//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: GraphicsMemory.cpp // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. // // http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248929 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.h" #include "GraphicsMemory.h" #include "DirectXHelpers.h" #include "PlatformHelpers.h" using namespace DirectX; using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr; #if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE) //====================================================================================== // Xbox One Direct3D 11.x //====================================================================================== class GraphicsMemory::Impl { public: Impl(GraphicsMemory* owner) : mOwner(owner), mCurrentFrame(0) { if (s_graphicsMemory) { throw std::exception("GraphicsMemory is a singleton"); } s_graphicsMemory = this; } ~Impl() { if (mDevice && mDeviceContext) { UINT64 finalFence = mDeviceContext->InsertFence(0); while (mDevice->IsFencePending(finalFence)) { SwitchToThread(); } mDeviceContext.Reset(); mDevice.Reset(); } s_graphicsMemory = nullptr; } void Initialize(_In_ ID3D11DeviceX* device, unsigned int backBufferCount) { assert(device != nullptr); mDevice = device; device->GetImmediateContextX(mDeviceContext.GetAddressOf()); mFrames.resize(backBufferCount); } void* Allocate(_In_opt_ ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, size_t size, int alignment) { // Currently use a single global allocator instead of a per-context allocator UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(deviceContext); std::lock_guard lock(mGuard); return mFrames[mCurrentFrame].Allocate(size, alignment); } void Commit() { std::lock_guard lock(mGuard); mFrames[mCurrentFrame].mFence = mDeviceContext->InsertFence(D3D11_INSERT_FENCE_NO_KICKOFF); ++mCurrentFrame; if (mCurrentFrame >= mFrames.size()) { mCurrentFrame = 0; } mFrames[mCurrentFrame].WaitOnFence(mDevice.Get()); mFrames[mCurrentFrame].Clear(); } GraphicsMemory* mOwner; std::mutex mGuard; struct MemoryPage { MemoryPage() noexcept : mPageSize(0), mGrfxMemory(nullptr) {} void Initialize(size_t reqSize) { mPageSize = 0x100000; // 1 MB general pages for Xbox One if (mPageSize < reqSize) { mPageSize = AlignUp(reqSize, 65536); } mGrfxMemory = VirtualAlloc(nullptr, mPageSize, MEM_LARGE_PAGES | MEM_GRAPHICS | MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_WRITECOMBINE | PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GPU_READONLY); if (!mGrfxMemory) throw std::bad_alloc(); } size_t mPageSize; void* mGrfxMemory; }; struct MemoryFrame { MemoryFrame() noexcept : mCurOffset(0), mFence(0) {} ~MemoryFrame() { Clear(); } UINT mCurOffset; UINT64 mFence; void* Allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment) { size_t alignedSize = AlignUp(size, alignment); if (mPages.empty()) { MemoryPage newPage; newPage.Initialize(alignedSize); mCurOffset = 0; mPages.emplace_back(newPage); } else { mCurOffset = AlignUp(mCurOffset, alignment); if (mCurOffset + alignedSize > mPages.front().mPageSize) { MemoryPage newPage; newPage.Initialize(alignedSize); mCurOffset = 0; mPages.emplace_front(newPage); } } void* ptr = static_cast(mPages.front().mGrfxMemory) + mCurOffset; mCurOffset += static_cast(alignedSize); return ptr; } void WaitOnFence(ID3D11DeviceX* device) { if (mFence) { while (device->IsFencePending(mFence)) { SwitchToThread(); } mFence = 0; } } void Clear() { for (auto it = mPages.begin(); it != mPages.end(); ++it) { if (it->mGrfxMemory) { VirtualFree(it->mGrfxMemory, 0, MEM_RELEASE); it->mGrfxMemory = nullptr; } } mPages.clear(); mCurOffset = 0; } std::list mPages; }; UINT mCurrentFrame; std::vector mFrames; ComPtr mDevice; ComPtr mDeviceContext; static GraphicsMemory::Impl* s_graphicsMemory; }; GraphicsMemory::Impl* GraphicsMemory::Impl::s_graphicsMemory = nullptr; #else //====================================================================================== // Null allocator for standard Direct3D //====================================================================================== class GraphicsMemory::Impl { public: Impl(GraphicsMemory* owner) : mOwner(owner) { if (s_graphicsMemory) { throw std::exception("GraphicsMemory is a singleton"); } s_graphicsMemory = this; } Impl(Impl&&) = default; Impl& operator= (Impl&&) = default; Impl(Impl const&) = delete; Impl& operator= (Impl const&) = delete; ~Impl() { s_graphicsMemory = nullptr; } void Initialize(_In_ ID3D11Device* device, unsigned int backBufferCount) noexcept { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(device); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(backBufferCount); } void* Allocate(_In_opt_ ID3D11DeviceContext* context, size_t size, int alignment) noexcept { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(context); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(size); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(alignment); return nullptr; } void Commit() noexcept { } GraphicsMemory* mOwner; static GraphicsMemory::Impl* s_graphicsMemory; }; GraphicsMemory::Impl* GraphicsMemory::Impl::s_graphicsMemory = nullptr; #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // Public constructor. #if defined(_XBOX_ONE) && defined(_TITLE) GraphicsMemory::GraphicsMemory(_In_ ID3D11DeviceX* device, unsigned int backBufferCount) #else GraphicsMemory::GraphicsMemory(_In_ ID3D11Device* device, unsigned int backBufferCount) #endif : pImpl(std::make_unique(this)) { pImpl->Initialize(device, backBufferCount); } // Move constructor. GraphicsMemory::GraphicsMemory(GraphicsMemory&& moveFrom) noexcept : pImpl(std::move(moveFrom.pImpl)) { pImpl->mOwner = this; } // Move assignment. GraphicsMemory& GraphicsMemory::operator= (GraphicsMemory&& moveFrom) noexcept { pImpl = std::move(moveFrom.pImpl); pImpl->mOwner = this; return *this; } // Public destructor. GraphicsMemory::~GraphicsMemory() { } void* GraphicsMemory::Allocate(_In_opt_ ID3D11DeviceContext* context, size_t size, int alignment) { return pImpl->Allocate(context, size, alignment); } void GraphicsMemory::Commit() { pImpl->Commit(); } GraphicsMemory& GraphicsMemory::Get() { if (!Impl::s_graphicsMemory || !Impl::s_graphicsMemory->mOwner) throw std::exception("GraphicsMemory singleton not created"); return *Impl::s_graphicsMemory->mOwner; }