a delegate. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. */ template void connect() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { data = nullptr; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { fn = [](const void *, Args... args) -> Ret { return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, std::forward(args)...)); }; } else if constexpr(std::is_member_pointer_v) { fn = wrap(internal::index_sequence_for>>(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } else { fn = wrap(internal::index_sequence_for(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } } /** * @brief Connects a free function with payload or a bound member to a * delegate. * * The delegate isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload. * Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of the instance overcomes * the one of the delegate.
* When used to connect a free function with payload, its signature must be * such that the instance is the first argument before the ones used to * define the delegate itself. * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid reference that fits the purpose. */ template void connect(Type &value_or_instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { data = &value_or_instance; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { fn = [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, *curr, std::forward(args)...)); }; } else { fn = wrap(value_or_instance, internal::index_sequence_for(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } } /** * @brief Connects a free function with payload or a bound member to a * delegate. * * @sa connect(Type &) * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid pointer that fits the purpose. */ template void connect(Type *value_or_instance) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { data = value_or_instance; if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { fn = [](const void *payload, Args... args) -> Ret { Type *curr = static_cast(const_cast, const void *, void *>>(payload)); return Ret(std::invoke(Candidate, curr, std::forward(args)...)); }; } else { fn = wrap(value_or_instance, internal::index_sequence_for(internal::function_pointer_t{})); } } /** * @brief Connects an user defined function with optional payload to a * delegate. * * The delegate isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload. * Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of an instance overcomes * the one of the delegate.
* The payload is returned as the first argument to the target function in * all cases. * * @param function Function to connect to the delegate. * @param payload User defined arbitrary data. */ void connect(function_type *function, const void *payload = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { fn = function; data = payload; } /** * @brief Resets a delegate. * * After a reset, a delegate cannot be invoked anymore. */ void reset() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { fn = nullptr; data = nullptr; } /** * @brief Returns the instance or the payload linked to a delegate, if any. * @return An opaque pointer to the underlying data. */ [[nodiscard]] const void * instance() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return data; } /** * @brief Triggers a delegate. * * The delegate invokes the underlying function and returns the result. * * @warning * Attempting to trigger an invalid delegate results in undefined * behavior.
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the * delegate has not yet been set. * * @param args Arguments to use to invoke the underlying function. * @return The value returned by the underlying function. */ Ret operator()(Args... args) const { ENTT_ASSERT(fn); return fn(data, std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Checks whether a delegate actually stores a listener. * @return False if the delegate is empty, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { // no need to test also data return !(fn == nullptr); } /** * @brief Compares the contents of two delegates. * @param other Delegate with which to compare. * @return False if the two contents differ, true otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const delegate &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return fn == other.fn && data == other.data; } private: function_type *fn; const void *data; }; /** * @brief Compares the contents of two delegates. * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. * @param lhs A valid delegate object. * @param rhs A valid delegate object. * @return True if the two contents differ, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const delegate &lhs, const delegate &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate>>; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the delegate. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. */ template delegate(connect_arg_t, Type &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate>>; /*! @brief Deduction guide. */ template delegate(Ret(*)(const void *, Args...), const void * = nullptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate; } #endif // #include "signal/dispatcher.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_DISPATCHER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_FWD_HPP // #include "../config/config.h" #ifndef ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #define ENTT_CONFIG_CONFIG_H #ifndef ENTT_NOEXCEPT # define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept #endif #ifndef ENTT_HS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs #endif #ifndef ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX # define ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX _hws #endif #ifndef ENTT_USE_ATOMIC # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type #else # include # define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic #endif #ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE # include # define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t #endif #ifndef ENTT_PAGE_SIZE # define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768 #endif #ifndef ENTT_ASSERT # include # define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition) #endif #ifndef ENTT_NO_ETO # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::is_empty #else # include # define ENTT_IS_EMPTY(Type) std::false_type #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDARD_CPP # if defined __clang__ || (defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ > 8) # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined __GNUC__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '=' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX ']' # elif defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION __FUNCSIG__ # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX '<' # define ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX '>' # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_STANDALONE # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(...) false #else # define ENTT_FAST_PATH(Cond) Cond #endif #endif namespace entt { /*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */ using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE; } #endif // #include "../core/type_info.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_TYPE_INFO_HPP #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/attribute.h" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #define ENTT_CORE_ATTRIBUTE_H #ifndef ENTT_EXPORT # if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER # define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) # define ENTT_HIDDEN # elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) # else /* Unsupported compiler */ # define ENTT_EXPORT # define ENTT_IMPORT # define ENTT_HIDDEN # endif #endif #ifndef ENTT_API # if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_EXPORT # elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT # define ENTT_API ENTT_IMPORT # else /* No API */ # define ENTT_API # endif #endif #endif // #include "hashed_string.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #define ENTT_CORE_HASHED_STRING_HPP #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template struct fnv1a_traits; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint32_t; static constexpr std::uint32_t offset = 2166136261; static constexpr std::uint32_t prime = 16777619; }; template<> struct fnv1a_traits { using type = std::uint64_t; static constexpr std::uint64_t offset = 14695981039346656037ull; static constexpr std::uint64_t prime = 1099511628211ull; }; } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Zero overhead unique identifier. * * A hashed string is a compile-time tool that allows users to use * human-readable identifers in the codebase while using their numeric * counterparts at runtime.
