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2021-01-24 00:40:09 +01:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=248929
// http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/stock_effects
Texture2D<float4> Texture : register(t0);
sampler Sampler : register(s0);
cbuffer Parameters : register(b0)
float4 DiffuseColor : packoffset(c0);
float4 AlphaTest : packoffset(c1);
float3 FogColor : packoffset(c2);
float4 FogVector : packoffset(c3);
float4x4 WorldViewProj : packoffset(c4);
#include "Structures.fxh"
#include "Common.fxh"
// Vertex shader: basic.
VSOutputTx VSAlphaTest(VSInputTx vin)
VSOutputTx vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
return vout;
// Vertex shader: no fog.
VSOutputTxNoFog VSAlphaTestNoFog(VSInputTx vin)
VSOutputTxNoFog vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
return vout;
// Vertex shader: vertex color.
VSOutputTx VSAlphaTestVc(VSInputTxVc vin)
VSOutputTx vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
vout.Diffuse *= vin.Color;
return vout;
// Vertex shader: vertex color, no fog.
VSOutputTxNoFog VSAlphaTestVcNoFog(VSInputTxVc vin)
VSOutputTxNoFog vout;
CommonVSOutput cout = ComputeCommonVSOutput(vin.Position);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
vout.Diffuse *= vin.Color;
return vout;
// Pixel shader: less/greater compare function.
float4 PSAlphaTestLtGt(PSInputTx pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = Texture.Sample(Sampler, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((color.a < AlphaTest.x) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
ApplyFog(color, pin.Specular.w);
return color;
// Pixel shader: less/greater compare function, no fog.
float4 PSAlphaTestLtGtNoFog(PSInputTxNoFog pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = Texture.Sample(Sampler, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((color.a < AlphaTest.x) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
return color;
// Pixel shader: equal/notequal compare function.
float4 PSAlphaTestEqNe(PSInputTx pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = Texture.Sample(Sampler, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((abs(color.a - AlphaTest.x) < AlphaTest.y) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
ApplyFog(color, pin.Specular.w);
return color;
// Pixel shader: equal/notequal compare function, no fog.
float4 PSAlphaTestEqNeNoFog(PSInputTxNoFog pin) : SV_Target0
float4 color = Texture.Sample(Sampler, pin.TexCoord) * pin.Diffuse;
clip((abs(color.a - AlphaTest.x) < AlphaTest.y) ? AlphaTest.z : AlphaTest.w);
return color;