namespace Giants.EffectCompiler { using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Giants.BinTools; using Giants.BinTools.Macro; using NLog; /// /// Effect binary decompiler. /// public class FxDecompiler { private static readonly Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger(nameof(FxDecompiler)); private readonly Dictionary tableOfContents = new Dictionary(); private FxBinaryData binaryData; private FxMacroDefinitionTable macroDefinitionTable; private int doneOpcode; private int pushObjOpcode; private int popObjOpcode; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The table of macro and symbol definitions. public FxDecompiler(FxMacroDefinitionTable macroDefinitionTable) { this.macroDefinitionTable = macroDefinitionTable; } /// /// Decompiles an effect binary file to the specified output path. /// /// The path to the effect binary file. /// The path to write to. public void Decompile( string inputPath, string outputPath) { if (!File.Exists(inputPath)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"The input file {inputPath} does not exist."); } this.ReadBinaryData(inputPath); using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(this.binaryData.Data); using var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream); using var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(outputPath, false); using var textWriter = new IndentedTextWriter(streamWriter); this.BuildTableOfContents(binaryReader); // Get constants for known symbols this.doneOpcode = Utilities.GetFxSymbolValue(this.macroDefinitionTable.SymbolTable, "FxDone"); this.pushObjOpcode = Utilities.GetFxSymbolValue(this.macroDefinitionTable.SymbolTable, "FxPushObj"); this.popObjOpcode = Utilities.GetFxSymbolValue(this.macroDefinitionTable.SymbolTable, "FxPopObj"); this.ProcessEffects(binaryReader, textWriter); } private void ReadBinaryData(string path) { using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(path); this.binaryData = new FxBinaryData(fileStream); } private void BuildTableOfContents(BinaryReader binaryReader) { for (int i = 0; i < this.binaryData.EffectCount; i++) { string fxName = binaryReader.ReadCString(); int offset = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); if (this.tableOfContents.ContainsKey(fxName)) { logger.Warn($"TOC already contains fx '{fxName}'; this may be a bug"); continue; } this.tableOfContents.Add(fxName, offset); } } private void ProcessEffects(BinaryReader binaryReader, IndentedTextWriter fileStream) { try { foreach (var kvp in this.tableOfContents) { this.WriteHeader(fileStream); this.ProcessEffect(binaryReader, fileStream, kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e.Message); return; } } private void WriteHeader(IndentedTextWriter fileStream) { fileStream.WriteLine("; Generated by FX Compiler. Comments will be lost."); } private void ProcessEffect( BinaryReader reader, IndentedTextWriter fileStream, string name, int offset) { logger.Info($"Processing '{name}'"); reader.BaseStream.Position = offset; fileStream.WriteLine($"fxdef {name}"); fileStream.Indent = 1; int lastOpcode = 0; try { while (true) { int opcode = reader.ReadByte(); if (!this.macroDefinitionTable.MacroDefinitions.TryGetValue(opcode, out FxMacroDefinition macroDefinition)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to map opcode to macro definition"); } if (opcode == this.doneOpcode) { fileStream.Indent--; break; } if (lastOpcode == this.pushObjOpcode) { fileStream.Indent++; } var lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); lineBuilder.Append(macroDefinition.Name); lineBuilder.Append(" "); foreach (var line in macroDefinition.FxDefGroup) { string stringValue = line switch { DataDefinitionMacroLine primitiveMacroLine => primitiveMacroLine.Deserialize(reader, this.macroDefinitionTable.SymbolTable), _ => throw new NotSupportedException() }; lineBuilder.Append(stringValue); lineBuilder.Append(" "); } if (opcode == this.popObjOpcode) { fileStream.Indent--; } fileStream.WriteLine(lineBuilder); fileStream.Flush(); lastOpcode = opcode; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error($"Exception processing {name}, last opcode was {lastOpcode}. Trace: {e}"); } fileStream.WriteLine("fxdone" + Environment.NewLine); } } }