SetCompressor /SOLID lzma !define PRODUCT_NAME "Giants Launcher" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "" ; MUI 1.67 compatible ------ !include "MUI.nsh" ; MUI Settings !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_ICON "GPatch.ico" ; Welcome page ;!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME ; Directory page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Instfiles page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_ROOT "HKCU" !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\PlanetMoon\Giants" !define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "SetupLanguage" ; Language files !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ; MUI end ------ Name "Giants Launcher Update" OutFile "LauncherUpdate_1002.exe" InstallDir "C:\Program Files\Giants" InstallDirRegKey HKCU "SOFTWARE\PlanetMoon\Giants" "DestDir" ShowInstDetails hide ;Request application privileges for Windows Vista RequestExecutionLevel admin Section SetDetailsView hide SectionIn RO SetOverwrite on SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" File /r "Giants.exe" SectionEnd Function .onInit Processes::KillProcess "Giants.exe" Processes::FindProcess "Giants.exe" ${If} $R0 == 1 MessageBox MB_OK "Please close the Giants launcher before installing this update." Abort ${EndIf} ClearErrors FileOpen $R0 "$INSTDIR\Giants.exe" w ${If} ${Errors} MessageBox MB_OK "Could not write to Giants.exe. Please ensure the Giants launcher is closed." Abort ${Else} FileClose $R0 ${EndIf} FunctionEnd Function .onInstFailed MessageBox MB_OK "Update failed. Please visit and download the latest version manually." FunctionEnd Function .onInstSuccess MessageBox MB_OK "Update complete!" Exec "$INSTDIR\Giants.exe" FunctionEnd