* Because of that, a hashed string can also be used in constant expressions if * required. * * @tparam Char Character type. */ template class basic_hashed_string { using traits_type = internal::fnv1a_traits; struct const_wrapper { // non-explicit constructor on purpose constexpr const_wrapper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: str{curr} {} const Char *str; }; // Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function v. 1a - the good [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type helper(const Char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { auto value = traits_type::offset; while(*curr != 0) { value = (value ^ static_cast(*(curr++))) * traits_type::prime; } return value; } public: /*! @brief Character type. */ using value_type = Char; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using hash_type = id_type; /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * const auto value = basic_hashed_string::to_value("my.png"); * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ template [[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const value_type (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return helper(wrapper.str); } /** * @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string view. * @param str Human-readable identifer. * @param size Length of the string to hash. * @return The numeric representation of the string. */ [[nodiscard]] static hash_type value(const value_type *str, std::size_t size) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { id_type partial{traits_type::offset}; while(size--) { partial = (partial^(str++)[0])*traits_type::prime; } return partial; } /*! @brief Constructs an empty hashed string. */ constexpr basic_hashed_string() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{nullptr}, hash{} {} /** * @brief Constructs a hashed string from an array of const characters. * * Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An * human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of * characters.
* Example of use: * @code{.cpp} * basic_hashed_string hs{"my.png"}; * @endcode * * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param curr Human-readable identifer. */ template constexpr basic_hashed_string(const value_type (&curr)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{curr}, hash{helper(curr)} {} /** * @brief Explicit constructor on purpose to avoid constructing a hashed * string directly from a `const value_type *`. * @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading. */ explicit constexpr basic_hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : str{wrapper.str}, hash{helper(wrapper.str)} {} /** * @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string. * @return The string used to initialize the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr const value_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return str; } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr hash_type value() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash; } /*! @copydoc data */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator const value_type *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return data(); } /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string. * @return The numeric representation of the instance. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr operator hash_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return value(); } /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @param other Hashed string with which to compare. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const basic_hashed_string &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash == other.hash; } private: const value_type *str; hash_type hash; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the character type of the hashed string directly from a * human-readable identifer provided to the constructor. * * @tparam Char Character type. * @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier. * @param str Human-readable identifer. */ template basic_hashed_string(const Char (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> basic_hashed_string; /** * @brief Compares two hashed strings. * @tparam Char Character type. * @param lhs A valid hashed string. * @param rhs A valid hashed string. * @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_hashed_string &lhs, const basic_hashed_string &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(lhs == rhs); } /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_string = basic_hashed_string; /*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */ using hashed_wstring = basic_hashed_string; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed strings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed string. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_string operator"" ENTT_HS_SUFFIX(const char *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_string{str}; } /** * @brief User defined literal for hashed wstrings. * @param str The literal without its suffix. * @return A properly initialized hashed wstring. */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr entt::hashed_wstring operator"" ENTT_HWS_SUFFIX(const wchar_t *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::hashed_wstring{str}; } #endif // #include "fwd.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { struct ENTT_API type_index { [[nodiscard]] static id_type next() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) value{}; return value++; } }; template [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION std::string_view pretty_function{ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION}; auto first = pretty_function.find_first_not_of(' ', pretty_function.find_first_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX)+1); auto value = pretty_function.substr(first, pretty_function.find_last_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX) - first); return value; #else return std::string_view{}; #endif } } /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Type index. