#pragma once #include #include enum class NetPlayerState; enum class GameTeam; // {770DEBD3-165D-4340-829D-5262F473FBE3} DEFINE_GUID(IID_ITextLookupService, 0x770debd3, 0x165d, 0x4340, 0x82, 0x9d, 0x52, 0x62, 0xf4, 0x73, 0xfb, 0xe3); /// /// Service providing localization of text placeholders and friendly-name mappings of common enums. /// struct ITextLookupService : public IComponent { virtual std::string STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetLocalized(std::string_view lookup) = 0; virtual std::string STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNetPlayerStateName(enum class NetPlayerState state) = 0; virtual std::string STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetGameTeamName(GameTeam team) = 0; virtual std::string STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPlayerTeamName(int teamIndex) = 0; }; struct DECLSPEC_UUID("{770DEBD3-165D-4340-829D-5262F473FBE3}") ITextLookupService;