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate a sequential identifier. */ template struct ENTT_API type_index { /** * @brief Returns the sequential identifier of a given type. * @return The sequential identifier of a given type. */ [[nodiscard]] static id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const id_type value = internal::type_index::next(); return value; } }; /** * @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is * indexable, false otherwise. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template struct has_type_index: std::false_type {}; /*! @brief has_type_index */ template struct has_type_index::value())>>: std::true_type {}; /** * @brief Helper variable template. * @tparam Type Potentially indexable type. */ template inline constexpr bool has_type_index_v = has_type_index::value; /** * @brief Type info. * @tparam Type Type for which to generate information. */ template struct type_info { /** * @brief Returns the numeric representation of a given type. * @return The numeric representation of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = hashed_string::value(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static id_type id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return type_index::value(); } #endif /** * @brief Returns the name of a given type. * @return The name of the given type. */ #if defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_CONSTEXPR [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { constexpr auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #elif defined ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION [[nodiscard]] static std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { static const auto value = internal::type_name(); return value; } #else [[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return internal::type_name(); } #endif }; } #endif // #include "sigh.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_SIGH_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_SIGH_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "delegate.hpp" // #include "fwd.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_FWD_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_FWD_HPP namespace entt { template class delegate; class dispatcher; template class emitter; class connection; struct scoped_connection; template class sink; template class sigh; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Sink class. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type. * * @tparam Function A valid function type. */ template class sink; /** * @brief Unmanaged signal handler. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type. * * @tparam Function A valid function type. */ template class sigh; /** * @brief Unmanaged signal handler. * * It works directly with references to classes and pointers to member functions * as well as pointers to free functions. Users of this class are in charge of * disconnecting instances before deleting them. * * This class serves mainly two purposes: * * * Creating signals to use later to notify a bunch of listeners. * * Collecting results from a set of functions like in a voting system. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template class sigh { /*! @brief A sink is allowed to modify a signal. */ friend class sink; public: /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Sink type. */ using sink_type = sink; /** * @brief Instance type when it comes to connecting member functions. * @tparam Class Type of class to which the member function belongs. */ template using instance_type = Class *; /** * @brief Number of listeners connected to the signal. * @return Number of listeners currently connected. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return calls.size(); } /** * @brief Returns false if at least a listener is connected to the signal. * @return True if the signal has no listeners connected, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return calls.empty(); } /** * @brief Triggers a signal. * * All the listeners are notified. Order isn't guaranteed. * * @param args Arguments to use to invoke listeners. */ void publish(Args... args) const { for(auto &&call: std::as_const(calls)) { call(args...); } } /** * @brief Collects return values from the listeners. * * The collector must expose a call operator with the following properties: * * * The return type is either `void` or such that it's convertible to * `bool`. In the second case, a true value will stop the iteration. * * The list of parameters is empty if `Ret` is `void`, otherwise it * contains a single element such that `Ret` is convertible to it. * * @tparam Func Type of collector to use, if any. * @param func A valid function object. * @param args Arguments to use to invoke listeners. */ template void collect(Func func, Args... args) const { for(auto &&call: calls) { if constexpr(std::is_void_v) { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { call(args...); if(func()) { break; } } else { call(args...); func(); } } else { if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v) { if(func(call(args...))) { break; } } else { func(call(args...)); } } } } private: std::vector> calls; }; /** * @brief Connection class. * * Opaque object the aim of which is to allow users to release an already * estabilished connection without having to keep a reference to the signal or * the sink that generated it. */ class connection { /*! @brief A sink is allowed to create connection objects. */ template friend class sink; connection(delegate fn, void *ref) : disconnect{fn}, signal{ref} {} public: /*! @brief Default constructor. */ connection() = default; /** * @brief Checks whether a connection is properly initialized. * @return True if the connection is properly initialized, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(disconnect); } /*! @brief Breaks the connection. */ void release() { if(disconnect) { disconnect(signal); disconnect.reset(); } } private: delegate disconnect; void *signal{}; }; /** * @brief Scoped connection class. * * Opaque object the aim of which is to allow users to release an already * estabilished connection without having to keep a reference to the signal or * the sink that generated it.
* A scoped connection automatically breaks the link between the two objects * when it goes out of scope. */ struct scoped_connection { /*! @brief Default constructor. */ scoped_connection() = default; /** * @brief Constructs a scoped connection from a basic connection. * @param other A valid connection object. */ scoped_connection(const connection &other) : conn{other} {} /*! @brief Default copy constructor, deleted on purpose. */ scoped_connection(const scoped_connection &) = delete; /*! @brief Automatically breaks the link on destruction. */ ~scoped_connection() { conn.release(); } /** * @brief Default copy assignment operator, deleted on purpose. * @return This scoped connection. */ scoped_connection & operator=(const scoped_connection &) = delete; /** * @brief Acquires a connection. * @param other The connection object to acquire. * @return This scoped connection. */ scoped_connection & operator=(connection other) { conn = std::move(other); return *this; } /** * @brief Checks whether a scoped connection is properly initialized. * @return True if the connection is properly initialized, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return static_cast(conn); } /*! @brief Breaks the connection. */ void release() { conn.release(); } private: connection conn; }; /** * @brief Sink class. * * A sink is used to connect listeners to signals and to disconnect them.
* The function type for a listener is the one of the signal to which it * belongs. * * The clear separation between a signal and a sink permits to store the former * as private data member without exposing the publish functionality to the * users of the class. * * @warning * Lifetime of a sink must not overcome that of the signal to which it refers. * In any other case, attempting to use a sink results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template class sink { using signal_type = sigh; using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type; template static void release(Type value_or_instance, void *signal) { sink{*static_cast(signal)}.disconnect(value_or_instance); } template static void release(void *signal) { sink{*static_cast(signal)}.disconnect(); } public: /** * @brief Constructs a sink that is allowed to modify a given signal. * @param ref A valid reference to a signal object. */ sink(sigh &ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : offset{}, signal{&ref} {} /** * @brief Returns false if at least a listener is connected to the sink. * @return True if the sink has no listeners connected, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return signal->calls.empty(); } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a given free function or an * unbound member. * @tparam Function A valid free function pointer. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before() { delegate call{}; call.template connect(); const auto &calls = signal->calls; const auto it = std::find(calls.cbegin(), calls.cend(), std::move(call)); sink other{*this}; other.offset = std::distance(it, calls.cend()); return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a free function with payload * or a bound member. * @tparam Candidate Member or free function to look for. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before(Type &&value_or_instance) { delegate call{}; call.template connect(value_or_instance); const auto &calls = signal->calls; const auto it = std::find(calls.cbegin(), calls.cend(), std::move(call)); sink other{*this}; other.offset = std::distance(it, calls.cend()); return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a given instance or specific * payload. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before(Type &value_or_instance) { return before(&value_or_instance); } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before a given instance or specific * payload. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid pointer that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] sink before(Type *value_or_instance) { sink other{*this}; if(value_or_instance) { const auto &calls = signal->calls; const auto it = std::find_if(calls.cbegin(), calls.cend(), [value_or_instance](const auto &delegate) { return delegate.instance() == value_or_instance; }); other.offset = std::distance(it, calls.cend()); } return other; } /** * @brief Returns a sink that connects before anything else. * @return A properly initialized sink object. */ [[nodiscard]] sink before() { sink other{*this}; other.offset = signal->calls.size(); return other; } /** * @brief Connects a free function or an unbound member to a signal. * * The signal handler performs checks to avoid multiple connections for the * same function. * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the signal. * @return A properly initialized connection object. */ template connection connect() { disconnect(); delegate call{}; call.template connect(); signal->calls.insert(signal->calls.end() - offset, std::move(call)); delegate conn{}; conn.template connect<&release>(); return { std::move(conn), signal }; } /** * @brief Connects a free function with payload or a bound member to a * signal. * * The signal isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload. * Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of the instance overcomes * the one of the signal. On the other side, the signal handler performs * checks to avoid multiple connections for the same function.
* When used to connect a free function with payload, its signature must be * such that the instance is the first argument before the ones used to * define the signal itself. * * @tparam Candidate Function or member to connect to the signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. * @return A properly initialized connection object. */ template connection connect(Type &&value_or_instance) { disconnect(value_or_instance); delegate call{}; call.template connect(value_or_instance); signal->calls.insert(signal->calls.end() - offset, std::move(call)); delegate conn{}; conn.template connect<&release>(value_or_instance); return { std::move(conn), signal }; } /** * @brief Disconnects a free function or an unbound member from a signal. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to disconnect from the signal. */ template void disconnect() { auto &calls = signal->calls; delegate call{}; call.template connect(); calls.erase(std::remove(calls.begin(), calls.end(), std::move(call)), calls.end()); } /** * @brief Disconnects a free function with payload or a bound member from a * signal. * @tparam Candidate Function or member to disconnect from the signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type &&value_or_instance) { auto &calls = signal->calls; delegate call{}; call.template connect(value_or_instance); calls.erase(std::remove(calls.begin(), calls.end(), std::move(call)), calls.end()); } /** * @brief Disconnects free functions with payload or bound members from a * signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type &value_or_instance) { disconnect(&value_or_instance); } /** * @brief Disconnects free functions with payload or bound members from a * signal. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type *value_or_instance) { if(value_or_instance) { auto &calls = signal->calls; calls.erase(std::remove_if(calls.begin(), calls.end(), [value_or_instance](const auto &delegate) { return delegate.instance() == value_or_instance; }), calls.end()); } } /*! @brief Disconnects all the listeners from a signal. */ void disconnect() { signal->calls.clear(); } private: difference_type offset; signal_type *signal; }; /** * @brief Deduction guide. * * It allows to deduce the function type of a sink directly from the signal it * refers to. * * @tparam Ret Return type of a function type. * @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type. */ template sink(sigh &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> sink; } #endif namespace entt { /** * @brief Basic dispatcher implementation. * * A dispatcher can be used either to trigger an immediate event or to enqueue * events to be published all together once per tick.
* Listeners are provided in the form of member functions. For each event of * type `Event`, listeners are such that they can be invoked with an argument of * type `Event &`, no matter what the return type is. * * The dispatcher creates instances of the `sigh` class internally. Refer to the * documentation of the latter for more details. */ class dispatcher { struct basic_pool { virtual ~basic_pool() = default; virtual void publish() = 0; virtual void disconnect(void *) = 0; virtual void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual id_type type_id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0; }; template struct pool_handler final: basic_pool { using signal_type = sigh; using sink_type = typename signal_type::sink_type; void publish() override { const auto length = events.size(); for(std::size_t pos{}; pos < length; ++pos) { signal.publish(events[pos]); } events.erase(events.cbegin(), events.cbegin()+length); } void disconnect(void *instance) override { sink().disconnect(instance); } void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT override { events.clear(); } [[nodiscard]] sink_type sink() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return entt::sink{signal}; } template void trigger(Args &&... args) { Event instance{std::forward(args)...}; signal.publish(instance); } template void enqueue(Args &&... args) { if constexpr(std::is_aggregate_v) { events.push_back(Event{std::forward(args)...}); } else { events.emplace_back(std::forward(args)...); } } [[nodiscard]] id_type type_id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT override { return type_info::id(); } private: signal_type signal{}; std::vector events; }; template [[nodiscard]] pool_handler & assure() { static_assert(std::is_same_v>, "Invalid event type"); if constexpr(ENTT_FAST_PATH(has_type_index_v)) { const auto index = type_index::value(); if(!(index < pools.size())) { pools.resize(index+1u); } if(!pools[index]) { pools[index].reset(new pool_handler{}); } return static_cast &>(*pools[index]); } else { auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [id = type_info::id()](const auto &cpool) { return id == cpool->type_id(); }); return static_cast &>(it == pools.cend() ? *pools.emplace_back(new pool_handler{}) : **it); } } public: /** * @brief Returns a sink object for the given event. * * A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to events. * * The function type for a listener is _compatible_ with: * @code{.cpp} * void(Event &); * @endcode * * The order of invocation of the listeners isn't guaranteed. * * @sa sink * * @tparam Event Type of event of which to get the sink. * @return A temporary sink object. */ template [[nodiscard]] auto sink() { return assure().sink(); } /** * @brief Triggers an immediate event of the given type. * * All the listeners registered for the given type are immediately notified. * The event is discarded after the execution. * * @tparam Event Type of event to trigger. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the event. * @param args Arguments to use to construct the event. */ template void trigger(Args &&... args) { assure().trigger(std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Triggers an immediate event of the given type. * * All the listeners registered for the given type are immediately notified. * The event is discarded after the execution. * * @tparam Event Type of event to trigger. * @param event An instance of the given type of event. */ template void trigger(Event &&event) { assure>().trigger(std::forward(event)); } /** * @brief Enqueues an event of the given type. * * An event of the given type is queued. No listener is invoked. Use the * `update` member function to notify listeners when ready. * * @tparam Event Type of event to enqueue. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the event. * @param args Arguments to use to construct the event. */ template void enqueue(Args &&... args) { assure().enqueue(std::forward(args)...); } /** * @brief Enqueues an event of the given type. * * An event of the given type is queued. No listener is invoked. Use the * `update` member function to notify listeners when ready. * * @tparam Event Type of event to enqueue. * @param event An instance of the given type of event. */ template void enqueue(Event &&event) { assure>().enqueue(std::forward(event)); } /** * @brief Utility function to disconnect everything related to a given value * or instance from a dispatcher. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type &value_or_instance) { disconnect(&value_or_instance); } /** * @brief Utility function to disconnect everything related to a given value * or instance from a dispatcher. * @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload. * @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose. */ template void disconnect(Type *value_or_instance) { for(auto &&cpool: pools) { if(cpool) { cpool->disconnect(value_or_instance); } } } /** * @brief Discards all the events queued so far. * * If no types are provided, the dispatcher will clear all the existing * pools. * * @tparam Event Type of events to discard. */ template void clear() { if constexpr(sizeof...(Event) == 0) { for(auto &&cpool: pools) { if(cpool) { cpool->clear(); } } } else { (assure().clear(), ...); } } /** * @brief Delivers all the pending events of the given type. * * This method is blocking and it doesn't return until all the events are * delivered to the registered listeners. It's responsibility of the users * to reduce at a minimum the time spent in the bodies of the listeners. * * @tparam Event Type of events to send. */ template void update() { assure().publish(); } /** * @brief Delivers all the pending events. * * This method is blocking and it doesn't return until all the events are * delivered to the registered listeners. It's responsibility of the users * to reduce at a minimum the time spent in the bodies of the listeners. */ void update() const { for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) { if(auto &&cpool = pools[pos-1]; cpool) { cpool->publish(); } } } private: std::vector> pools; }; } #endif // #include "signal/emitter.hpp" #ifndef ENTT_SIGNAL_EMITTER_HPP #define ENTT_SIGNAL_EMITTER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "../config/config.h" // #include "../core/fwd.hpp" // #include "../core/type_info.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @brief General purpose event emitter. * * The emitter class template follows the CRTP idiom. To create a custom emitter * type, derived classes must inherit directly from the base class as: * * @code{.cpp} * struct my_emitter: emitter { * // ... * } * @endcode * * Pools for the type of events are created internally on the fly. It's not * required to specify in advance the full list of accepted types.
* Moreover, whenever an event is published, an emitter provides the listeners * with a reference to itself along with a reference to the event. Therefore * listeners have an handy way to work with it without incurring in the need of * capturing a reference to the emitter. * * @tparam Derived Actual type of emitter that extends the class template. */ template class emitter { struct basic_pool { virtual ~basic_pool() = default; virtual bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0; virtual void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0; virtual id_type type_id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0; }; template struct pool_handler final: basic_pool { using listener_type = std::function; using element_type = std::pair; using container_type = std::list; using connection_type = typename container_type::iterator; [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT override { auto pred = [](auto &&element) { return element.first; }; return std::all_of(once_list.cbegin(), once_list.cend(), pred) && std::all_of(on_list.cbegin(), on_list.cend(), pred); } void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT override { if(publishing) { for(auto &&element: once_list) { element.first = true; } for(auto &&element: on_list) { element.first = true; } } else { once_list.clear(); on_list.clear(); } } connection_type once(listener_type listener) { return once_list.emplace(once_list.cend(), false, std::move(listener)); } connection_type on(listener_type listener) { return on_list.emplace(on_list.cend(), false, std::move(listener)); } void erase(connection_type conn) { conn->first = true; if(!publishing) { auto pred = [](auto &&element) { return element.first; }; once_list.remove_if(pred); on_list.remove_if(pred); } } void publish(Event &event, Derived &ref) { container_type swap_list; once_list.swap(swap_list); publishing = true; for(auto &&element: on_list) { element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ref); } for(auto &&element: swap_list) { element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ref); } publishing = false; on_list.remove_if([](auto &&element) { return element.first; }); } [[nodiscard]] id_type type_id() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT override { return type_info::id(); } private: bool publishing{false}; container_type once_list{}; container_type on_list{}; }; template [[nodiscard]] const pool_handler & assure() const { static_assert(std::is_same_v>, "Invalid event type"); if constexpr(ENTT_FAST_PATH(has_type_index_v)) { const auto index = type_index::value(); if(!(index < pools.size())) { pools.resize(index+1u); } if(!pools[index]) { pools[index].reset(new pool_handler{}); } return static_cast &>(*pools[index]); } else { auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [id = type_info::id()](const auto &cpool) { return id == cpool->type_id(); }); return static_cast &>(it == pools.cend() ? *pools.emplace_back(new pool_handler{}) : **it); } } template [[nodiscard]] pool_handler & assure() { return const_cast &>(std::as_const(*this).template assure()); } public: /** @brief Type of listeners accepted for the given event. */ template using listener = typename pool_handler::listener_type; /** * @brief Generic connection type for events. * * Type of the connection object returned by the event emitter whenever a * listener for the given type is registered.
* It can be used to break connections still in use. * * @tparam Event Type of event for which the connection is created. */ template struct connection: private pool_handler::connection_type { /** @brief Event emitters are friend classes of connections. */ friend class emitter; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ connection() = default; /** * @brief Creates a connection that wraps its underlying instance. * @param conn A connection object to wrap. */ connection(typename pool_handler::connection_type conn) : pool_handler::connection_type{std::move(conn)} {} }; /*! @brief Default constructor. */ emitter() = default; /*! @brief Default destructor. */ virtual ~emitter() { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v, Derived>, "Incorrect use of the class template"); } /*! @brief Default move constructor. */ emitter(emitter &&) = default; /*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This emitter. */ emitter & operator=(emitter &&) = default; /** * @brief Emits the given event. * * All the listeners registered for the specific event type are invoked with * the given event. The event type must either have a proper constructor for * the arguments provided or be an aggregate type. * * @tparam Event Type of event to publish. * @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the event. * @param args Parameters to use to initialize the event. */ template void publish(Args &&... args) { Event instance{std::forward(args)...}; assure().publish(instance, *static_cast(this)); } /** * @brief Registers a long-lived listener with the event emitter. * * This method can be used to register a listener designed to be invoked * more than once for the given event type.
* The connection returned by the method can be freely discarded. It's meant * to be used later to disconnect the listener if required. * * The listener is as a callable object that can be moved and the type of * which is _compatible_ with `void(Event &, Derived &)`. * * @note * Whenever an event is emitted, the emitter provides the listener with a * reference to the derived class. Listeners don't have to capture those * instances for later uses. * * @tparam Event Type of event to which to connect the listener. * @param instance The listener to register. * @return Connection object that can be used to disconnect the listener. */ template connection on(listener instance) { return assure().on(std::move(instance)); } /** * @brief Registers a short-lived listener with the event emitter. * * This method can be used to register a listener designed to be invoked * only once for the given event type.
* The connection returned by the method can be freely discarded. It's meant * to be used later to disconnect the listener if required. * * The listener is as a callable object that can be moved and the type of * which is _compatible_ with `void(Event &, Derived &)`. * * @note * Whenever an event is emitted, the emitter provides the listener with a * reference to the derived class. Listeners don't have to capture those * instances for later uses. * * @tparam Event Type of event to which to connect the listener. * @param instance The listener to register. * @return Connection object that can be used to disconnect the listener. */ template connection once(listener instance) { return assure().once(std::move(instance)); } /** * @brief Disconnects a listener from the event emitter. * * Do not use twice the same connection to disconnect a listener, it results * in undefined behavior. Once used, discard the connection object. * * @tparam Event Type of event of the connection. * @param conn A valid connection. */ template void erase(connection conn) { assure().erase(std::move(conn)); } /** * @brief Disconnects all the listeners for the given event type. * * All the connections previously returned for the given event are * invalidated. Using them results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Event Type of event to reset. */ template void clear() { assure().clear(); } /** * @brief Disconnects all the listeners. * * All the connections previously returned are invalidated. Using them * results in undefined behavior. */ void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT { for(auto &&cpool: pools) { if(cpool) { cpool->clear(); } } } /** * @brief Checks if there are listeners registered for the specific event. * @tparam Event Type of event to test. * @return True if there are no listeners registered, false otherwise. */ template [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return assure().empty(); } /** * @brief Checks if there are listeners registered with the event emitter. * @return True if there are no listeners registered, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return std::all_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [](auto &&cpool) { return !cpool || cpool->empty(); }); } private: mutable std::vector> pools{}; }; } #endif // #include "signal/sigh.hpp"